
Order Form

Basic Surgical Skills (Intercollegiate BSS)

Please return this form three months in advance of the course date.Only order materials for the course date indicated; submit a separate materials order form for additional courses.

Course & Delivery Details

Course date
Name of regional centre(organising body)
Course administrator
(name, phone and email)
Delivery contact name
(name and email if different from course administrator)
Delivery address and phone number
(materials are sent by courier: physical address and phone number MUST be provided)


Participant pack (5th Edition)
(includes handbook, course DVD, administration and certification) / £125.00 / £
Faculty handbook / £30.00 / £
Participant handbook(for faculty/observers / centre) / £30.00 / £
Course DVD(for faculty/observers / centre) / £30.00 / £
Postage and packing (multiple materials orders submitted at the same time will normally incur only a single postage charge) / £30.00 / £

Payment (select one)

Chequemade payable to The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Invoicewith purchase order
Please attach a copy of the official purchase order (see explanatory notes overleaf). We cannot process your order without this.The purchase order amount must exactly match the total order amount on this form or it will be rejected (add P&P; do NOT add VAT). Please note that it is College policy only to issue invoices for £50 or more. If submitting multiple materials orders at the same time, only one PO is required.
Date of order

Email form toor post to:RCS Education, The Royal College of Surgeons of England, 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE.

Cancellations: In the event of course cancellation, the centre may return course materials and apply for a refund. Please note that an administration charge of £200 will be applicable. For more information please contact the Regional and International team.

April 2014


In line with the majority of other organisations, we will now only issue invoices for materials orders that are accompanied by a copy of an official purchase order issued by your hospital or trust.

If you currently pay in advance by cheque then you are not affected by this.

What is a purchase order?

A purchase order (PO) is an official document issued by an organisation to control the purchasing of goods or services from an external supplier. Essentially it is a guarantee that your hospital or trust has agreed to pay for the goods or services that you order.

In addition to listing the items ordered, it will contain the official invoice address, the contact details of the buyer who generated the order, and a valid PO number that we must quote on our invoice.

Please speak to the purchasing or finance department of your hospital / trust if you need more information on how to obtain a PO.

Why we need a purchase order

A significant proportion of the invoices issued by RCS Education are not paid on time and the problem is almost always that a PO was not received at all, or the total amount or official invoicing address on the PO did not match those supplied on the materials order form.

We therefore need a PO to:

  • minimise the amount of time we spend chasing unpaid invoices
  • ensure that we receive the correct payment in a timely manner
  • adhere to good business practice as a responsible supplier

What you need to do

  • Plan your courses well ahead of time so that you can arrange for a PO to be submitted with your materials order form and other course approval paperwork. We can no longer send you an invoice that doesnot contain a PO number for you to add one.
  • The PO number alone is not sufficient:we require a copy of the actual purchase order so that we can checkthe total amount is correctand that the invoicing address details we hold for each customer arealso correct.
  • Requisition orders / numbers are also not sufficient as they only indicate that you have requested an order, not that the trust has agreed to pay.
  • Make sure you are using an up to date materials order form that contains the correct prices. If your form and accompanying PO contain old prices then we cannot accept them and you will need to get a new PO. Please delete all previous versions of order forms and only use the most recent one that is available on our website.
  • Check the totals: make sure P&P has been added and that VAT hasnot been added; the PO total must exactly match the total given on the materials order form.

Please note that we cannot make any exceptions to this.

If you are an independent financial entity (i.e. your bills are not paid by your hospital or trust) then we will need to set you up as a separate organisation on our system. Please contact us for details:

Version 2.0 August 2015 Registered charity no. 212808