Information on Music Lessons at Rosebery School

Rosebery has a long and outstanding tradition of excellent facilities and teaching of instrumental and singing lessons by a team of 24 highly skilled peripatetic teachers. Learning to sing or play an instrument is enjoyable, improves co-ordination and memory skills, and can provide a lasting appreciation of music. We hope your daughter will wish to join the 550 students who take lessons every week, many of whom love taking part in the wide range of choirs and orchestras on offer.

Please be aware of the following:

1) Years 7, 8, and 9 mostly have lessons by rotating out of school lessons. This means they miss half a period of a different subject each week. Only in this way are we able to offer lessons to so many students. Most cope admirably with the system and catch up the work missed easily. Break and lunchtime slots are reserved for Year 10 and 11 students, who are not allowed to miss academic lessons. Sometimes, if a teacher’s timetable allows it, he/she MAY be able to accommodate specific requests for a fixed slot.

2) You are required to give a term’s notice in writing to Mr Marsh and to the teacher concerned if your daughter wishes to stop lessons. We strictly enforce notice periods to protect our team of peripatetics, who may have turned other students away to give your daughter a slot.

3) Fees are due at the second lesson, payable to the teacher concerned who will send home an invoice with your daughter after the first lesson. If fees are not paid by the fourth lesson, subsequent lessons will be suspended but charged for.

4) We can hire out most instruments by the term. You are responsible for paying the Hire Fee direct to the school via ParentPay at the beginning of every term. NB: Invoices are not issued for this, but you will see the amount due on ParentPay. You are responsible for insuring the instrument. Please make sure instruments and cases are clearly marked with the student’s name. Any instruments not required MUST be returned to Mr Marsh personally to be signed off in good condition. Failure to do this may mean you continue to be charged hire fees. Please note that we do not hire out saxophones or electric guitars.

5) Shared lessons are ONLY available for Singing, Contemporary or Electric Guitar (not Classical Guitar). We will try to accommodate any requests for sharing partners.

6) If your daughter is ill, it is helpful to inform the Music Department or the teacher as soon as possible. Lessons missed due to the absence of teachers will be made up but not those missed by students, unless the teacher has space to do so.

7) There will be 30 lessons provided across the year according to the commitments of peripatetics. This means there will be some weeks when lessons are not offered.

8) If a student forgets to go to a lesson, she should find or ring the teacher as soon as possible as sometimes additional slots may be available to make up the lesson.

We hope you will consider taking up one of the more unusual instruments, such as Viola, Trombone, Cornet, Oboe or Double Bass but, whichever instrument, or voice, making music with other musicians is great fun, and builds confidence and self-esteem.

Please send any enquiries to Mr Marsh at

Individual or shared lessons can be arranged for the following instruments:

Pianoforte / *Flute / *French Horn / Timpani and Percussion
Singing (may be shared) / *Clarinet / *Trumpet / Drum-kit
*Violin / *Oboe / *Trombone / *Contemporary Guitar (may be shared)
*Viola / *Bassoon / *Tuba/Euphonium / *Classical Guitar (not shared)
*Cello / Saxophone (not hired) / Cornet / Electric Guitar (may be shared)
*Double Bass / Recorder / (not hired)

Instruments marked * may be available on loan.

Excellent practice and teaching facilities are available and we strongly recommend that you learn to play one of the more unusual instruments (eg oboe, bassoon, horn, trombone, tuba, viola and double bass).

If you require piano lessons, please ensure your daughter has access to a piano or keyboard (4 octaves minimum) at home.

We do not advise you purchase instruments from eBay as you cannot check the quality before paying.

Guitars: if you are unsure as to which instrument to buy, please contact Julian Taylor on 020 8394 2969 (Classical) or Robin Bibi on 020 8397 5717 (Electric).


A / Instrumental/Singing lessons / Cost for 10 lessons
30 minute individual lessons / £180
30 minute shared lesson* Singing or Acoustic/ Electric Guitar ONLY / £106
B / Class theory lessons in preparation for Grade V / £60
C / Loan of school instruments / £25

* These alternatives may have to be at the discretion of the school.

With the exception of (C), fees are payable termly in advance direct to the peripatetic music teacher (NOT the school) at the second lesson. (Please do not send money to the school.)

The fees for instrument loan (C) are payable to Rosebery School at the beginning of each term via ParentPay.

Each student should acquire and retain a note of her teacher’s address, contact number and email address. Parents should contact the individual teacher if they have any concerns.


Students who have lessons arranged by the school are expected to take part in Rosebery’s music activities (eg orchestras and choirs), as appropriate.

If you have any queries relating to music lessons, please contact Mr Marshat .