Information for Parents - Year 3
Dear Parents
We would like to take this early opportunity to give you information which may be of use to you this term.
One of our aims is to help your child to work independently and to encourage them to be responsible for their own belongings.
Your child will be given homework each week on a Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday. This will consist of reading, maths, spelling practice and an open ended challenge linked to the work we are undertaking in class. Please try to find the time to share in your child’s homework activity. Encourage them to explore different ways of learning e.g. practical, creative, research, I.C.T. etc.
We suggest that wherever possible, you should try to listen to your child read for 10-15 minutes at least three times a week. Children who read three times a week and get their reading records signed, will gain a weekly entry into a termly prize draw; children who read more than three times a week will be given two entries. Please share a variety of books - not just those brought home from school. Children reading from the library ‘gold shelf’ are more than welcome to bring their own books from home to read in class. Please encourage your child to read as widely as possible - and remember - comics and magazines are reading too!
Your child will have the opportunity to change their reading book during the week when necessary. This is their responsibility and they must inform us if they need it changing. Library books are changed once a week during class library periods. Please ensure library books are in school on a Wednesday and Friday.
We also ask that your child practises their times tables. Your child will know which times table they need to learn. They are assessed regularly to see if they are ready to move on to the next times table once they can recall them quickly and not in order.
Spellings will be included as part of the basic skills homework. Please encourage your child to investigate these sounds/words and spot them in their reading.
All subjects apart from R.E. are now covered as part of our Topic work, which this term includes:
Prehistoric People
We are Astronauts
Food and Our Bodies
Our R.E. will be comparing and contrasting Hinduism and Christianity.
Your child will require their P.E. kit on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Indoor kit consists of shorts, T-shirt etc. and bare feet (unless they have a verruca in which case you need to sign a permission slip for plimsolls to be worn). Bright coloured tops and "Bermuda" style shorts are not appropriate for P.E. For safety's sake, we ask children to remove all jewellery for P.E. and games. Long hair needs to be tied up.
Outdoor kit consists of suitable outdoor clothing, e.g. trainers, shorts, tracksuit and a sweatshirt/old jumper. As we go out in all weathers, please ensure that your child has sufficient warm clothing.
We have a parent's evening planned for the 10th and 12th October to discuss how your child has settled in. However, if you have any concerns before that please do not hesitate to pop in.
Please ensure all your child’s clothes and shoes are clearly marked with their name, as we have a lot of lost property. We would appreciate school bags to be of a reasonable size (drawstring bags are best) as we have limited hanging space in the cloakroom.
We would be grateful if you could inform us of any change in home circumstances, health problems etc. as soon as possible.
We are hoping to visit a Hindu Mandir, the Jewry Wall Museum and the Space Centre this term. Details will be sent home at a later date.
We hope that we can work with you to ensure the best possible to Year 3 and a new Key Stage for your child.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
The Year 3 Team September 2016