Class Notes: Here are some of the main points from Last Nights class -

1. Class Website:

2. Save file from website - click on link from website – select Save – not open and save to your desired location – either desktop or my documents –click save and then open.

3. Open file from folder on desktop – Goto desktop –double click on folder and double on file, if file is not in folder, click on file and drag into folder.
4. Create folders -

  1. Right click on an open area of your desktop, or in an open area of Windows Explorer.
  2. Then left click New
  3. Then left click Folder.

    Once your folder appears either on your desktop or in Windows Explorer you will notice that the folder name is highlighted. This is giving you the opportunity to name your folder. It is always best to give your folder a very memorable name that accurately describes its contents.
  4. Type in the name you want to give to your newly created folder, and then hit Enter to complete the process.

Second Method

This method is for use in Windows Explorer only.

  1. Open up Windows Explorer ((Hold down the Windows Key and press E) or left click Start/Programs/Accessories/Windows Explorer)
  2. Navigate to the place you where you want your new folder to be created.
  3. Then from the top toolbar click File
  4. Then left click New
  5. Then left click Folder

    Once your folder appears either on your desktop or in Windows Explorer you will notice that the folder name is highlighted. This is giving you the opportunity to name your folder. It is always best to give your folder a very memorable name that accurately describes its contents.
  6. Type in the name you want to give to your newly created folder, and then hit Enter to complete the process.

Third Method

This method can only be used by Windows XP, and Windows 2003 users.

  1. Open My Computer ((Left click Start/My Computer) or double click the My Computer icon on your desktop)
  2. Navigate to the place you where you want your new folder to be created.
  3. Then left click Make a new folder from the File and Folder Tasks menu in your Common Tasks toolbar.

    Once your folder appears either on your desktop or in Windows Explorer you will notice that the folder name is highlighted. This is giving you the opportunity to name your folder. It is always best to give your folder a very memorable name that accurately describes its contents.
  4. Type in the name you want to give to your newly created folder, and then hit Enter to complete the process.
  1. Delete browsing history in Internet Explorer 7?

What does this feature really do?
It deletes the following items which are split into five categories, listed below:

  • Temporary Internet Files: Downloaded files cached on the client for quick access
  • Temporary Internet Files cached for quick access
  • Cached files containing Offline favorites
  • Information stored by other applications in the Temporary Internet Files folder (e.g. attachment files stored by Outlook)
  • Cookies: Information persisted by the client on behalf of the server
  • Cookies
  • XML Userdata cache
  • History: website addresses (URLs) stored to enable History/most recently used website addresses
  • Typed website addresses used for Addressbar Autocomplete
  • The list of most recently used website addresses in the Run… dialog
  • URL History entries (excluding ones marked as Offline Favorites)
  • Stored value for Encoding (Code Page)
  • Form Data: User-entered personal data stored by the client
  • AutoComplete form data
  • Passwords: User-entered personal data stored by the client
  • AutoComplete password data

(Please note, if you’re part of a domain in a corporate environment, an administrator has the ability to disable certain aspects of this feature.)

The User Interface for this feature provides information about what exactly these types of information are and gives the user the ability to individually delete each type of information or delete all information at once. Here’s what the main dialog looks like:

As an added bonus, if cleaning up is taking a while, a cancellable progress dialog is shown. You can ignore the dialog and go back to the browser (or even close it) – the process will continue in the background until it’s done. No more sitting around waiting for your 200MB cache to be emptied!

Where can we find this great feature?
Just go to the Tools menu and you’ll see ‘Delete Browsing History…’. Or whilst you’re in the internet options dialog, you can find this feature under the General tab in the Browsing history section cleverly disguised as the ‘Delete…’ button.

6. Disk cleanup

Disk Cleanup Utility
To keep a PC running smoothly, regular maintenance is critical. Many users shy away from maintenance tasks, thinking it is a long, drawn out manual affair, but the Disk Cleanup Utility can easily determine which files on a hard drive may no longer be needed and delete those files. In addition to freeing up potentially significant amounts of hard drive space, using Disk Cleanup on a regular basis can significantly improve system performance.
Starting Disk Cleanup
Disk Cleanup is available on both Home and Professional versions of XP. The utility can be accessed in any of the methods listed below.
  • Click Start | Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Disk Cleanup
  • Click Start | Run and in the Open box type cleanmgr and click OK
  • In Windows Explorer or My Computer, right-click the disk in which you want to free up space, click Properties, click the General tab, and then click Disk Cleanup.
Use the drop down menu arrow to select the drive you want to clean.

Click [OK] and Disk Cleanup will analyze the selected drive to determine the amount of space that can be freed.

Note: Be patient. Analyzing the drive can be a lengthy process depending on drive size and contents.
Once the drive analysis is complete a list of file categories will be presented for your selection.

Instead of automatically proceeding with cleanup once the drive analysis is complete, Disk Cleanup allows you to review the categories of files that can be deleted. Click on any of the categories to display more information relative to that category in the Description section of the window. If you're unsure if you want to delete the files in a category from the description, use the [View Files] button. A complete list of files scheduled for deletion will be displayed in Windows Explorer. Use drag and drop to move any files you want to save to a safe location and leave the category selected. If all the files are to be saved, close the window and then remove the checkmark from the file category so it will not be included in the disk cleanup. After all the categories have been reviewed, click [OK] to begin the disk cleanup process.
File Categories in Disk Cleanup Utility
There are a number of different types of file categories that Disk Cleanup targets when it performs the initial disk analysis. Depending on the individual system, you may or may not have all the categories listed below. An excellent example of this would be Backup Files from a Previous Operating System. If a clean install of XP was performed then this category will not exist. It pays to click on each of the categories and note that the [View Files] button can change depending on the category selected.
  • Downloaded Program Files
These are ActiveX controls and Java applets downloaded from Web sites that are temporarily stored in the Downloaded Program Files folder. It's not program files or zip files that you have downloaded from other locations.
  • Temporary Internet Files
This refers to Internet Explorer's cache of Web pages that are stored on the hard drive for quicker viewing. None of your personal web settings are affected by selecting this category, nor does it delete any cookie files.
  • Recycle Bin
The main thing to be aware of in this category is that it only refers to the Recycle Bin for the selected hard drive or partition. This is important since XP uses an individual Recycle Bin for each drive and partition, not just one as is the case in some Windows versions.
  • Temporary Remote Desktop Files
These files are the result of using the Remote Desktop utility. If you repeatedly use Remote Desktop with the same computer or group of computers, leaving these files intact will maintain the speed of future connections. Deleting them will necessitate downloading the remote systems icons and wallpaper the next time a connection is established.
  • Setup Log Files
These are really pretty useless unless you have a specific reason to go back and see what occurred during XP setup.
  • Backup Files For Previous Operating System
I mentioned this category earlier as one you may not have, but if you did upgrade from a previous Windows version and selected the option to be able to uninstall XP, it may well exist. It takes some major hard drive space to copy all the files necessary to back up a previous system's core files, drivers, etc. This entry can range anywhere from a few hundred megabytes up to a gigabyte, so unless you are still considering dumping XP this is a good category to select.
  • Offline Files
Users with slower dialup connections and those using laptops frequently make websites they use often available offline. Depending on how many levels deep you save the sites, they can eat up gigabytes of hard drive space very quickly. Worse than taking up space, the sites often contain outdated information. A good candidate for deletion.
  • Compress Old Files
Unlike the other categories, Compress Old Files doesn't delete any files from the drive. It compresses files that Windows hasn't accessed for a specified period of time. The files are still available, but there will be a slight increase in access times because the files will be decompressed the next time they are accessed. Note that when Compress Old Files is highlighted an Options button appears. Clicking it will allow you to set the number of days to wait before an unaccessed file is compressed.
There may be other categories that appear in your Disk Cleanup window, but in all cases, highlighting the item will display an explanation of the category in the Description area


7. What is phishing is the criminallyfraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Communications purporting to be from popular social web sites, auction sites, online payment processors or IT administrators are commonly used to lure the unsuspecting public. Phishing is typically carried out by e-mail or instant messaging,[1] and it often directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate one. Even when using server authentication, it may require tremendous skill to detect that the website is fake. Phishing is an example of social engineering techniques used to fool users,[2] and exploits the poor usability of current web security technologies.[3] Attempts to deal with the growing number of reported phishing incidents include legislation, user training, public awareness, and technical security measures.