Jawun Indigenous CorporatePartnerships Program
Application form: East and West Kimberley October 2016 intakes


Indigenous Enterprise Partnershipsestablished in 2001 as a not-for-profit organisation was renamed ‘Jawun’ in 2010, meaning ‘friend’ or ‘family’. The aim of Jawun is to bring corporate, government, philanthropic and Indigenous organisations together to build the capability of Indigenous people and organisations across Australia, and move from a focus on the delivery of social services towards development.

In accord with this aim Jawunoffers opportunities to individuals from both private and public sectors with relevant skills and experience to participate in a short-term secondment program to share their skills and experience with Indigenous people and organisations. The program is supported by ‘Secondment (Corporate) Partners’, one of which is the Western Australian State Government .

The short-term secondment program provides opportunities for the placement of non−Aboriginal participants in Aboriginal organisationsand communities.

Applications are being sought from public sector officers (Level 7 and above) to take part in the program via completion of the Application form. The application process is being facilitated by the Public Sector Commission. The next intakes are for the East Kimberley, 23October 2016 to 3December 2016,and for the West Kimberley,17 October 2016 to 25 November 2016. There will be placements for two successful applicants, one in the East Kimberley and one in the West Kimberley. Applications close at 5.00 pm on Friday 26 August 2016.

Theshort-term secondment program provides a unique development opportunity for public sector leaders of the future.

For more information about Jawun refer

Program outline

Jawun requiressecondees(Level 7 and above) to work and live in remote locations, in this case within the East and West Kimberley, under a short-term secondment arrangement for a six-week period. This includes a six-dayinduction course for secondees.

The salary of secondees is toremain in place for the six-week period (induction and secondment), the payment of whichis to be met by the secondee’sagency.

The Public Sector Commission will fund:

  • four-wheel drive training
  • cultural awareness training
  • accommodation costs, whether located in Halls Creek, Kununurra, Warman, Wyndham or Broome
  • travel including air fares, car hire and fuel
  • accommodation during the induction period and for a three-day debrief at the conclusion of the secondment
  • all meals as per the Award applicable tothe secondee.

Managers and agency chief executives are required to endorse applications and confirm that: the applicant, if successful,canbe released from their duties for the period of secondment; and the salary will remain in place for the six-week period.

Professional and personal attributes of secondees

It is important that applicants, or prospective secondees,possess the following attributes:

  • resilience and adaptability
  • committed and high-performing public sector leader
  • possession of transferable skills and the capacity to develop those skills in others
  • interested in working with Indigenous people and organisations
  • a willingness to share the benefit of their skills and experience with Indigenous people and organisations during the six-week secondmentand to share their experience as a secondee with others after the period of secondment.

Please attach a copy your current CV to the Application form.

Application and selection process

Applicants, or prospective secondees,will be assessed by Jawun againstthe following criteria.

  1. The applicantis proficient in at least one of the skill sets required for identified secondment projects.
  2. The applicanthas the professional and personal attributes to successfully complete a secondment(including emotional intelligence and resilience).
  3. The applicantdisplays potential for continued promotion as a leaderin the public sector.

Closing date

Applications close (for both East and West Kimberley intakes) at 5.00pm on Friday26August2016.

Late applications will not be accepted.

Application form

All applications, comprised of a completed Application form with attached copy of your current CV, must be submitted to the Public Sector Commission via email to 5.00pm on Friday 26 August 2016.

If you are unable to email your application, please contact Ms Tracey Cullen on (08) 6552 8544 to make alternative arrangements.

Section 1

Applicant, or prospective secondee,details

Given name/s
Gender / MaleFemale
Work phone number
Mobile number
Email address

Section 2

Manager approval and support

I endorse this applicationand support the applicant’s participation in the Jawun Indigenous Corporate Partnerships short-term secondment program.
I have read the applicationand confirm that the applicant has the professional and personal attributes to successfully complete a secondment(including emotional intelligence and resilience), is a high-performing employee who has the potential to contribute and benefit from participation in the short-term secondment program and displays potential for continued promotion as a leaderin the public sector.

Section 2 continued

Statement of commitment: Chief Executive Officer

In my capacity as Chief Executive Officer, I confirm that my agency will:
release the applicantfrom their duties to participate in asix-week secondment
will ensure the applicant’s salary remains in place for the duration of a six-weeksecondment.

Section 3

Preference of applicant, or prospective secondee

East Kimberley (Kununurra or surrounding areas): 23 October-3 December 2016
West Kimberley (Broome or surrounding areas): 17 October-25 November 2016

Office use only


Recommended for interview Not recommended for interview

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