March 8, 2017

The meeting was duly posted. Mayor Ryan Patterson called the meeting to order at approximately 6:31 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.

ROLL CALL: Mayor Ryan Patterson, Vice Mayor Spence Udall, Councilman Tony Raykovitz, Councilman JR Richardson, Councilman Peter Hancock and Councilman Tony Lindsey.

ABSENT: Councilwoman Kay Hauser

STAFF PRESENT: Interim City Manager Paul Ramsey, Finance Director/City Clerk Timothy Hinton, Deputy City Clerk Cindy Lee, City Attorney Bryce Patterson, Police Sergeant Paul Albert, Assistant Fire Chief Jason Kirk, Assistant EMS Chief Jean Kirk, and Firefighter Robert Vallejos.


PLEDGE: Assistant Fire Chief Jason Kirk

INVOCATION: Deputy City Clerk Cindy Lee


1.  Consider approval of January 11, 2017 City Council minutes.

2.  Request approval for payment of bills from January 1-31, 2017 and February 1-28, 2017. Special details of bills can be requested at City Hall.


Motion was made by Councilman Tony Raykovitz to approve the consent agenda as stated. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Spence Udall.

Motion 5-0

Note: Councilman Tony Lindsey joined the meeting.


3.  Audit Presentation/HintonBurdick – McKay Hall.

McKay presented the findings of the audit the HintonBurdick conducted for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016.

4.  Consideration of donating 1988 Ford brush truck to Alpine Fire District.

Assistant Fire Chief Jason Kirk commented that in January Council meeting we discussed the purchase of a new brush truck with that we need to dispose of the 1988 Ford brush truck. It has 394,000 miles on the truck. Based on the value, Mr. Kirk did not think that it would bring in a substantial amount for the vehicle. However the Alpine Fire District, with a joint operation where they are managing the Nutrioso Fire District, he believes that there is some opportunity to take some of our better fortunes and be able to roll that down to Alpine Fire District as well. I would like to transfer this truck to the Alpine Fire District based on their history of support to our community.

Councilman JR Richardson asked if the truck was serviceable.

Mr. Kirk commented that the truck is 30 years old and is serviceable. You wouldn’t want to take it across the country. Mr. Kirk thought for the area of Alpine and Nutrioso it would be far better than what they’re dealing with currently.

Mayor Patterson wanted to know what the fair market value of the truck would be through Public Surplus.

Mr. Kirk commented it is hard to say. It is all in what someone is willing to pay for the truck. I would say less than $5000 as it sits right now.


Motion was made by Councilman JR Richardson to donate the 1988 Ford brush truck to the Alpine Fire District. Motion was seconded by Councilman Tony Lindsey.

Motion passed 6-0

5.  Consideration of donating breathing air compressor to Greer Fire District.

Assistant Fire Chief Jason Kirk commented that the Gila River Indian Community was exceedingly gracious to us in the last couple of years. The breathing air compressor fill station is a phenomenal piece of equipment. That has all been delivered, installed and currently in service today. The old breathing air compressor was purchased in 1997 for approximately $22,000. Breathing air systems fully reconditioned on the internet run $7500. Ours is 20 years old and is not reconditioned and will no longer be a use to us. Greer is currently using a 1982 version. Once again to donate will benefit the community.


Motion was made by Councilman Tony Raykovitz to donate the breathing air compressor to Greer Fire District. Motion was seconded by Councilman JR Richardson.

Motion passed 6-0

6.  Consider continuing with the GEO Tour and having a locally-based GEO Tour-focused event.

Interim City Manager Paul Ramsey commented that this is not a decision that needs to be made tonight. This will be an agenda item at the Apache Navajo Counties Mayors and Councilmember Association on April 20, 2017. I would like to give you a chance to think about the geocaching. If you felt that the geocaching was worth the effort last year and the money spent. The GEO Tour are choosing not to have the big grand faunally that they had last October. They are recommending that each entity do the event locally. We have had a lot of participation as far as people coming to check the sites. It is hard to know why people were coming for was hunting season or the geocaching.

Councilman Richardson wanted to know who organized the sites for the City and did they keep record of how many times the site was found.

Mr. Ramsey commented that Dana Waite was over the City sites. He did keep a log with each site. We could have those numbers for you at the next meeting. The geocaching did not cost a whole lot its self as far as the upkeep of each site.

Mayor Patterson commented that it would be interesting to think of what we could do around other events like the 4th of July or the County Fair. In other areas, outside of Vegas, they have large numbers turning out. Mayor commented that he thought it was a mistake for the Geo Tour to not have the big event at the end. But maybe we have an event to coordinate with another event.

7.  Discuss dates for budget sessions.

Finance Director/City Clerk Timothy Hinton commented that in the past we have had the budget meetings in the afternoon.

Mayor Patterson asked the Council what their wishes were.

Councilmembers commented that before the Council meetings would be good.

Mr. Hinton commented that the budget meeting will be set for April 12th at 5 p.m. and May 10th at 5 p.m. And we will see if we need another budget meeting in June.

Mayor Patterson commented that it would be nice to have food brought in for those that will not be able to go home before the meetings.


·  See Click Fix- This is the item that we put on the City website where citizens can report pot holes, street lights are out or right away issues and more. The citizens can complete the information on this site. We have the site up and running. Please let people know that they can go to our website to find See Click Fix.

·  Patterson Pond - Emails were sent out to council regarding the City receiving the Heritage Grant. The details on the grant are pretty much everything we asked for with the exception of fish feeders. The grant includes running electrical to the ponds, the aeration, the fishing dock, tree planting, weed eradication, and picnic tables. We will be using the donation from SRP to pour the pads for the tables and possible the steel for shade of the tables. We are looking at having everything ready by August. Also, the trails have lime stone on them now. We are improving the parking and the fish have been stocked. People are catching fish.

·  Game and Fish Commission meeting - This meeting will be August 1-4. They are going to be staying here in St. Johns. Council will have an opportunity to discuss issues with the commission. The City will be cooking breakfast for the commission at Patterson Pond.

·  Apache Navajo Counties Mayor and Councilmember Association – this will be April 20th at noon. We are sponsoring the meeting. We will be providing the meal. There will also be a showcase presentation of our community.

·  ALCO Building – The City was outbid by the Market Place/IGA owner and the City does not know what he will be doing with the building.


·  Officer Training – Officer Van Hilsen is now our field train officer, he can train other officers. Officer Bond went to General Instructor School; he can go into the class room and teach AZ Post courses such as at the Academy in Taylor. Officer Bond also went to Traffic Collision training. He is working towards becoming an accident investigator.

·  DUI Intoxilyzer 8000 – These machines have to be calibrated every month, we now have to people trained to calibrate this machine.

·  Governor’s Office of Highway Safety - We are working on some grants with the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety. We have to thank Assistant Fire Chief Jason Kirk for helping us while Tammy was with her family. She lost her sister to cancer.

·  Opioid Summit – Sergeant Albert attended this meeting. It was about the problems people have with prescription drugs becoming addicted to them.

·  VIP’s – They helped with the Rangers on their walk from the Show Low Y into Show Low. On their return to St. Johns, the VIP’s came upon a DUI accident. They performed traffic control till an officer could get there.

·  Officer Smith - He has completed his FTOS last week. He will be patrolling on his own now.

·  Police Motorcycle - Officer Wallace will be using the motorcycle for traffic control and focusing on the school areas.

·  Chief Brown - He will be back March 21st.


·  City Hall Park – Councilman Hancock would like an update on the City Hall Park. Interim City Manager Ramsey commented that he would send an email on the update.


Motion was made by Vice Mayor Spence Udall to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Councilman Tony Raykovitz.

Motion passed 6-0

Meeting adjourned at 7:24 p.m.

Ryan Patterson, Mayor


Cindy Lee, Deputy City Clerk


I hereby certify that the forgoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the St. Johns City Council meeting held March 8, 2017. I certify that the meeting was duly called, held, and that a quorum was present.

Cindy Lee, Deputy City Clerk

*Please note: Approved minutes are not verbatim record of what happened at the City Council meeting, they capture a summary of the meeting as well as all action taken. A recording of the entire meeting is available upon request at the City Clerk’s office for three months following the meeting.


City Council Regular Meeting

March 8, 2017

“The City of St. Johns is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.”