All students should review our web site at haas.berkeley.edu/Undergrad prior to filling out this form. All minimum eligibility requirements (prerequisites and a minimum of 60 semester (90 quarter) units) must be completed by the end of the Spring term prior to starting at the Haas School of Business. Students with credit from AP, IB and A Level exams should review the exam credit summary on our web site to determine how exams may be applied to admission requirements.


·  Haas no longer requires foreign language

·  Stat C8 and Stat 88 taken together fulfills the Statistics prerequisite

·  A score of 3, 4 or 5 on the Math AB AP Exam fulfills Math 16A or 1A

·  A score of 3, 4 or 5 on the Math BC AP Exam fulfills Math 16A or 1A

·  A score of 4 or 5 on the Micro and Macro AP Exams fulfills the Economics prerequisite


Courses listed in italics are UC Berkeley courses. California community college students should visit www.assist.org for course numbers. If you took more than one class that would fulfill a prerequisite, record the first course taken.

Department and Course Number Grade

Principles of Business (UGBA 10 at UCB)
2 Semesters (3 quarters) of Calculus
·  Calculus (Math 16A or 1A at UCB)*
·  Calculus (Math 16B or 1B at UCB)*
Economic Principles:
Courses in micro and macro economics.
(Econ 1 or 2 at UCB)
Transfer students may need to take a 2 course sequence to fulfill this requirement.
Statistics 20 or 21 or W21 or 131A or 134.
Students can also take one of the Foundations of Data Science Courses (Stat/Info/CS C8) plus a connector course (Stat 88 or UGBA 96 Data and Decisions) to fulfill the statistics prerequisite.
English/Reading and Composition
(English R1A or equivalent at UCB)
English/Reading and Composition
(English R1B or equivalent at UCB)

* Note: Either Math 53 or Math 54 alone will fulfill both semesters of calculus.


Students typically apply during the fall term of their sophomore year.

Each semester during their freshman and sophomore years students are advised to take the following pattern of courses (UC Berkeley courses are listed in italics):

1. One or Two of the following prerequisites:
§ Principles of Business (UGBA 10 at UCB)
§ 1st Semester Calculus (Math 16A or Math 1A at UCB)*
§ 2nd Semester Calculus (Math 16B or Math 1B at UCB)*
§ Statistics (Stat 20 or 21 or W21 or 131A or 134 at UCB. Students can also take one of the Foundations of Data Science Courses (Stat/Info/CS C8) plus a connector course (Stat 88 or UGBA 96 Data and Decisions) at UCB to fulfill the statistics prerequisite)
§ Economics (Econ 1 or 2 at UCB)
*Note: Either Math 53 or Math 54 alone will fulfill both semesters of calculus.
2. One of the remaining prerequisites:
§ English Reading & Composition (English 1A or equivalent at UCB)
§ English Reading & Composition (English 1B or equivalent at UCB)
3. Courses for an alternate major and/or breadth course(s)**

** The Haas 7 course breadth sequence is a degree requirement for Haas and courses are not required for admission. Please visit our web site for additional information about Haas breadth requirements: http://haas.berkeley.edu/Undergrad/breadth_list.html


Please call or stop by our office to speak with an advisor at any time during our open hours. No appointment is necessary as all of our advising is done on a drop in basis.

Haas Undergraduate Program

S450 Student Services Building #1900

Berkeley, CA 94720-1900

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm and Tuesday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Closed for lunch 12:30pm – 1:30pm

Last Updated: January 2018