Authors & Publication year / Reference / Design / Striatum / Reward system / Other brain regions / Behavioral/Hormonal variablesLorberbaum et al. 1999 / 1 / 7 mothers (children 4 years old) Stimuli: infant cry Vs control sound / right SgACC (+) / right MFG (+), r SFG (+)
Lorberbaum et al., 2002 / 2 / 10 mothers 4-8 weeks post-partum
Stimuli: infant cry Vs control sound / straitum: right putamen (+), caudate (+), NAcc (+) / ACC (+),
Midbrain (+), hypothalamus (+), substantia nigra (+), VTA(+), OFC (+) / insula (+), DLPFC (+)
Bartels &Zeki, 2004 / 3 / 20 mothers (children 9 month-6 year old)
own Vs familiar child picture. partner Vs acquaintance adult picture / Own>Familiar:
Putamen (+), head of the caudate nucleus (+).
Own child+Own partner (overlapping regions): putamen (+),caudate nucleus (+). / Own>Familiar:
lOFC (+),substantia nigra (+) ,subthalamic regions (+), postero-ventral thalamus (+), globus pallidus (+).
Own child-Own partner (maternal regions): lOFC (+).
Own child+Own partner (overlapping regions):globus pallidus (+), dACC (+). / Own>Familiar: medial insula (+), cingulate gyrus (+) dorsal, ventral of the genu (+),lateral prefrontal cortex (+), occipital cortex (+), lateral fusiform cortex (+), PAG (+). Lateral prefrontal cortex (-), lateral parietal cortex (-), mSTS (-), mSTG (-), temporal pole (-), PCC (-) amygdala (-), precuneus (-).
Own child+Own partner (overlapping regions): middle insula (+).
Own child>Own partner (maternal regions): PAG (+).
Leibenluft et al. 2004 / 4 / 7 mothers (children 5-12 year old)
own Vs familiar and unknown children face pictures / Own>Familiar child:
putamen (+). / Own>Familiar child:
Thalamus (+), globus pallidus (+).
Own>Familiar and Familiar<Unknown: thalamus (-). / Own>Familiar child: bilaterally anterior paracingulate (+), dlPFC (+), left insula (+),left posterior fusiform gyrus (+), left STS (+), right PCC (+), precuneus(+), right amygdala (+), cerebellum (+).
Familiar>Unfamiliar child: right anterior paracingulate (+), left insula (+), left STS (+),posterior cingulate/precuneus (+),ventral occipital regions bilaterally (-), right fusiform gyrus (-),the left amygdala (-).
Unknown children> unfamiliar adults: left fusiform gyrus (+), right STS (+), left posterior cingulate/precuneus (+),left insula (+).
Own>Familiar and Familiar<Unknown: bilateral paracingulate cortex (+), left pSTS (+) , right PCC/precuneus (+), and left anterior insula (+), intraoccipital sulcus (-).
Nitschke et al., 2004 / 5 / 6 mothers (children 4-6months old)
own infant Vs unknown infant pictures. / Own>Unknown: OFC (+). / Own>Unknown: bilateral cuneus (+), precuneus (+), fusiform gyrus (+), cerebellum (+).
Ranote et al. 2004 / 6 / 10 mothers (4-8 months)
own Vs unknown infant and control videos / Infant>Control:
bilateral cerebellum (+), Middle occipital gyrus (+),left MTG (+)., STG (+), postcentral (+).
Own>Unknown infant: right anterior temporal pole (+), right middle occipital gyrus (+), left amygdala (+).
Strathearn et al. 2008 / 7 / 28 mothers (children 11 month old)
own Vs unknown infant faces (sad, happy and neutral) / Own>Unknown:
Ventral striatum (+), caudate (+), putamen (+).
Happy- Own>Unknown: bilateral putamen (+) / Own>Unknown:
VTA (+), substantia nigra (+), thalamus (+), hypothalamus (+), ACC (+).
Happy- Own>Unknown:, left substantia nigra (+), right thalamus (+). . / Own>Unknown: medial prefrontal (+),insula (+), dlPFC (+), primary motor area (+),inferior, middle, and superior temporal gyri (including the fusiform gyrus and temporal pole) (+), lateral amygdala (+).
Happy- Own>Unknown: left lateral superior amygdala (+).
Kringelbach et al. 2008 / 8 / 12 non-parents-5 male/7 female
MEG study: happy, neutral and sad faces of infant and adult / Infant>Adult:
medial OFC, in 12-20Hz after 165ms post-stimulus.
Noriuchi, Kikuchi &Senoo, 2008 / 9 / 13 mothers (children 1.5 year old)
own Vs unknown-separation & play videos / Own>Unknown: putamen (+).
Separation-Own>Unknown: putamen (+).
Own>Unknown: left putamen (+).
Own Separation>Play: caudate nucleus (+), / Own>Unknown: OFC (+),hypothalamus (+), thalamus (+).
Own>Unknown: hypothalamus (+).
Own Separation>Play: L OFC (+),thalamus (+),substantia nigra (+).
Own Separation<Play: hypothalamus (+). Own>Unknown-Joy correlation: left OFC. Own>Unknown-Anxious correlation: right OFC. / Own>Unknown: IFG (+),dmPFC (+), MFG (+) , MTG (+), anterior insula (+), left precentral gyrus (+), posterior cingulate gyrus (+),PAG (+) .
Own<Unknown: bilateral postcentral gyrus (+) ,right frontal pole (+),STG (+),left IPL (+), precuneus (+), fusiform gyrus (+),parahippocampal gyrus (+).
Separation-Own>Unknown: bilateral MFG (+), SFG (+), angular gyrus (+), posterior cingulate gyrus (+), MTG (+), precuneus (+), fusiform gyrus (+),dmPFC (+).
Own>Unknown: right MFG (+), inferior temporal gyrus (+), MTG (+), STG (+), inferior occipital gyrus (+).
Own Separation>Play: bilateral SFG (+), DMPFC (+), MFG (+), STS (+), STG (+), IPL (+), precuneus (+) , right IFG (+), MTG (+), anterior cingulate gyrus (+), posterior cingulate gyrus (+),precentral gyrus (+), ITG (+) ,SPL (+), angular gyrus (+), cuneus (+).
Own Separation<Play: right MTG(+), left precentral gyrus(+), cuneus (+), supramarginal gyrus(+).
Own Separation>Play- Love correlation: left STS.
Own Separation>Play- Excitement correlation: right STS. / intensity of feelings during watching the videos(joy, anxiety, love, excitement)
Swain et al., 2008 / 10 / 12 mothers- 6 vaginal delivery (VD)/6 caesarian section (CSD) ( 2-4 weeks post-partum)
Stimuli: own Vs unknown infant cry
parental preoccupation (AITHAR) and depression measure (BDI) / Cry>Control/VD>CSD
Caudate (+), putamen (+),
Caudate (+), putamen (+) / Cry>Control/VD>CSD
Thalamus (+), ACC (+).
Hypothalamus (+) / Cry>Control/VD>CSD
pons (+), cerebellum (+), anterior insula (+), STG (+)
Pons (+), cerebellum (+), STG (+), SPL (+) / AITHAR-Own cry correlation:
bilateral lenticular nuclei (+)
BDI- Own cry correlation: SFG (+)
Glocker et al. 2009 / 11 / 16 non-parent women
Infant Vs cross-hair, across baby schema levles / Infant>cross-hair:
Caudate (+), putamen (+).
Increase baby schema-
NAcc (+) / Infant>cross-hair:
Thalamus (+), globus pallidus (+), ACC (+).
Increase baby schema-
ACC (+) / Infant>cross-hair:
Insula (+), SFG (+), cerebellum IFG (+), precuneus (+), IPL (+), IFG (+)
Increase baby schema-
fusiform gyrus (+)
precuneus (+)
Lenzi et al. 2009 / 12 / 16 mothers (children 6-12 months old)
own Vs unknown infant face expression ( joy, distress, ambiguous, neutral) / Joy- Own>Unknown:
right thalamus (+),basal ganglia bilaterally (+). / Emotional>Neutral: vPMC (+), bilateral insula (+), amygdala (+), IPL (+), STS (+).
Own>Unknown: bilateral vPMC (+), right IFG (+), right IPL (+), right STS (+), right anterior insula (+).
Joy- Own>Unknown: right temporal pole (+), ITG (+), STG (+), hippocampus (+), insula (+), fusiform gyrus (+),amygdala (+).
Ambiguous-Own>Unknown: left anterior MFG (+) , left presupplementary motor area (+), right anterior cingulum (+), left precuneus (+).
All Face>Rest- Reflective function correlation: right anterior insula. / maternal reflective function via AAI
Strathearn et al. 2009 / 13 / 30 mothers (infants 11 month old)
Own Vs unknown faces (sad, happy and neutral) / Happy-Own>unknown: substantia nigra (+), dorsal putamen (+), caudate nuclei (+).
All- Own>unknown: ventral striatum, substantia nigra (+),dorsal striatum (+).
Secure>Insecure (own sad): right ventral striatum (+).
Own neutral- OT correlation: right ventral striatum / Happy-Own>unknown: thalamic nuclei (+).
All- Own>unknown:
VTA (+)
Secure>Insecure (own): hypothalamus/pituitary region (+).
Secure>Insecure (own happy): OFC (+). / Happy-Own>unknown: insular cortex (+), STG (+), pre- and postcentral gyri (+).
Secure>Insecure (own): lateral prefrontal cortex bilaterally (+), left mPFC (+).
Secure>Insecure (own happy): mPFC bilaterally (+),
dlPFC (-).
Secure>Insecure (own sad):
dlPFC (-) / Plasma OT
adult attachment classification via AAI
Bos et al., 2010 / 14 / 16 non-parent women
infant cry Vs control sound
Testosterone ADM Vs placebo / Drug × Stimulus interaction:
Thalamus (+) / Cry>Control:
STG (+)
Drug × Stimulus interaction:
right PCC (+)
right insula (+)
left cerebellum (+) / Testosterone ADM Vs placebo
Kim et al., 2010 / 15 / 26 mothers 2-4 weeks post-partum
infant cry Vs control noise + VBN / Cry>Control:
SFG (+), MFG (+), IFG (+),
Insula (+), cuneus (+), occipital gyrus (+)
Cry>Control/ high PMC> low PMC:
DLPFC (+), MFG (+), STG (+), fusiform (+), left hippocampus (-)
VBN increase: high PMC> low PMC:
SFG, orbital gyrus, STG, MTG, fusifirm, cerebellum
VBN increase: low PMC> high PMC:
Parietal cortex, inferior parietal cortex / perceived maternal care (PMC), Subjective perception of parenting and baby (YIPTA-R)
Moses-Kolko et al. 2010 / 16 / 30 mothers-14 PPD/16 healthy (12 weeks post-partum)
emotional face matching task / Face>Shape: bilateral amigdala (+), left dmPFC (-).
Face- Healthy >Depressed:left dmPFC (+).
Correlations for Depressed: depression measures were negatively correlated with face-related left amygdala activity. Less hostility toward the infant was associated with greater right amygdala activity.
(FC)-Healthy (face>shape): - left dmPFC and left amygdala. / Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale scores and Parent-to-Infant Attachment Questionnaire scores
Kim et al. 2011 / 17 / 17 mothers- 9 breastfeeding/8 formula-feeding (2-4 weeks post-partum)
own Vs unknown infant cry / Own baby cry > control baby cry / Breastfeeding > Non-breastfeeding:
Putamen (+). / Own baby cry > control baby cry / Breastfeeding > Non-breastfeeding:
globus pallidus (+).
Cry activation-Maternal sensitivity correlation:
Globus pallidus (+) / Own baby cry > control baby cry / Breastfeeding > Non-breastfeeding:
Amygdala (+), Precuneus (+),cuneus (+), insula (+), IFG (+), MTG (+), fusifirm (+), STG(+), cerebellum (+)
Cry activation-Maternal sensitivity correlation:
SFG (+), amygdala (+). / sensitivity via CIB (obtained at age 3-4 months)
Landi et al., 2011 / 18 / 54 mothers- 28 control/26 substance abuse (2 months post-partum)
high intense and low-intense infant cry vs control sound + happy and sad Vs neutral infant faces / Sad faces-SA<Control:
mOFC (+)
Neutral faces-SA<Control:
right amygdala /parahippocampal gyrus (+), globus pallidus (+).
Low intense cry-SA<Control:
thalamus (+) / Happy face-SA<Control: vmPFC (+), right dlPFC/MFG (+),dmPFC, middle occipital gyrus (+), right hippocampus/parahippocampuss (+), cerebellum (+).
SA>Control: left posterior parahippocampal gyrus (+).
Sad faces-SA<Control: right and left dlPFC/MFG (+), right IFG (+) , sensorimotor regions (+), the middle/superior temporal gyrus (+), PCC (+), right occipital gyrus/cuneus (+), right amygdala (+), parahippocampal gyrus (+).
Nuetral faces-SA<Control: dmPFC/medial, superior frontal gyri (+), vmPFC (+), dlPFC (+), right IFG (+), cuneus (+), PCC (+).
Low intense cry-SA<Control: right superior/middle temporal ight superior/middle temporal gyri (+),MFG/pre-SMA (+), insula (+), bilateral
amygdala/parahippocampal gyrus (+).
High intense cry-SA<Control: left superior/MFG (+), sensorimotor regions (+), insula (+), mid cingulate gyrus/precuneus (+), bilateral amygdala/parahippocampal gyrus (+)
Laurent, Stevens &Ablow, 2011 / 19 / 22 mothers- 11 depressed/ 11 control (children 18 months old)
own Vs unknown infant cry / Own cry activation-Cortisol quadratic terms correlation: striatum (+) / Own cry activation-Cortisol quadratic terms correlation: midbrain-PAG (+), thalamus (+), lateral OFC (+).
Own cry activation-Cortisol quadratic terms correlation: ACC(+). / Own cry activation-Cortisol slopes correlation: right anterior vlPFC/frontal pole (+) , right superior parietal lobe (+), occipital pole (+).
Own cry activation-Cortisol quadratic terms correlation: cerebellum (+), anterior insula (+), dmPFC (+), angular gyri (+). / Salivary cortisol sampling
Riem et al. 2011 / 20 / 43 non-parent women (twin pairs)
infant cry Vs control sound / Cry>Control- placebo group: bilateral superior and middle temporal gyrus (+), right amygdala. OT<Placebo: right amygdala (+). OT>Placebo: IFG (+), insula (+). / OT ADM Vs placebo
Atzil, Hendler& Feldman, 2011 / 21 / 28 mothers (children 4-6 months old)
own Vs unknown infant video / Own Infant >Unknown:
Caudate (+), NAcc (+)
Synchronous>Intrusive (own>unknown):
left NAcc (+)
Synchronous mothers: exhibited significantly higher left NAcc activations than right amygdala activation. Plasma oxytocin levels were significantly correlated with the left NAcc and right amygdala.
(FC)-seed region Nacc: Intrusive mothers: higher correlations in occipital, lateral–frontal, temporal and cerebellar cortices. Synchronous mothers:highercortical correlation in mPFC. / Own Infant >Unknown:
ventro-lateral thalamus (+) / Own Infant >Unknown: right IPL (+), right ITG (+), precentral gyrus (+), claustum (+), precuneus (+),medial FG (+), SFG (+), cingulate gyrus (+), postcentral gyrus (+), infirior occipital gyrus (+), , insula (+), supramarginal gyrus (+), and IPL (+).
Synchronous>Intrusive (own>unknown): right amygdala (-).
(FC)-seed region right amygdala: Intrusive: higher cortical correlation in mPFC, cingulate gyrus, superior temporal gyrus, and cerebellum. Synchronous: higher correlations in temporal, occipital, insular, lateral–frontal, and cerebellar cortices. / Plasma OT
mother-infant synchrony and intrusiveness during interaction via CIB
Barrett et al. 2011 / 22 / 22 mothers 3 months post-partum
own Vs unknown infant pictures (positive and negative emotion) / Negative-Own>Unknown infant:
ventral putamen (+)
Own infant- Positive>Negative:
Caudate (+), putamen (+) / Positive-Own>Unknown infant:
Thalamus (+) / Positive-Own>Unknown infant: amygdala (+), middle and superior temporal gyri (+), cerebellum (+).
Negative-Own>Unknown infant: postcentral gyrus (+), sgACC (+),STG (+).
Own- Positive>Negative: parietal cortex (+), insula (+),temporal gyri (+),medial and lateral frontal cortices (+).
Riem et al. 2012 / 23 / 44 non-parent women (twin pairs)
infant laugh Vs control sounds / Placebo- Laugh>Control:
right putamen (+). / Placebo- Laugh>Control:
the bilateral OFC (+) / Placebo- Laugh>Control: bilateral temporal poles (+), the bilateral STG (+),the bilateral inferior and superior frontal gyrus (+), the bilateral amygdala (+), the brainstem (+).
OT>Placebo (laugh>control): amygdala.
OT>Placebo (laugh): (FC) right amygdala and- left OFC, the bilateral hippocampus, the left precuneus, the right angular gyrus, hippocampus, the left precuneus, the right angular gyrus, and the right MTG.
(FC) left amygdala and ACC / OT ADM Vs placebo
Laurent &Ablow, 2012 / 24 / 22 mothers- 11 depressed/ 11 control (children 18 months old)
own Vs unknown infant cry / Cry> Control- non-depressed mothers:
Striatum (+).
Own infant cry>control/ Nondepressed>Depressed: caudate (+), NAcc (+)
CESD-Own cry negative correlation:
Ventral striatum. / Cry> Control- non-depressed mothers:
OFC (+), thalamus (+), substantia nigra/VTA (+), PAG (+).
Own infant cry>control/ Nondepressed>Depressed: thalamus (+).
CESD-Own cry negative correlation:
Left OFC, dACC. / Cry> Control- non-depressed mothers: bilateral anterior insula, dorsal mPFC, medial SFG extending to dACC, left angular gyrus (+), PCC (+), cerebellum.
Own infant cry>other cry/ Nondepressed>Depressed: right occipital fusiform (+), lingual gyrus (+), left posterior supramarginal gyrus (+).
CESD-Own cry negative correlation: SFG. / strength of depressive symptoms (CESD)
Montoya et al., 2012 / 25 / 19 non-parent women
high intense and low-intense infant cry vs control sound + happy and sad Vs neutral infant faces / Low intense cry>Control:
left putamen (+), right caudate (-).
Happy >Neutral faces: left ventral striatum (+), left caudate head (+).
High intense-BAScorrelation: inversely correlated with activations in right putamen, right caudate extending into the thalamus, right lateral globus pallidus left medial globus pallidus. / Low intense cry>Control:
Right OFC (-).
Low intense cry<Control: left caudate and right MFG/OFC.
Happy >Neutral faces: left vmPFC/OFC (+).
Sad>Neutral faces:
Right OFC (+), left ACC (+). / Low intense cry>Control: bilateral STG (+), right middle temporal gyrus (+), bilateral precentral (+), postcentral gyri (+), right IPL (+), left superior and medial frontal gyri (+),left claustrum (+).
High intense cry>Control: bilateral STG (+), right MTG (+), right precentral (+), postcentral gyri (+), right SFG (+), right MFG (+), right IFG (+), bilateral amygdala (+),left culmen (+), right STG (-), right insula (-).
High intense cry>Low intense cry: bilateral STG (-), right MTG (-), left IPL (-), right superior occipital gyrus (-),leftprecuneus (-).
Happy >Neutral faces: right IFG (+), left cingulate gyrus (-), bilateral precentral gyrus (-), right SFG (-), right STG (-), left supramarginal gyrus (-),
left insula (-).
Sad>Neutral faces: bilateral precuneus (+), left cingulate gyrus (+), right MTG (+), bilateral middle and inferior occipital gyri (+), right fusiform gyrus (+), left precentral gyrus (+), left IPL (+), left lingual gyrus (+), right SFG (+), bilateral MFG (+),left insula (-), left transverse temporal gyrus (-), right STG (-).
Happy<Sad faces: right IFG (+), bilateral FG (+), right STG (+), right supramarginal gyrus (+), right cuneus (+), left MTG (+), left middle occipital gyrus (+), right precentral gyrus (+), right MFG (+).
High+ Low intense-BIS correlation: right STG.
Low intense-BAS correlation: inversely correlated with left precentral gyrus.
Sad>Neutral- BAS correlation: positively with right superior occipital gyrus. / BIS/BAS scale
Musser, Laurent &Ablow, 2012 / 26 / 22 mothers- 11 depressed/ 11 control (children 18 months old)
own Vs unknown infant cry / Correlation between mothers and fathers to Own infant stimuli:
left ACC (+). / Own>Unknown- Sensitivity correlation: right frontal pole (+), IFG extending to frontal operculum .
Own>Unknown- Intrusively correlation: left anterior insula (+), temporal pole (+). Own>Unknown- Harmonious correlation:left hippocampus extending to parahippocampal gyrus (+), right parahippocampal (+), lingual gyri (+), right precuneus (+). / Maternal sensitivity, intrusiveness and mother-infant harmony
Atzil et al. 2012 / 27 / 30 parents couples (children 4-6 months old)
own Vs unknown infant videos / Mothers> Father (own infant>other):
Right caudate (+)
OT-Own>Other correlation:
Mothers: positively correlated with left NAcc. / Correlation between mothers and fathers to Own infant stimuli: associative visual cortex (+), lentiform nucleus (+), cerebellum (+),premotor and motor cortices (+), IFG (+), cuneus (+), IPL (+), medial and lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) (+), temporal cortex (+),insula (+).
Mothers> Father (own infant>other): right superior temporal gyrus(+), right post-central gyrus (+), right fusiform (+), right amygdala (+), right lentiform nucleus(+), right temporal pole (+).
Father>Mother (own infant>other): superior-occipital and temporal gyri (+), the left medial PFC (+), left precuneus (+),left inferior parietal gyri (+).
OT-Own>Other correlation:
Mothers: positively correlated with left insula, left IPL, left and right temporal cortices, left ventral ACC, and right-amygdala.
Fathers: negatively correlated with the left inferior and superior frontal gurus, left primary motor cortex, medial PFC, and left ACC.