For use with Regulated courses only (5-10hrs)
Learner Feedback 2017/18
Learner Name: / Course Name:Tutor Name: / Start Date:
Feedback on course / Yes / No / Don’t Know or N/A
I enjoyed my course
The course was well organised
The course was appropriate for me and my needs
The venue and accommodation were suitable
I received a full induction
I felt safe whilst on my course
I was treated fairly and equally whilst on my course
We regularly discussed and reviewed my progress
Assessment arrangements were discussed and agreed at the beginning of the course
My individual support needs were considered and I was given appropriate support
I want to progress to further learning*
Feedback on PREVENT
I have gained a better understanding of British Values
I am more able to recognise risks of radicalisation/extremism
I know how to report issues related to radicalisation/extremism
Personal Targets (if applicable)
Number SetNumber Met
Overall, I have achieved / Less than
I expected / What
I expected / More than
I expected
As a result of this course, I have developed the following transferable skills/aptitudes / Time Keeping
Team Work / Effort and Attitude
Problem solving
Staying Power
V4 17-18
Tick how much you agree with the statements below: / Completely Agree / Mostly Agree / Disagree Mostly / Disagree CompletelyOverall, I am satisfied with my course
I developed my maths skills
I developed my English skills
I know how to keep myself safe online
I improved my confidence in the subject area
I developed my transferable/employability skills
I made better than expected progress from my starting point
I hadenough IAG to help with my next steps*
I received feedback from my tutor that told me how I could improve
I would like to continue to develop my English skills* / Yes/No
I would like to continue to develop my maths skills* / Yes/No
I would like to continue to develop my IT skills* / Yes/No
Since attending this course, I …
Employment / Educationhave found employment / 16 or more hours
less than 16 hours / have enrolled on a FE course / full time
part time
have become self employed / / have enrolled on a HE course /
have started to work as a volunteer / / have gained a traineeship /
have gained an apprenticeship /
Other (please state)
What I would like to move on to next:*
What has changed as a result of developing your skills?
Learner Signature: / Tutor Signature:
Date: / Date:
Are there any further comments you would like to make? What did you enjoy? What could we do better?
*Further Information and Advice If you would like further information and advice on taking your next step please speak to your tutor or contact National Careers Service on 0800 100 900 or at