


/ Keyboarding Skills
COMPETENCY: / 01.00 / Apply the touch method in operating the keyboard and numeric keypad
OBJECTIVE: / 01.03 / Execute the touch method in operating number and symbol keys
TeacherTip / Use PPT to review the importance of using good posture and technique when using the touch method of keyboarding on the number/symbol. / 01.03-PPT
Activity / Use ACT 1to review finger names. / 01.03-ACT 1 and
Key 01.03-ACT 1
Finger Placement and Name
Teacher Tip / As you explain the position of the each new number key on the keyboard. Demonstrate to students each new reach showing them the proper finger to use and the proper stroking technique. Remind students to keep one or two fingers “anchored” on home row when making number reaches. Allow students to practice the reach looking at their fingers, but without striking the keys. Then ask students to look away (at the keyboarding chart or at you) and strike the key as you call it. Use this method to introduce each new numeric/symbolreach. Introduce only 4-6 new reaches in one week. / Glencoe/McGraw- Hill Lessons21-27
Thompson/South-Western Lessons 13-19 and New Key Lessons pp. 244-278
Pearson Lessons 25-34
Teacher Tip / Constantly reinforce proper posture and technique, particularly keeping eyes on copy when keying numbers and symbols. Allow students to move some fingers from the homerow when reaching the number row, but emphasize that at least one finger MUST remain anchored on the homerow. Usually either the index finger or pinky (little) finger will be the anchor. / See suggestions in 01.01
Teacher Tip / Review how to shift for some of the symbols and review each new reach showing the students the proper finger to use and the proper stroking technique. Allow students to practice the reach and shifting looking at their fingers, but without striking the keys. Then ask students to look away (at the keyboarding chart or at you) and strike the key as you call it. Use this method to introduce each new symbol. / Symbol keys exercises in textbook
Teacher Tip / Use call drills on any exercise in textbook for students to practice new number and symbol keystrokes. Ask the students to strike the key as you call it while keeping their eyes on the keyboarding chart or on you. Vary the speed as students become more confident with new keystrokes. / Exercises in textbook
Teacher Tip
Activity / When all the number and symbol keys have been introduced, have the students complete ACT 2 / 01.03-ACT 2
Key 0001.03-ACT 2
Color Coding Number and Symbol Keys
TeacherTip / Use handoutHO 1 to discuss spacing before and after symbols. Also discuss proper spacing after punctuation marks. / 01.03-HO 1
Spacing Around Symbols
Activity / Use activity ACT 3to identify symbols and appropriate spacing. / 01.03-ACT 3 and
Key 0001.03-ACT 3
Symbolic Keyboard
Tip / Use lines in the text for speed drills of 20 seconds, 30 seconds, and 60 seconds. Give each timing in a series of three drills using the same line; for instance, for three 20 second drills, then three 30 second drills, etc. Each student should set a personal goal to get at least one or two characters farther for each drill. This will motivate the students to key faster because they will see improvement immediately. / Any sentences and/or paragraphs containing numbers and symbols in textbook
Teacher Tip / At an appropriate point or when indicated in text, begin giving students three-minute timed drills for grades. Give two or three timings on the same copy and allow students to choose the best effort. Have students compute GWAM and determine errors. Use the checklist RB 1 or the rubric RB 2to assess keying straight copy alphabetic sentences and paragraphs. containing alphabetic characters, numbers, and symbols. / 01.03-RB1
01.03-RB 2
Straight Copy Skills Performance Rubric
Activity / Use activity ACT 4 as a “Think-Pair-Share” activity to identify the “emoticons” in the handout. Put students in pairs. First they should think about what each emoticon stands for and then in pairs discuss and write down on the activity sheet what they think each “emoticon” stands for. Finally each paired group will share with the class. After completing the pairing “emoticon” activity, have each student key the list of “emoticons” and their meaning. You can also allow students to find additional “emoticons” at

/ 01.03-ACT 4 and
Key 001.03 ACT 4
Teacher Tip / As needed, use the following websites for review and typing practice:

Keyboarding technique

Review of fingering for alphabetic keys

Keyboarding phrases

Keyboarding jeopardy

Basic keyboarding

Typing practice

Typing Tests
Vocabulary / Review the words in 001.03-VOC / 001.03-VOC
1.03 Vocabulary
Activity / Use ACT 5 for review or for a grade. / 001.03-ACT 5
Key 001.03-ACT 5
Numbers, Symbols and Spacing Quiz


Finger Placement and Name

Indicate on the blank provided the finger number.

The left index finger.The right index finger.

The left middle finger.The right middle finger.

The left ring finger.The right ring finger.

The left little finger.The right little finger.


Finger Placement and Name

Indicate on the blank provided the finger name.

The left index finger.The right index finger.

The left middle finger.The right middle finger.

The left ring finger.The right ring finger.

The left pinky fingerThe right pinky finger.


Color Coding

Number and Symbol Keys

Directions: Color the number and symbol keys listed below as follows.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your left index finger (“f” finger) orange.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your right index finger (“j” finger) yellow.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your left middle finger (“d” finger) brown.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your right middle finger (“k” finger) purple.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your left ring finger (“s” finger) red.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your right ring finger (“l” finger) green.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your left pinky finger (“a” finger) blue.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your right pinky finger (“;” finger) black.


Color Coding Keyboarding

Number and Symbol Keys

Directions: Color the number and symbol keys listed below as follows.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your left index finger (“f” finger) orange.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your right index finger (“j” finger) yellow.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your left middle finger (“d” finger) brown.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your right middle finger (“k” finger) purple.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your left ring finger (“s” finger) red.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your right ring finger (“l” finger) green.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your left pinky finger (“a” finger) blue.

Color the number/symbol key(s) you strike with your right pinky finger (“;” finger) black.


Spacing Around Symbols

Symbol / Spacing
* (asterisk) / No spacing between symbol and word
! (exclamation) / No space before; two spaces after
@ (at) / Space before and after
# (number/pound) / No space between figure and symbol
$ (dollar) / No space after
“ ” (quotation) / No space after opening quotation mark
One space after closing quotation mark
- (hyphen) / No space before and after
— (dash) / No space before or after
/ (slash) / No space before or after
+ (plus) / One space before and after
(greater than) / No space before or after
(less than) / No space before or after
( (left parenthesis) / One space before; no space after
) (right parenthesis) / No space before; one space after
= (equals) / Space before and after
‘ (apostrophe) / No space before and after
(ampersand) / One space before and after
% (percent) / No space before; one space after


Symbolic Keyboard

Directions: Write the name of the each symbol and then write the number of times you would space after each symbol.

Symbol / Name / Spaces After
1. /
2. $
3. %
4. -
5. #
7. (
8. ’
9. “
10. *


Symbolic Keyboard

Directions: Write the name of the each symbol and then write the number of times you would space after each symbol.

Symbol / Name / Spaces After
1. / / Slash / 0
2. $ / Dollar sign / 0
3. % / Percent sign / 1
4. - / Hyphen / 0
5. # / Number/pound sign / 0
6. / Ampersand / 1
7. ( / Left parenthesis / 0
8. ’ / Apostrophe / 0
9. “ / Quotation mark / 0 after beginning
10. * / Asterisk / 0

NameRB 1

Keyboarding Middle Grades


(Alphabetic, Numeric, and Symbol Keys)

This rubric should be used to assess keying straight copy sentences and paragraphs containing

alphabetic characters, numbers, and symbols.

Criteria / Points Value / Points Earned / Teacher Comments
Accuracy / 20
Position / 20
Hand and Finger Position / 20
Eye-Head Position / 20
Keystroking Technique / 20

Copy Accuracy--keying and spacing errors; omissions/additions

Body Position--sitting up straight, feet flat on floor, etc.

Hand and Finger Position--wrists off table, fingers curved and on home row, etc.

Eye-Head Position--eyes on copy, etc.

Keystroking Technique--fingers strike proper keys, correct use of shift, tab, return, etc.

NameRB 2

Keyboarding Middle Grades
(Alphabetic, Numeric, and Symbol Keys)
This rubric should be used to assess keying straight copy sentences and paragraphs containing
alphabetic characters, numbers, and symbols.
Criteria / Points Earned / 
High Achievement / 
Satisfactory / 
Needs Improvement
Copy Accuracy
(20 points) / No keying errors, words omitted or added. Copy is exactly like original copy.
(20 points) / Two or less keying errors, omissions or additions when compared to original copy.
(10 – 19 points) / Three or more keying errors, omissions or additions when compared to original copy.
(0 – 9 points)
Body Position
(20 points) / All of the following performed consistently:
Feet flat on floor
Sits erect in chair
Body in line with keyboard
Arms relaxed against sides
(20 points) / Three of the following performed consistently:
Feet flat on floor
Sits erect in chair
Body in line with keyboard
Arms relaxed against sides
(10 – 19 points) / Inconsistent performance:
Feet flat on floor
Sits erect in chair
Body in line with keyboard
Arms relaxed against sides
(0 – 9 points)
Hand and Finger Position
(20 points) / All of the following performed consistently:
Wrists properly elevated
Fingers properly curved
Fingers rest on home row when not striking a key
(20 points) / Three of the following performed consistently:
Wrists properly elevated
Fingers properly curved
Fingers rest on home row when not striking a key
(10 – 19 points) / Inconsistent performance:
Wrists properly elevated
Fingers properly curved
Fingers rest on home row when not striking a key
(0 – 9 points)
Eye-Head Position
(20 points) / Performed consistently:
Eyes on copy
Strike keys without looking at hands
(20 points) / Performed with only occasional peeking:
Eyes on copy
Strike keys without looking at hands
(10 – 19 points) / Constantly looking:
Eyes on copy
Strike keys without looking at hands
(0 – 9 points)
Keystroking Technique
(20 points) / Performed consistently:
Fingers strike keys with minimal hand/arm movement
Proper use of shift key
Correct fingers used for each key
(20 points) / Two of following performed consistently:
Fingers strike keys with minimal hand/arm movement
Proper use of shift key
Correct fingers used for each key
(10 – 19 points) / Inconsistent performance:
Fingers strike keys with minimal hand/arm movement
Proper use of shift key
Correct fingers used for each key
(0-9 points)
(100 possible points)
Teacher Comments:
Practice the circled keys to reinforce correct keyboarding patterns.
q w e r t y u i o p 7 8 9
a s d f g h j k l ; ‘ 4 5 6
z x c v b n m , . / 1 2 3



As you probably know, the Internet is a collection of various computers and networks with millions of users across the world. An emoticon is a sequence of ordinary characters you can find on your computer keyboard. Emoticons are a form of communication on the Internet used in e-mail, chats, and other forms of communication using computers. Since ASCII text is the common denominator among Internet users, some creative users began using emoticons to communicate. The basic emoticon looks like this :-) which is a grin and connotes cheer or good humor.

Below is a collection of emoticons. Just tilt your head 90 degrees left and key the following emoticons.

Your teacher will assign you a partner to help you guess what each “emoticon” means. After you and your partner identify the meanings of the emoticons, key in the list of “emoticons” with the meaning of each.

  1. ;-)
  2. :-I
  3. :->
  4. :-(
  5. @:-)
  6. 8-)
  7. :-D
  8. :-/
  9. :-7
  10. :’-(
  11. :-o
  12. :-*


Key for Emoticons

  1. ;-) wink
  2. :-I unsure, no expression
  3. :-> wears a goatee
  4. :-( frown
  5. @:-) curly hair
  6. 8-) wears glasses
  7. :-D laugh
  8. :-/ smirk
  9. :-7 sticking tongue out
  10. :’-( crying
  11. :-o shocked or amazed
  12. :-* kiss



1.03: Execute the touch method in operating number and symbol keys.

Term / Definition
Emoticons / Sequence of ordinary characters found on the computer keyboard and used as a form of communication on the Internet used in e-mail, chats, and other forms of communication using computers
Asterisk / * symbol used for footnote references in keyboarded documents
Percent / % symbol used in reporting statistical data
Ampersand / & symbol means “and”


Numbers, Symbols, and Spacing Quiz

Name Date

In the space to the left of each number, write the letter of the correct response to each statement.

1.To leave one blank line, strike the Return/Enter key time.b.two times.c.three times. d. four times.

2.To key one uppercase (capital) letter, use the

a. space bar.b.caps lock.c.shift key.

3.A double space contains blank line. b. two blank lines. c. three blank lines. d. four blank lines.

4.A standard word contains five strokes; keying 60 strokes in one minute equals a GWAM

(grosswords a minute) score of

a.25 gwam.b.20 gwam.c.15 gwam.d.12 gwam.

5.After a period following an initial or an abbreviation, space time.c.two times. d. three times.

6.After a semicolon within a line, space time.c.two times. d. three times.

7.After a comma within a line, space time.c.two times. d. three times.

8.An apostrophe (‘) shows

a.a space.b.possession.c.a quotation.d.pounds.

9.To key a series of uppercase (capital) letters, use the

a.caps lock key.b.shift bar.d. tab key.

10.When keyed, the number sign (#) is also the symbol used to signify

a.a space.b.a list.c. pounds.d. ounces.

11.The symbol / is called a(n)


12.The dash is preceded and followed

a.with no space. one space. two three spaces.

13.To key a dash (--) , combine

a.two spaces.b.two hyphens.

c.two slashes.d.two apostrophes.

ACT 5, Page 2

14.The dollar sign ($) is followed

a.with no space. one space. two three spaces.

15.The percent sign (%) is followed

a.with no space. one space. two three spaces.

16.The symbol is called a(n)


17.The symbol * is called a(n)


18.The hyphen (-)is followed

a.with no space. one space. two three spaces.

19.The beginning quotation mark (“) is followed

a.with no space. one space. two three spaces.

20.The right parenthesis is followed

a.with no space. one space. two three spaces.


Numbers, Symbols, and Spacing Quiz

Name Date

In the space to the left of each number, write the letter of the correct response to each statement.

B1.To leave one blank line, strike the Return/Enter key time.b.two times.c.three times.d. four times.

C 2.To key one uppercase (capital) letter, use the

a. space bar.b.caps lock.c.shift key.

A 3.A double space contains blank line.b. two blank lines.

c.three blank lines.d. four blank lines.

D 4.A standard word contains five strokes; keying 60 strokes in one minute equals a GWAM

(gross words a minute) score of

a.25 gwam.b.20 gwam.c.15 gwam.d.12 gwam.

B 5.After a period following an initial or an abbreviation, space time.c.two times.d.three times.

B6.After a semicolon within a line, space time.c.two times.d.three times.

B7.After a comma within a line, space time.c.two times.d.three times.

B8.An apostrophe (‘) shows

a.a space.b.possession.c.a quotation.d.pounds.

A9.To key a series of uppercase (capital) letters, use the

a.caps lock key.b.shift bar.d. tab key.

C10.When keyed, the number sign (#) is also the symbol used to signify