Golf Rules at Cinco Ranch High School

The 10 Commandments of C.R.H.S. Golf

Opening page in the U.S.G.A.’s Rules Book:

“Unlike many sports, golf is played, for the most part, without the supervision of a referee or umpire. The game relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and to abide by the Rules. All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be. This is the spirit of the game of golf.”

1.  Integrity & honesty is a top priority of the CRHS Golf Program.

Consequences for cheating, dishonesty, or embarrassing behavior:

1st time = miss next tournament or run 5 miles

2nd time = dismissal from the golf program

2.  You must be dependable, reliable, accountable and on time.

You must attend 90% of the practices to remain in the golf program.

You must have a signed note from your parent, teacher, boss, or pro

for any absence, tardy or early dismissal. You must still practice either

before or after tutorials. You must have a note to attend tutorials.


Prior note = no penalty

Late note = 25/40 push-ups & 2 stroke penalty

No note or unexcused absence = miss the next tournament

or run 5 miles

Forged note or 2nd unexcused absence = dismissal from program

Any unexcused tardy = 25/40 push-ups & 2 stroke penalty

3.  You will behave properly at all times at school, practice and tournaments.

Tournament behavior:

Consequences for any swearing, temper tantrums or throwing of clubs:

1st time = will be pulled off of the course and DQ’d

2nd time = dismissal from the golf program

Practice and school behavior:

Consequences for arguing, whining, negativity, laziness or disruption:

1st time = miss the next tournament or run 5 miles

2nd time = dismissal from the golf program

4.  Earrings for boys are NOT allowed at school, practice or tournaments according to the C.R.H.S. Athletic Policy.

Consequences: 1st time = miss the next tournament or run 5 miles

2nd time = dismissal from the golf program

5. Transportation to the golf course: Safe speed level travel is a must.

No one is allowed to go home or make any other stop along the way.

You must have a signed “P.S.S.T.” travel form on file and adhere to its’

details precisely regarding who you may drive with or ride with.

Consequences: 1st time = miss the next tournament or run 5 miles

2nd time = dismissal from the golf program

6.  You must respect and obey all golf course and school personnel.

Consequences: 1st time = miss the next tournament or run 5 miles

2nd time = dismissal from the golf program

Insubordination to a coach = immediate dismissal from the golf program

7.  No vandalism of the golf course or school will be allowed. (includes stealing)

Consequences: 1st time = miss the next tournament or run 5 miles

2nd time = dismissal from the golf program

8.  Safety at practices & tournaments is a must.

Consequence: anyone jeopardizing the safety of an individual on purpose will be immediately dismissed from the golf program.

9.  No alcohol or drug abuse will be allowed according to K.I.S.D. Athletic Policy.

Consequence: dismissal from the program for a possible 365 days.

10. You are here first for an education. You must pass and do the best possible.

Consequence: You must be eligible 2 of 3 six weeks per semester to remain

in the golf program. Education is more important than golf.

We, ______& ______

(student-athlete signature) (parent signature)

Both have read and understand the above CRHS golf program policies.