BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark for Northern Ireland Schools
Guidance Notes for Standards
This is your evidence folder for
Standard Three:
Creating a Climate for Learning
Name of School: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Contact Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Please file your evidence for each of the criteria that make up this standard
3.1Implementation of access strategies and dyslexia friendly teaching strategies and support is evidenced across all curriculum subjects.
Evidence that the school has an access strategy/policy that is used across the whole school. The evidence will be a copy of such a strategy, how it is implemented and monitored. This area will also be verified by observation of practice within the school.
3.2Evidence of adapted classroom organisation is found and attention is paid to the following adaptive practices:
- Seating, lighting and the position of resources.
- Key words and clearly labelled resources.
- Information on non white paper (e.g. cream) where relevant with an accessible font and layout.
- Alternatives to copying from the board.
- Use of overlays where appropriate.
- Collaborative learning and peer support.
- ICT is used to support pupils learning. Computer screens and text size is adjusted where appropriate.
- There is an audit of resources available within school for supporting pupils with dyslexia and SpLD. For example:
- magnetic letters;
- ICT software;
- electronic spellers;
- literacy games;
- ‘goody box’ of resources (word mats, coloured filters, alphabet on the wall etc).
Evidence of the resources available, where they are and how they are accessed. Training is provided to pupils in their use. Verifiers will confirm the above standard is achieved through observation of practice within the school and examination of the types and availability of resources.
3.3Demonstration that self esteem is promoted through:
- valuing the individual and their diversity;
- praise for effort and achievement in all areas;
- promoting strengths;
- providing opportunities for success; and
- providing a stress free learning environment
How is self esteem promoted within school? This criteria will be verified through informal discussions with pupils in addition to paper based evidence associated with this area, such as feedback from assessed tasks, award or reward systems that are in place, policy documents, mission statements, etc.
3.4Evidence that effective measures are in place to deal with harassment or bullying related to SEN.
Evidence of policies relating to this area, in addition, that such policies provide for situations of not only pupil/pupil incidents but also staff/pupil incidents. Where possible, evidence of examples of the implementation of these policies should also be provided.
BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark for Northern Ireland Schools © March 2016
Please file your evidence for this criteria behind this divider