Indiana Resource Network Action Plan
Date: December 7, 2010
District: Merrillville Community School Corporation
School: CliffordPierceMiddle School
PBIS Tiers / Targeted Outcomes / Potential &/ or Current Practices/ Strategies, Timeline / Systems(To Support Staff) / Benchmark Indicators
(Data) / Responsible Parties / Status
Tier I/Universal
5% decrease in tardies to class. / Strategies:
Faculty demonstrates and provides practice through use of Cool Tools.
- Collect feedback from teachers about usability of Cool tools on addressing being on time to class/school.
- Leadership team, reviews current cool tool plans to identify usability in classroom, discuss redesign
- Leadership team will design opportunities to model cool tool lesson plans
- Teachers will use Cool tools weekly to offer students practice.
- Teachers will report use of incentives to reinforce students being on time
Timeline: Time is provided 2 days a week to teach the behavior and daily reinforcement. / -School provides incentives for positive student behavior.
- Security officers to escort students to class, hallway sweeps to maintain enforcement, 2 minute warning bell in morning.
- Students are given pass books in order to provide monitored opportunities to take care of obligations outside of the classroom (10 passes per quarter). / From the disaggregated data on the RDS 400 and from teacher input, “Tardies” are a persistent issue from year-to-year. / Teachers, office staff, and students. / [ ] In Planning
[ X] Implementing
[ ] Ongoing
[ ] Completed
[ ] On Hold: Why?
Continuous decrease in classroom disruptions (quarterly basis). / Strategies:
Faculty demonstrates and provides practice through use of Cool Tools on classroom expectations and problem behaviors that lead to disruptions.
- Leadership team will collect information about Problem-behaviors in the classroom that qualify as “disruptive” from Pierce teachers
- Leadership team will review T-chart on problem behaviors and revise based on teacher feedback
- Leadership team will review t-chart with all faculty and receive feedback
- Leadership team will review behavior matrix referring to classroom expectations and revise to be culturally responsive, revisions will be reviewed with all staff
- Leadership team will identify baseline on quarterly basis of classroom disruptions, both students and teachers will be informed of baseline and goal to decrease
- Leadership team will provide Cool Tool series on classroom expectations and request feedback on usability and implementation from teachers
- Students will be asked to demonstrate knowledge of weekly procedures at least one time per day
Timeline: May 2012 / - School provides incentives for positive student behavior.
- Progressive discipline procedures (PDP).
- Administrative support.
-Non-violent crisis intervention classes for staff members.
- student assemblies
- lunch period / From the disaggregated data on the RDS 400 and from teacher input, “Classroom Disruptions” are a persistent issue from year-to-year. / Leadership team, adminsitrators,Teachers, office staff, and students. / [ ] In Planning
[ X] Implementing
[ ] Ongoing
[ ] Completed
[ ] On Hold: Why?
Improve overall attendance rate. / Strategies: Increase student attendance rate
- Leadership team will collaborate with other committees and administrators to identify attendance goal
- Increase communication with families to provide attendance policy information
- Increase communication strategies to inform parents of absences. Examples include sending letters home (language of family), daily phone calls home, truancy officer sent to home.
- Use parent/ teacher conferences to discuss attendance concerns with parents and consequences
- Leadership team will identify incentives for good attendance
Printing, incentives for good attendance, subs for meeting time
Timeline: May 2012 / - School resource officer, community involvement.
- Community partnership with Lake County Court Officer.
- Partnership with Southlake Mental Health Agency. / RDS 400 indicates attendance issues with specific students. Teacher observations continuously note certain students that are not in attendance on a regular basis. / Leadership team,Teachers, staff, student, parent, Guidance Dept., court system, Administrators, Central Office, truancy officer. / [ ] In Planning
[ X] Implementing
[ ] Ongoing
[ ] Completed
[ ] On Hold: Why?
Improve student knowledge of school expectations for all settings / Strategies: Teach expected behaviors for all school settings.
- Orientation for all students, orientation for all new students, Cool Tools that teach the Behavioral Expectations Matrix (BEM).
- Placement of the BEM into the Agenda Book of each student.
- BEM is displayed in each classroom as well as in the hallways.
- Teachers and students will be surveyed through questionnaire or focus group on knowledge of expectations
Timeline:Implemented annually, ongoing basis throughout life of grant / Orientation activities, Administrators, School Board policies. / Data from the RDS 400 indicates a continuing need for reinforcement.
Staff believes in the re-teaching of the expected behaviors.
Self-assessment Survey
Focus groups with teachers and students / Leadership team, Staff, teachers, Administrators, Guidance dept., School Board, students. / [ ] In Planning
[ X] Implementing
[ ] Ongoing
[ ] Completed
[ ] On Hold: Why?
Increase student/ parent participation on PBIS teams. / Strategies:
Current practices indicate a need for more student and parent involvement to increase the success of the program.
- Survey student and parents on knowledge and buy-in of PBIS
- Leadership team reviews results and discusses planning events for families
- Create plan to design information regarding PBIS at Pierce for parents/Revise existing documents
- Create plan to communicate positive outcomes of PBIS at Pierce to students and parents
Printing, family event funds, training about parent engagement / PBIS Universal and Tertiary Committees, Administrators, community, students, and parents. / Active engagement of parents and students will improve discipline data and will increase overall student participation. Redemption Day will become more organized and efficient. / Leadership team, Teachers, staff, Administrators, parents, students. / [X ] In Planning
[ X] Implementing
[ ] Ongoing
[ ] Completed
[ ] On Hold: Why?
Address disproportionality decreasing overall suspension and expulsion rate. / Strategies: The Prevention of Expulsion Program (PEP) provides educational and emotional support for students that would otherwise be expelled.
- Leadership team will collaborate with PEP to assess referral criteria and exit criteria
- Team will identify alternatives to suspension and expulsion
[ X] Implementing
[ X] Ongoing
[ ] Completed
[ ] On Hold: Why?
Strategies: Rephrase school-wide expectations into Culturally Relevant Languages (CRL) present at the school.
- Leadership team will receive training from PBIS coaches on culturally responsive practices
- Leadership team will review behavior matrix and revise
- Behavior matrix will be reviewed with staff and students
4 months (one time per school year). / Visual aids, copies of the BEM, rules clearly posted at entrance of school, expectations are clearly defined. / Increased student recognition of BEM policies would increase overall compliance with expectations. / Administration, PBIS Universal Committee, classroom teachers, students. / [ X] In Planning
[ ] Implementing
[ ] Ongoing
[ ] Completed
[ ] On Hold: Why?
Retrain staff in PBIS practices at least once per year. / In-service time utilized 2 times per semester, packets passed out at new teacher orientation, Target Team member on each academic team in order to communicate wants and needs of new teachers. CPMS must obtain funding to begin this step.
Timeline: 6 months / Agenda Book, PBIS informational packet, Teachers used as mentors, PBIS coaches, Administration, PBIS website. / Staff surveys indicate a need amongst new teachers for PBIS training. Staff surveys demonstrate a need for continual training for existing staff. / Administration, PBIS coaches, PBIS Universal Team, PBIS Target Team. / [ ] In Planning
[ ] Implementing
[ X] Ongoing
[ ] Completed
[ ] On Hold: Why?
DATA / Improve access to student information database with respect to behavior. / Strategies: Current practices require teachers to go to the office to find out reasons for disciplinary infractions and for discipline data. Currently only administrators and certain office staff have access to school-wide discipline data and to individual student behavior reports.
Timeline: 6 months. / Technology, access to behavior on RDS system. / This would allow for teachers to gather data in order to develop and implement behavior interventions. / Teachers
Leadership team / [ ] In Planning
[ ] Implementing
[ ] Ongoing
[ ] Completed
[ X] On Hold: Why? Administrative decision.
DATA / Improve staff access to relevant data and school-wide information / Practices/Strategy:
Currently universal meeting notes, target lists and actions, and discipline data are emailed to staff.
Every two weeks / PBIS Universal and target teams, Administrators / Target team analyzes infractions every two weeks. / PBIS Universal and target teams, Administrators / [ ] In Planning
[ ] Implementing
[ x] Ongoing
[ ] Completed
[ ] On Hold: Why?
Tier II/Secondary
Overall decrease in undesirable/aggressive behavior. / Practices/Strategy: Conflict resolution program facilitated by behavior specialists. Anti-bullying Awareness activities.
Using a behavior specialist to facilitate sessions, students will identify and apply procedures to resolve conflicts using non-violent techniques.
Classroom teachers integrate anti-bullying lesson plans into the social studies curriculum.
Program will be implemented within 2 months / Northwest Indiana Special Education Cooperative Behavioral Specialist, PierceMiddle School Guidance Dept. / RDS 400 indicates an undesirably high instance of aggressive behaviors such as fights and threats to students and staff members. / Guidance Dept., Behavioral Specialist, Social Worker. / [x ] In Planning
[x ] Implementing
[ ] Ongoing
[ ] Completed
[ ] On Hold: Why?
Improve student rate of compliance with one specific rule in the Behavior Expectations Matrix (BEM). / Practices/Strategies:
Discipline data reviewed by data every two weeks that includes students with 4 or more infractions in a 2 week period.
Students are individually discussed at target team meeting and placed into HUG if group determines that program will be beneficial to student’s overall behavior. / HUG coordinator and mentors, PBIS target team, Administrators / 4 or more disciplinary infractions within two weeks. / HUG coordinator, mentors, and students / [ ] In Planning
[ ] Implementing
[x] Ongoing
[ ] Completed
[ ] On Hold: Why?
Tier III/Tertiary
Conduct Tertiary level training. / Potential Tertiary level team members, Administrators, PBIS coaches to attend training via Illinois PBIS Network.
Timeline: 3 months / Administrators, PBIS coaches, Guidance Department, and outside Counselors. / Certain students are not succeeding at the Secondary level and the school has run out of resources at this level. The staff must first be trained before the Tertiary Team can be created. / Administrators, PBIS coaches. / [X] In Planning
[ ] Implementing
[ ] Ongoing
[ ] Completed
[ X] On Hold: Why? Lack of funding.
Form Tertiary Team and begin Tertiary level services. / After staff training, form committee from current staff members. Find time for the committee to meet on a scheduled basis. Select students for tertiary level services.
Timeline: 4 months / Administrators, PBIS coaches, mentors, State Representatives, Guidance Department, the outside community. Parents will also be needed on an individual basis. / Certain students are not succeeding at the Secondary level and the school has run out of resources at this level. / Administrators, PBIS coaches, Guidance Department, social worker, behavioral specialist. / [ ] In Planning
[ ] Implementing
[ ] Ongoing
[ ] Completed
[ X] On Hold:
Lack of training at the tertiary level.