Indiana Renewable Energy Association
2015 Membership Application
Name: ______
Title: ______
Company: ______
Street Address:______
City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______
E-mail: ______
Primary Phone: ______
Fax: ______
Cell Phone: ______
Website: ______
Best way to contact me: [ ] email [ ] phone [ ] text message via cell
Membership Category Requested:
[ ] Individual $35 (No listing in on-line Membership Directory)
[ ] New Joint Individual InREA $30 + ASES $30 = $60 Special Membership. Includes Solar Today
[ ] Business/Professional $100. Includes listing in on-line Membership Directory.
[ ] I want to be listed in the Business Directory at
Description of your company: (100 words or less) Please provide as Word File which can be uploaded with your company logo. Please contact us for acceptable file formats.
The following individuals or companies might be interested in joining Indiana Renew. You may use
my name when you contact them.
[ ] I am currently a member of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES)
[ ] I am currently a member of the following state or regional ASES chapters.
[ ] I am interested in information about membership in ASES.
I would be interested in serving on the following committee(s): or Technical Divisions listed below
[ ] Education and Training
[ ] Legislative, regulatory and public policy
[ ] Public relations, newsletter, blog, etc.
[ ] Indiana Solar Home Tour in conjunction with the ASES National Solar Home
National Tour scheduled for Saturday in October 2014.
For more details see:
[ ] I have a home or building I would like to nominate for the Indiana Solar Tour.
Please send me an application form to participate in the Indiana Tour.
[ ] I am interested in participating in a Virtual Tour only.
[ ] Membership
[ ] Other. Please describe how you would like to help.
I am interested in the following issues or topics: (please check as many as applicable)
[ ] Solar domestic hot water
[ ] Photovoltaics
[ ] Wind
[ ] Geothermal
[ ] Passive solar design
[ ] LEED certification and green building technology
[ ] Biomass, biofuels, methane digesters, etc.
[ ] Other ______
I am interested in the following policy issues or topics:
[ ] Net metering and interconnection rules and regulations
[ ] Renewable electricity standard or renewal portfolio standard
[ ] Feed-in tariffs (FITs)
[ ] PACE or Property Assessed Clean Energy Bonds
[ ] Demand Side Management (DSM) programs or issues
[ ] Electricity Utility Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs)
[ ] Climate change and carbon regulation
I would be interested in attending InREA membership meetings and/or activities held:
[ ] Weekday evenings [ ] Weekday daytime [ ] Weekends
[ ] I would be interested in hosting an InREA meeting or activity. Please describe.
Please send your check payable to:
Indiana Renewable Energy Association (InREA)
P.O. Box 843
Indianapolis, IN 46206-0843