References: Magdeleno, Ricardo, Catalogo XXII del Archivo de Simancas, Secretaria de Guerra (Siglo XVIII), Hojas de Servicios de America, Valladolid, 1958; and Legajo 7277, LDS microfilm roll 1156340.

In searching for the defenders of Veracruz during Spain’s 1779-83 War with England, we found names of many soldiers who had served there plus others who were veterans of the battles for Mobile, Pensacola, New Providence (Bahamas), Gibraltar, and Minorca, or were at Guarico (staging area for invasion of Jamaica on Sainte Domingue), Cadiz, or Havana. Of course, we found names of a few more who served in Central America and others who served in Nueva España wherever needed. We have included all those we could read though some were well known from previous research. All of the following were in service during the critical period of 1779-1783, and qualify as ancestors for any male who wishes to join the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR).

José María Abate (1740 Cadíz, Spain - ), Lt in 1780, Capt, Dragoons of Spain at Puebla, 1800, married Legajo 7277:I:22.

Juan Abercromby, Lt in 1780, Capt, Inf of New Spain at Veracruz, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:IV:19.

José Aguilar (1750 Mexico City - ), Soldier in Aug 1783, Sgt, Dragoons of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:II:61.

Pedro de Alberni (1748 Cataluña - ), Capt in 1782, Capt, Grad Lt Col, 1st Comp, Volunteers of Cataluña, Monterey, CA, 1801, Legajo 7277:VIII:19 and XI:15.

Conde de Alcaraz (1751 Malaga, Andalucia - ), Lt Col in 1782, Col and Brigadier, Dragoons of Spain at Puebla, 1800, Legajo 7277:I:17.

Gregorio Almaraz (1770 Monterrey, Mexico - ), total service 19 years, Soldier in 1781, Sgt, Cav Comp. at Punta de Lampazos, 1800, married, Legajo 7277:X:30. (It is possible the age listed is incorrect or misread.)

Domingo Alonso, 1st Sgt in 1782, Prov. Militia of Puebla y Tlaxcala, Lt, Inf of Puebla at Havana, 1800, Legajo 7277:VI:34.

Pedro de Alonso, SubLt of Grenadiers in 1780, served at Mobile and Pensacola, Lt Col, Corona Regt of New Spain at San Carlos de Perote, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:III:17.

Juan Felipe de Alva, Cadet in 1780 in the garrison of the ship San Pedro when he was captured and imprisoned at Charleston, SC, Capt, Corona Regt of New Spain at San Carlos de Perote, 1800, single.

Pedro de Alva (1764 Xalapa - ), Cadet in 1780 in Dragoons of Asturias, 1st SubLt, Cav Comp at Punta de Lampazos, 1800, married, Legajo 7277:9(10):23-48.

Nicolas Alvarez Montero, service from 1741, retired SubLt in 1778, back on duty in 1788, (former) Lt of Dragoons at Presidio Carmen, 1800, Legajo 7277:VIII:36.

Felipe Andrade (1767 Veracruz - ), Cadet in Feb 1783, Lt, Dragoons of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:II:37.

José Andrade (1763 Veracruz - ), SubLt for the Viceroy in 1781, Capt, Dragoons of Spain at Puebla, 1800, married, Legajo 7277:I:30.

Raymundo Andrés, Capt in 1780 in Aragon Regt, Lt Col, grad Col, Inf of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:IV:18.

José Anton, 2nd Sgt in 1780, Lt, Inf of New Spain at Veracruz, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:V:46.

Benito Astudillo (1764 Veracruz - ), Distinguished Soldier in Veracruz Artillery in 1780, Lt, Dragoons of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:II:35.

Francisco Ayende, Soldier in July, 1780, Sgt, Dragoons of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:???

José María de Barberena (1760 Horcasitas, Sonora - ), Soldier in 1779, 2d SubLt, 1st Comp. of Volante, Nuevo Santander, 1800, married, Legajo 7277:IX:3 and 29.

Gerardo Barrera, Soldier in 1781, served at Havana, New Providence, and Guarico in 1782, 1st Sgt, Corona Regt of New Spain, 1800, at San Carlos de Perote, single, Legajo 7277:III:68.

José Basarte (1758 Puebla de los Angeles, Mexico - ), SubLt in 1779, Capt, Dragoones of Spain at Puebla, 1800, Legajo 7277:I:29.

??Manuel Benicia, service record began in 1787 as Capt, Sgt Major, Inf of New Spain at Veracruz in 1800, married, Legajo 7277:V:18. (It is possible he bought his commission, or he may have had prior service.)

Mariano Bervuecos (1749 Ciudad Puebla - ), Sgt in 1780, Sgt, Dragoons of Mexico, 1800, married, Legajo 7277:???

José Berzaval, Cadet in 1780, SubLt in 1781, Inf of Granada, Adjutant Major, Inf of Puebla in Havana in 1800, Legajo 7277:VI:31.

José Blanco, Cadet in 1782, Capt, 2nd Comp. Volante, Nuevo Santander, 1800, Legajo 7277:IV:47.

Antonio Bonilla (1735 Cadiz, Spain - ), service began in 1756, Lt Col in Feb 1783, Brigadier in Dragoons of Mexico, 1800, Legajo 7277:II:16.

Liborio Borobia/Borobia, Soldier and Cpl, 1776 to 1788, Regts Aragon and Zamora, in wartime Cadiz and Havana operations, SubLt, Inf of Mexico in 1800, single, Legajo 7277:IV:62.

Manuel Buentiempo (1761 Toledo, Spain - ), 2nd Sgt, 1782, SubLt, Veterans of San Blas in 1781, Legajo 7277:VIII:47.

Manuel Bujanas (1750 Ciudad Cholula - ), Sgt in 1782, 1st SubLt, 1st Comp. Volante, Nuevo Santander, 1800.

Francisco Calero (1759 Andalucia - ), Soldier and Cpl, 1777-1789, Aragon and Mexico Regts, 1st Sgt, Inf of Puebla in Havana, 1800, Legajo 7277:VI:59.

Lazaro Calbo/Calvo (1758 Andalucia - ), Soldier and Cpl, 1775-96, Regts Zamora and others, served at Gibraltar, 1st Sgt, Inf of New Spain at Veracruz, 1800, married, Legajo 7277:V:66.

Francisco de Campo (1755 Merida, Yucatan - ), SubLt in 1781, Distinguished in 1783, Adjutant Major, Presidio Carmen, 1800, Legajo 7277:VIII:30.

Miguel de Campo (1761 Presidio del Carmen - ), Distinguished Soldier in 1779, Cadet in 1781, SubLt in Dragoons, Presidio Carmen, 1800, Legajo 7277:VIII:37.

Miguel de Campo (1753 Uldicona, Cataluña - ), Lt in 1781, Capt, Dragoons of Spain at Puebla, 1800, married, Legajo 7277:I:27.

Francisco Camuñez (Ceuta - ), Cadet, 1770-1787, Garrison of Ceuta and Cav. Lanzas, Lt Grenadiers, Inf of Puebla at Havana in 1800, Legajo 7277:VI:33.

Manuel Canals, 2nd Sgt in 1781, 1st Sgt, Inf of New Spain at Veracruz in 1800, single, Legajo 7277:V:69.

José Cardoso, 1st Sgt Grenadiers in Asturias Inf in 1780, Lt, Grenadiers, Inf of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:IV:32.

Antonio Casas, Soldier and Cpl, 1778-88, Regts Aragon and Zamora, in Pensacola operation, 1st Sgt Inf of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:VIII:37.

Francisco de las Casas, SubLt in 1781, Capt, Inf of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:IV:30.

Juan de Castañeda Quevedo (1764 Castilla la Vieja - ), 2d SubLt, 3rd Comp Volante, 1781, 2d Lt, Cav Comp Punta de Lampazos, 1800, married, Legajo 7277:IX:21-47.

?? Pedro Cavallero, formerly of Presidio Carmen, retired as an Invalid, 1800, Legajo 7277:???

Antonio Cayre (Piamonte - ), Soldier and Cpl, 1775-90 in Regts Hibernia and Flandes, SubLt, Regt Corona of New Spain at San Carlos de Perote in 1800, single, Legajo 7277:III:56.

Conde de Colonbiny, service began Jan 1783 in Guardia de Corps, Capt Inf of New Spain at Veracruz, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:V:26.

Joaquin Julian de Cos (1763 Veracruz - ), Portaguion in 1782, Adjutant Major, Dragoons of Mexico, 1800, married, Legajo 7277:II:33.

José de Cos (1752 Veracruz - ), Lt in 1781, Capt, Inf of New Spain at Veracruz in 1800, married, Legajo 7277:V:23.

Juan de Dios de Cos (1761 Veracruz - ), Cadet in 1780 in Veracruz Lanzeras, Lt, Dragoons of Mexico, 1800, married, Legajo 7277:II:30.

Ildefonso Dias (1750 Ciudad Puebla - ), Sgt in 1780, Lt, Dragoons of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:II:38.

Josef Ramon Diaz de Bustamante (1757 la Hacienda dela Ramada - ), Capt in 1779, Dragoons Province of San Carlos, Capt, 1800, 3rd Comp. Volante, Nuevo Santander, single, Legajo 7277:IX:12 and 38.

Manuel Dovalina (1753 San Luís Potosí - ), Soldier in 1782, Sgt, 3rd Comp Volante, Nuevo Santander, 1800, Legajo 7277:IX:17 and 43.

Guillermo Dupaix (1750 Salm, Flanders - ), Guardia de Corps, 1767-1784, Capt, Dragoons of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:II:22.

Ambrosio Echeverria (Veracruz - ), Cadet, Dee 1782 Regt Asturias, Lt, Corona Regt of New Spain at San Carlos de Perote, 1800, sinble, Legajo 7277:III:34.

Miguel José de Emparon (1759 Azpoitia - ), Lt of Frigate in 1780, Lt Col Dragoons of Spain at Puebla, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:I:20.

Antonio Espejo, Soldier in 1779 in Aragon Regt, served at Pensacola, SubLt, Inf of New Spain at Veracruz, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:V:57.

Francisco Espinosa, 2d Sgt in 1782 in Zamora Regt, Lt Inf of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:IV:40.

José Espinosa, Soldier, Jul 1783, 1st Sgt, Inf of New Spain at Veracruz in 1800, single, Legajo 7277:V:68.

Rafael Esquibel (1762 Mexico - ), Soldier in 1780, SubLt, Dragoons of Spain at Puebla, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:I:53.

Juan Estor, SubLt in 1780, Corona Regt of New Spain, Lt, Inf of New Spain in Veracruz in 1800, single, Legajo 7277:V:37.

Pedro Fabregos, Lt, Grenadiers in 1781, Capt in 1782, Capt, Grenadiers, Inf of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:IV:21.

Antonio Fajardo (1756 Galicia - ), SubLt in 1779 and Lt, 1780 with Comp Islas, San Juan de Ulua, Capt, Inf of Puebla in 1800 at Havana, Legajo 7277:VI:24.

Francisco Fernandez (1762 Hermisende - ), Soldier in 1779, Cav. of Calatraba, SubLt, Dragoons of Mexico in 1800, single, Legajo 7277:II:44.

José Fernandez, 1st Sgt, 1778-85, Lt Grenadiers, Inf of New Spain at Veracruz, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:V:35.

José Ferraras, Soldier and Cpl, 1770-85, Regt Saboya and Corona, served at Veracruz, Havana, and Guarico, 1st Sgt, Inf of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:???

Pedro Ferron, 1st Sgt in 1781 in Zamora Regt, Adjutant Major, Inf of Mexico in 1800, single, Legajo 7277:???

Manuel José de Figueroa (1751 - ), 2d Cpl in 1779, 1st Cpl in 1781, 1st Sgt, 1800, Presidio Carmen, Legajo 7277:VIII:33.

José Font y Bermudes (1756 Coruña - ), Lt in 1778, wartime service at Veracruz, Lt and Capt, Grad, 1st Comp, Volunteers of Cataluña, Monterey, CA, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:VIII:20.

José Galindo, Soldier and Cpl, 1776-88, Aragon Regt, served at Pensacola, SubLt, Inf of New Spain at Veracruz, 1800, Legajo 7277:V:60.

Bernardo Gallegos (1735 Canary Islands - ), Lt Corona Inf Regt, 1769, Capt in 1780, served at New Providence and Havana in 1782, Capt, Brenadiers, Regt of Corona of New Spain at San Carlos de Perote in 1800, widower, Legajo 7277:III:19.

Bernardo Gallegos, service as a minor Cadet in Jun 1783, Lt, Regt Corona of New Spain at San Carlos de Perote, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:III:36.

José Gallegos, Cadet in 1781, at New Providence, Havana, and Guarico in 1782, Lt, Grenadiers Regt Corona of New Spain at San Carlos de Perote, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:III:33.

Manuel Gallegos, Cadet in June 1783, Adjutant Major, Regt Corona of New Spain at San Carlos de Perote, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:III:35.

Narciso Gallegos, Cadet in 1779, at New Providence and Guarico in 1782, Capt, Regt Corona of New Spain at San Carlos de Perote, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:III:29.

Manuel Galvan (1740 City of Monterrey, Mexico - ), Sgt in 1782, 1st SubLt, 3rd Comp Volante of Nuevo Santander, 1800, widower, Legajo 7277:IX:14-40.

José Gamiz (1751 - ), Lt Grenadiers in 1781, Lt Col, Inf of New Spain at Veracruz in 1800, married, Legajo 7277:V:17.

Baltazar Garcia (1753 Presidio del Carmen - ), 1st Sgt, 1778-1800, Dragoons, Presidio Carmen, Legajo 7277:VIII:38.

Diego Garcia Conde (1761 Barcelona - ), Cadet, 1772-1783, Capt, Dragoons of Mexico, 1800, married, Legajo 7277:II:18.

Francisco Garcia Bringas (1763 Cantabria - ), Distinguished Soldier in 1781, Adjutant Major, Dragoons of Spain at Puebla, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:I:34.

Pedro Garibay (1730 Navarra - ), Sgt Major, Lt Col, 1773-1783, Provincial Militias, Col and Brigadier, Inf of New Spain at Veracruz in 1800, married, Legajo 7277:V:16.

Tomás Garito, Soldier and Cpl, 1778-1793, Regts Aragon and Zamora, wartime prisoner at Cerra in Barbados, 1st Sgt, Inf of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:IV:74.

Antonio Gaso, SubLt in 1780, Capt Dragoons of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:???.

Juan José Gasso (1755 Veracruz - ), son of a Captain, Lt in 1780, Capt in Regt Corona of New Spain at San Carlos de Perote in 1800, married, Legajo 7277:???

José Gil, Adjutant Major, 1778-86, Capt, Dragoons of Mexico, 1800, married, Legajo 7277:II:20.

Manuel Gilavert/Gilabert, credit in 1787 for service of 12 years, 11 months, and 23 days, Lt Inf of Puebla at Havana in 1800, Legajo 7277:VI:38.

Manuel Isidoro Gomez, Cadet in Militia in 1782, SubLt in Militia in Aug 1783, Lt, Inf of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:IV:42.

Pedro Gongora, Soldier and Cpl, 1771-1785, at Guarico in 1782, SubLt, Regt Corona of New Spain at San Carlos de Perote, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:III:54.

Manuel Gracia (1741 Zaragoza - ), Capt grad, 1778-1789, Provincial Inf of Tlaxcala, Capt Grenadiers, grad Lt Col, Inf Regt of Puebla at Havana in 1800, Legajo 7277:VI:17.

Bartolomé Guilloto (1763 Andalucia - ), 1st Cpl Veteran in 1780, 1st Sgt Fusiliers, 1782, Inf Province Cordova, SubLt, Inf of Puebla at Havana in 1800, Legajo 7277:VI:42.

Andrés Gundin, Soldier and Cpl, 1776-1795, Regt Asturias and others, 1st Sgt, Inf of New Spain at Veracruz in 1800, single, Legajo 7277:V:75.

Francisco Gutierrez Sabogal, SubLt in 1782, Capt, Inf of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:IV:31.

Antonio Hernández (1740 City of Almeria - ), Adjutant Major in 1780, Capt and Lt Col, Vets of San Blas, 1801.