Indiana Library Federation
Board of Directors Meeting
Indiana Library Federation, Bldg. 911, lower level
Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 12.30 pm
Present: Robyn Young, Beverly Gard, Gigi Shook, Heather McNabb, Marcia Au, Stephanie Davis, Emily Ellis, Jake Speer, Jason Hatton, Laurel Setser, Steve Pearl, Kevin Petsche, Ruth Szpunar, Kathy Burnette, Susan Akers
Phone: Amber Arnold, Michelle Houser, Jim Cline, Kelly Ehinger
President Gard welcomed all and introduced new members.
Shannon Borneman gave notice that she will resign as conference manager as of May 1. Beverly Gard thanked her for her service.
As to the approval of minutes, it was noted to correct the name of Jos instead of Josh who was present on phone, and that the date at the top should be Feb. 10 not Feb. 5.With those corrections, Marcia Au made a motion to approve the minutes and Robyn Young seconded.
Correspondence – none
ILF Office Reports
Kevin Petsche, treasurer, provided the report showing that the change in net assets are $94,000 and we are now three-quarters through the fiscal year; we are on track with expenses overall.
Susan Akers provided the director’s report and a membership update. We have 83 new members and district conferences are going well with seven events scheduled for April and May. She said during National Library Week more than 50 directors had used the “Viewpoint” with their local newspapers. This piece was written by her on behalf of ILF, and it has also been one of most tweeted items recently. Susan has been receiving thank you letters to elected officials from directors whose libraries have received LSTA grants or National Endowment for the Arts funding. These letters will be in packets to go to Washington in early May.
She mentioned that ILF budget committee and board continue to look at ways to streamline funds and eliminate redundancies, improve efficiencies. She noted that personal memberships have decreased somewhat since the spike from last year when PLA was held in Indianapolis. The membership coordinator promoted a special membership week during the last week of March.
President Gard asked about a plan to promote the job opening. Susan uses “Nonprofit News/Charitable Advisors” job vacancies and the local chapter of Meeting Planners to promote the opening; salary running between $42,000 and $45,000 with abonus after annual conference.
Discussion Items
President Gard noted that there are 11 session days left and General Assembly must be adjourned by 29th. There is no change for school libraries/libraries for connectivity, INSPIRE funding was reinstated; Bill 251 prelim was added, working on language for additional broadband connectivity funds, but right now it says recipients would be in theENA consortium, and we want libraries who aren’t a part of the consortium to share in any broadband connectivity funding.
Strategic Plan Update - Susan reported that as of now there are 23 items completed or near completion out of the 29 items in the three-year plan. President Gard requested she send the strategic plan update as an email attachment.
The Endowment Board moved to allow the ILF board to merge the endowment account under the ILF. Matthew Carr, attorney, is drafting merger documents that will move this action forward. It will need to be voted on by the membership. Scholarship funds will be managed by the budget committee.
Susan provided an update as to the LSTA grant for videoconferencing equipment. She is estimating $3,000 in upfront or installation charges, then a possible $2300 per year on software and a $50 per person cost. These costs should be decreased over time. It was noted that Google Hangouts would allow the group to meet (up to 10 people) virtually at no cost rather than have special software to meet virtually. ILF still has to pay about $1200 per year to expand broadband capabilities at the office. Susan will investigate further and seek alternatives as to special software for connecting.
Action Items
Susan brought forth the approval of ALA Joint Student Memberships, mentioning that we are one of 20 states that don’t offer joint memberships to students. The rate is $38 per year renewable at the end of August through the ALA. The ILF would receive half. Heather McNabb made a motion to approve the membership addition and Stephanie Davis seconded. All approved. Susan will look into the situation whereby ILF is on a calendar year and ALA runs its membership fall-to-fall. There are other associations with the same situation and they have a work-around.
President Gard appointed members to the Nominating Committee (Michelle Houser, AISLE; Ruth Szpunar, IALA and June Kruer from IALA). Robyn Young made a motion to approve with a second by Kelly Ehinger (all approved).
There was appointment of co-chairs to Intellectual Freedom Committee of Don Parker and Dr. David Peter. Jason Hatton made a motion to approve J and Robyn Young seconded. (all approved)
Association Reports
IPLA - Kelly Ehinger reported that at their last meeting in March they worked on next year’s budget, strategic planning retreat in summer.
AISLE - Gigi reported that AASL Region 3 meeting is in OH and Ben Moore will attend. June 12 is EdCamp Indy at Raymond Park Middle School. Rosie and YHBA voting has taken place. The new chair for ReadAloud is Charles Pieri from Elkhart. Gigi reported that on page 4 of USA Today there is an article about Indiana school librarian Sherry Gick, Rossville Library,and she is one of the Library Journal’sMovers and Shakers.
Gigi will be attending ALA’s National Library Legislation Day in Washington, DC in early May.
IALA - Ruth met in March, budget done and they proposed two sessions for annual conference.She noted that on April 7 in Fort Wayne there was an ACRL webinar where 15 people attended. Amber Arnold, chair elect for IALA, was introduced.
ILTA - We welcomed Steven Pearl from the Avon Washington Township library board who joined the ILF board.
Report from ALA Councilor - Jason Hatton has no report.
Ex-Officio Member Report
Indiana State Library–Jake Speer reported that a new interface for INSPIRE will be released on July 1 and promotion about that will follow. Standards will be announced in the Wednesday Word. There is a public hearing for certification for IHLB meeting on April 23. The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)conference will be April 13.
The state library has made an effort to have a presence at all ILF district conferences. A new initiative called One Book One State will be offered for different age groups. Gigi asked Jake to considering doing a presentation at Edcamp on INSPIRE if the new interface is available.
ILHB - Regarding changes to standards, Laurel recommended using same link from Wednesday Word. It was asked if there is any word on an ILTA appointment for ILHB. President Gard indicated she would touch base after the session was over.
New Business– An editor at a publication by the ALA had contacted Susan to get a response regarding the controversy over RFRA, particularly as it relates to a conference scheduled in Indiana several years from now. We believe Indiana has been and will continue to be an outstanding and welcoming host. Susan will work with President Gard to develop a simple, yet direct response.
There was a question about members being on AISLE book committees. The unit has worked hard to ensure public library members can be on AISLE committees but the current membership form online allows only one response to an association. We will need to change the matrix in order to allow multi-association membership. Susan will look at membership software will let us know in Juneincluding possible costs
Robyn Young reported that annual conference planning committee will meet on April 29 and review proposals and set the ILF annual conference sessions.
Adjourned at 1:41 p.m.
Upcoming Board Meeting Dates:
August 11 at 12.30 pm
October 6 (meeting time to be changed to 1 pm at location Oak Hill Mansion on 116th St.)
December 8 at 12:30 pm.