Indiana Junior Rodeo
The Indiana Junior Rodeo Association was organized in 1989 to better educate and promote the sport of Rodeo. The founding members saw a need to provide a training ground for younger children in the sport of Rodeo. The organization was incorporated on September 7, 1990. Our organization helps to build skills that our children can use in High School Rodeo and beyond. Our association promotes the building of character and sportsmanship in our young cowboys and cowgirls. We stress responsibility, cooperation and good conduct in our participants. We see this as a way to help our children to develop into outgoing and productive individuals in their communities. Inside many children is the desire to become a part of the West by being a cowboy or cowgirl. We strive to encourage children to perform to his or her highest potential and to realize their dreams.
Our association is a non-profit, independent athletic association that uses no school or tax dollars and we provide for our own insurance coverage. We have a variety of events that our children can compete in. We have different events for our younger children in the younger level so they may develop skills needed to compete in the older divisions. Our season runs from September to August so our age groups are set to run with the school year. We have children competing in Kindergarten through the Eighth grade.
Inside every child, there is the need to be accepted for who and what they are. We, through our organization, strive to provide the best possible growing ground for our competitors.
BY-LAWS...... 6
RODEO ENTRY...... 10
FEES...... 11
PROBATION...... 13
EXPULSION...... 14
RODEO RULES...... 16
BARRELS K-1-2 Boys Event and Girls Event...... 17
TEXAS 8 BARRELS K-1-2 Boys Event and Girls Event...... 17
BREAKAWAY SLED ROPING K-1-2 Boys Event and Girls Event...... 18
CALF RIDING K-1-2 Boys Event Only...... 18
GOAT TYING K-1-2 Boy/Girl Event...... 19
MUTTON BUSTING K-1-2 Boys Event and Girls Event...... 19
POLE BENDING K-1-2 Boys Event and Girls Event...... 20
STEER HEAD DUMMY ROPING Boys Event and Girls Event...... 21
CALF HEAD DUMMY ROPINGBoys Event and Girls Event...... 21
DUMMY GOAT TYING Boy Event and Girl Event...... 21
BARRELS 3-4-5 Boy/Girl Event...... 21
TEXAS 8 BARRELS 3-4-5 Boy/Girl Event...... 22
BREAKAWAY CALF ROPING 3-4-5 Boys and Girls Event...... 22
CALF RIDING 3-4-5 Boys Event...... 23
CHUTE DOGGIN 3-4-5 Boys Event...... 23
GOAT TYING 3-4-5 Boys and Girls Event...... 24
POLE BENDING 3-4-5 Girls Event...... 25
STEER STOPPING 3-4-5 Boy and Girl Event...... 25
LEAD STEER HEELING 3-4-5 Boy and Girl Event…………………………………………………..25
STEP DOWN ROPING 3-4-5 Boys Event...... 26
6-7-8 Grade Division
BARRELS 6-7-8 Combined Boy/Girl Event...... 26
TEXAS 8 BARRELS 6-7-8Combined Boy/Girl Event...... 27
BREAKAWAY CALF ROPING 6-7-8 Girls and Boys Event...... 27
Jr. Bull Riding Boys ONLY Event...... 27
CALF ROPING 6-7-8 Boys Event...... 28
GOAT TYING 6-7-8 Boy/ Girl Event...... 29
POLE BENDING 6-7-8 Girls Event...... 30
CHUTE DOGGING 6-7-8 Boys Only Event...... 30
TEAM ROPING 6-7-8 UNISEX EVENT……………………………………………………………31
PRINCESS CONTEST POINTS RUBRIC …………………………………………………………. 39
PRINCESS HORSEMANSHIP PATTERN ………………………………………………………….41
Article I
This organization will be known as the Indiana Junior Rodeo Association, Inc., here in after referred to as the club.
Article II
To better educate and promote the sport of Rodeo.
Article III
Membership and Dues
•Any family or single person of good character, interested in the purpose of this club or having an interest in the sport of Rodeo, may apply for membership. The membership of this club consists of family or associate.
•Family Membership. Yearly dues of $30.00 includes person/persons with or without children (Kindergarten – eighth grade), for participation in all club functions. Each member parent shall be entitled to one vote.
•Associate Membership. Yearly dues of $15.00 shall include members who wish to support the club, but with no voting rights. Associate members are to be adults only and cannot hold office.
•You must be a member to compete in the Rodeo. A one-weekend Rodeo Participation permit for non-members shall be available for a set fee of $15.00. This fee will be applied towards a family membership if the contestant joins the Association.
Article IV
Officers and Directors
•The officers of this club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Association Secretary, Rodeo Secretary, and Treasurer. The positions of President, Vice President, Association Secretary, and Rodeo Secretary shall be elected by the membership. The position of Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and is subject to a background check. Treasurer will remain in office until the board appoints a new treasurer or treasurer resigns at which time a new treasurer will be appointed. The office of Secretary and Treasurer will be combined the first year. The President, the Rodeo Secretary and the Treasurer shall have no vote in decision of board of directors, except in the case of a tie in which the President will cast the deciding vote.
The President shall lead, plan, organize, and carrying out responsibilities for the association. The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and all meetings of the board of directors.
The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President if the President is absent or unable to act. He or she shall work with and coordinate the activities of the standing committees when so directed by the President.
The Treasurer shall be the financial officer of the club. He or she shall deposit all funds in such bank that the membership shall approve. He or she shall disburse all monies as authorized by the membership for the account of the club and shall take proper receipts of all monies disbursed by he or she. The Treasurer shall provide monthly check register to each Board Member at each monthly meeting. The Treasurer shall not make any disbursements without receipts. The Board shall approve all expenditures other than normal operating expenses. At the end of each fiscal year a financial statement shall be prepared and submitted to the club at the first business meeting of the new fiscal year. The officers shall audit this balance sheet for the current year.
The Association Secretary shall keep complete minutes of all business transacted at all meetings of the club. The minutes shall be submitted at the next club meeting, amended as required, and filed in the club’s record book. The secretary shall keep a complete record of all members of the club, and their addresses, with the records of the club and shall be responsible for the safe keeping of all the records of the club. He or she shall be responsible for all activity notices that are to be mailed to the membership.
The Rodeo Secretary shall consist of one (1) elected member and two (2) helpers. He or she shall keep complete records for participation of the children’s point system. All rodeos should be scheduled through the Rodeo Secretary. The Rodeo Secretary shall be responsible for all timing, scoring and point recording. Points for the year-end totals will be kept from September 1 through August31. The first year being from March 1 through August 1.
The Board of Directors shall be made of four (4) members in good standing, one (1) alternate, one (1) member at largeand five (5) officers of the association. This board shall act as an advisory group to assist the President in the direction of the membership, in the best interest of the club and to the accomplishment of its objectives. The past President shall serve the following year in the position of member at large. Only the past President can fill the member at large position. The Board shall vote upon committee Chairman.
Article V
Board of Directors
•The Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Association Secretary, Rodeo Secretary, four(4) elected members of the club plus one (1) elected alternate, and the past President serving as member at large for 1 year.
•A vacancy in the office of the President, either temporary or permanent shall be filled in the following order: a) Vice President, b) Treasurer.
•Vacancies in all other offices or in the Board of Directors shall be filled by special election determined by the board
•Impeachment proceedings may be instituted against any officer or director of the club if he or she shall willfully or maliciously execute the duties of his or her office in contrast to the majority wish of the club, or if he or she shall fail to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the club without legitimate excuse. (Sickness or death in the immediate family or absence for business reasons shall constitute a legitimate excuse.)
•A majority vote in favor of impeachment by the membership shall remove a subject from his or her office and may by majority vote of the membership cancel his or her privilege of membership.
Article VI
Payment of Monies and Fiscal Year
•No officer or director or member of the club shall incur any financial obligations in the name of the club or make payments of any monies of the club without having previously had such action approved by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer (subject to approval of the Board as stated) may pay regular expenses for the club.
•All checks and other instruments for the payment of monies of the club shall be drawn by the Treasurer in the name of the club and shall be signed by the Treasurer.
•The fiscal year shall begin January 1st and end December 31st.
•Terms of officers shall be August to August. Election of officers to be held at a date determined by each board. Membership to be notified at least thirty days prior to the date determined. This shall also be the annual meeting of the membership. New officers and Board to assume office at the completion of the State Finals.
Article VII
•Board of Directors meetings shall be held every month or as deemed necessary by the President.
•General meetings will be held in accordance with the rodeos.
•Special meetings may be called by the President or by petition to the Secretary signed by at least ten (10)-voting members of the club. Members must be notified at least six (6) days in advance of the meeting.
Article VIII
•No alcoholic beverages shall be permitted at any functions authorized by the club. Violators will be subject to dismissal or suspension.
Article IX
•Amendments to the By-Laws may be proposed by the officers or the membership or by recommendation of the By-Laws Committee when the club activates such committee.
•Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the membership by letter at least fifteen (15) days prior to a scheduled meeting by which the amendments are to be brought to a vote.
•The proposed amendment shall become a part of the By-Laws upon the determination of a two-thirds majority in the affirmative.
Article X
Politics and Distribution of Assets
•Any and all assets of the Corporation are permanently dedicated to exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provisions of future laws). The Corporation shall not be operated for pecuniary and shall have no capital stock; shall make no distribution of dividends to its members, directors, officers, or persons having a private interest in the activities of the corporation, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in these By-Laws.
•No substantial part of the activities of the Corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
•In the event the Corporation is dissolved, the Board of Directors shall pay, satisfy and discharge all liabilities and obligations of the Corporation or make adequate provisions therefore and distribute all remaining assets of the Corporation to an organization or organizations engaged in activities substantially similar to those of the Corporation and organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall at that time qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provisions of future laws).
•Any of such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the circuit court of the county in which the principle of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Amendment I
The IJRA shall retain the authority to evict from any function or to cancel membership of any person, member, or family for illegal activities or actions not consistent with the beliefs and intentions of the IJRA. This action is to be taken only by Board decision.
*** Judge’s decision will govern any situation not covered by this rulebook ***
A.To start IJRA: Contestant must be five (5) years old by June 1st and enrolled in Kindergarten
B.Exclusions to enter a new year: Contestant may not enter a new year if sixteen (16) years old after June 1st or upon entering the 9th grade.
C.Birth Certificates and Proof of Grade (report card, letter from school, etc.) must be submitted to the Rodeo Secretary with application for ALL members. Members will not be allowed to enter any IJRA rodeo until these documents are provided to the Rodeo Secretary. Members will compete in the grade division that represents their age appropriate grade that they declared at the start of their educational career. Members can compete in each grade division for 3 years, with the exception of the 6-7-8 grade division where they can compete until they reach their actual 8th grade year. If a member has been held back a grade level in their educational career, they will compete in their actual age appropriate grade level in IJRA. Maximum amount ofyears to compete in IJRA is 10. This rule applies to public, private, or homeschooled members.
D.No points shall be awarded to a contestant participating on a permit only.
E. IJRA rodeo insurance coverage is secondary to other coverage and not meant to take the place of primary insurance, but is required to rodeo.
F. The IJRA may impose requirements on its members as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, to aid in fundraisers, sponsorship, and other projects for the purpose of financial assistance to the IJRA.
A.Western Saddle and equipment are required.
B.Contestant, Contestant helpers, adults, and Committee helpers with the exception of EMS personnel must wear Western attire: Western hat/helmet, long sleeved shirt and shirttail tucked in, (must be wrist length sleeved shirt, with collar and cuffs), Western boots and long pants. Sweatshirts, T-shirts, pullover sweaters or vests may be worn over a long-sleeved shirt as long as proper collar and cuffs are visible.
1.The only exception to this rule will be in Calf Riding and Mutton Busting. Contestant may roll up sleeve on riding arm only, 2 rolls (not to exceed the elbow), when competing.
2. Proper rodeo attire must be worn behind the chutes and in arena area.
C.Contestant appearing in any contest or grand entry will be in acceptablerodeo attire or will be disqualified.
D.Contestant expecting to compete with special equipment or in special attire, which may be in conflict with the IJRA rules, must present a written request to the Rodeo Secretary accompanied by written approval from the Contestant's physician.
- Each contestant must mail in the entry form to inform the Rodeo Secretary of the specific events to be entered in the upcoming rodeo. Entry must be postmarked by the designated date. Entries may also be e-mailed. The e-mail address for entries will be published on the IJRA website. E-mails must be received by the designated date. There will also be a time specified to call-in entry.
- Deadline on entries and call back time will be established prior to every IJRA rodeo. This deadline will be published in an email and/or on the IJRA website (
- Each contestant shall be allowed to request Slack or Performance a maximum of two times per season without penalty. Any further requests shall result in a $50 fine in addition to regular event fees, stock charges, etc.
- There will be a $50 fine for late mail in. The fine will be collected upon entry to the rodeo.
- Any contestant that has been injured at an IJRA rodeo and has received medical treatment at a hospital or urgent care facility must have a doctor’s release before the contestant is allowed to resume competition.
- On the day of each rodeo, there will be a specific check-in time. Specific check-in times will be advised prior to every IJRA rodeo. If you are late for check-in, the following options will be available:
- Pay regular event fees and rodeo for NO points.
- Pay double event fees and rodeo for points.
•If you are paying a $50 late mail-in fee and are late for check-in, the fine is not doubled, just the event fees. Fees for late check-in will be waived in case of an accident or uncontrollable circumstances – with notification to the Rodeo Secretary in advance or upon immediate arrival at the rodeo.
•If a contestant draws out on or 48 hrs. prior, all entry fees are waived.