Drugan Dragon Track
Parent Handbook
Purpose: The purpose of this handbook is to share important beliefs, expectations, and details about the John Drugan Track Program. Please take the time to read through this handbook to better understand our philosophies and expectations of your son/daughter while he/she is a member of the Track Program. If you need any further clarification or have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact any of the track coaches (Pacheco, Valles, Velarde, or Mildon). We try to create a “family atmosphere” within the Track Program. We truly hope that all parents and athletes feel a part of the “Drugan Family” at all times.
Thank You: First and foremost, you as parents deserve a huge “thank you” for all that you do for your athlete(s). Parents are an integral part of any program, and we want to make sure we express our gratitude to you for everything you do for your son/daughter, our school, and our Track Program.
Coach Mildon Email:
Coach Vasquez: Email:
Coach Enriquez: Email:
Coach Dominguez: Email:
Parent’s Roles: Roles are important on any team. Parents have a very important role in the program. We feel that the following roles are very important for parents to follow:
- Support/Encourage your athlete(s) and the program. While one might not always agree with ever decision made by coaches or individual players, please be there to support your athlete(s) and the program in a positive manner. We as coaches try to make decisions in the best interest of the program and the kids involved in our program, so please be supportive of your athlete(s) and the entire program.
- Be a “Drugan Fan”. Sometimes as parents we focus on our own athlete(s) and we become more concerned with the success of our own athlete(s) rather than the success of the TEAM. Please remember to cheer for the Drugan Dragons and to be a fan of all members of the team when they are playing.
- Display good sportsmanship. Please represent Drugan at each meet by showing good sportsmanship towards meet officials, coaches, athletes, and fans from our school and the other schools participating.
Goals: Our program has three main goals for our athletes:
- Have fun. Middle school sports should be memorable experiences that foster life-long relationships and memories. We want to create an environment in which your athlete(s) will have a positive experience that will be enjoyable for him/her.
- Work hard/Run Hard. The value of hard work is priceless. We hope to instill the life-long lesson of hard work in your athlete(s) that will stay with him/her now and in the future.
- Compete together. Teamwork and togetherness is an extremely important aspect of our program. While many feel that track is an individual sport, it takes a whole team to encourage each and every athlete while they are competing in each event. The “family atmosphere” we try to create in the Drugan Track Program is one where we hope that your athlete(s) can feel as if he/she belongs with a special group of people that care about him/her. This family atmosphere will remain with each and every athlete we have in our program well after they have left Drugan because we believe in the motto…Once a Dragon Always a Dragon.
Competing in Meets: One of the hardest jobs of a coach is determining which athletes will compete at each track meet. All of our athletes work hard to improve their track and field skills, trying to earn a spot in the meet. Unfortunately, not every athlete can compete in every meet due to differences in ability. As athletes progress through each level, the competition improves, and some athletes will improve at a different rate. We as coaches believe that competing in meets is earned through hard work and effort. Even though we cannot promise that every athlete will compete in every meet we do promise to hold ourselves as coaches to the following promises to your athlete(s):
- We will not quit on any athlete. It does not matter if an athlete competes in every track meet, we will not quit working with our athletes to improve on their PERSONAL RECORDS.
- We will be honest with each player in our assessment of their skills. The coaches will determine strengths and weaknesses of each athlete and we will attempt to help the athlete improve on any weaknesses all the while helping strengths to flourish.
- We will communicate as clearly as we can. It is our job to communicate roles and information to each athlete and we will give our best effort to communicate to each athlete.
Communication: We will do our best as coaches to communicate information to athletes and parents as soon as possible. Many times, dates, and details are outlined in the schedule, but if there changes, the coaches will let the athletes know about those changes as soon as possible. Here are some specific instances that involve communication and our policies for each instance:
Players are expected to be at every single practice. Weekday practices are after school at 3:30PM. There are consequences for excessive tardiness and absences to practices (competing in meets, extra exercises, dismissal from team).
Excused Absences: Attendance at practice and meets is mandatory for track athletes. Only extenuating circumstances will be counted as an excused absence. If an athlete needs to leave school for any reason and plans to return to practice they need to notify any of the coaches they are doing so. If an athlete gets prior approval from an administrator (principal or athletic director); they may miss part of the school day and still practice that afternoon as well. Reasons for missing a part of the day that would qualify as an excused absence would be a funeral, appointment, etc. If an athlete misses part of the school day and has not informed a coach or administrator of the absence in advance, the absence will be considered unexcused, and they will not be able to practice.
Sickness: If an athlete is sick for any part of the school day and misses any portion of school for sickness, he/she is not eligible to participate in practice.
No Secrecy: If parents wish to discuss their athlete at any time we ask that both the parent and athlete be present at the time of the meeting.
Riding the Bus Home after Meets: All athletes are expected to ride the bus home after meets. If there is a situation when the athlete needs to ride home with a parent from a game (family emergency, other school activity, etc.), the athlete will be excused to leave with a parent only if the parent provides a written signature excusing the athlete to ride home with them. If an athlete needs to leave from an away meet, the need to pick up a form from the office 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEET. Coaches will not allow an athlete to leave under any circumstances without an ADMINISTRATOR signature.
24 Hour Rule: After meets, please refrain from approaching a coach to discuss an issue regarding your athlete(s), the meet, or anything track related. Instead, please wait until the next day to contact the coach. Often times after meets, the adrenaline is flowing for all involved, and discussing the situation the next day is more beneficial for everyone. Also, please contact a coach at school via phone or e-mail. Do not call a coach at home, unless it is an emergency. Family time is limited during the season, so our time with our families is valuable.
Non-Debatable Issues: Competing in meets, coaching strategy, scouting, and other personnel matters are made by coaches and are not debatable.
Academics: Academics are the #1 priority for all of our athletes. Athletes are students first and foremost. It is important that all Drugan Track Athletes take pride in their academic work in the classroom. One’s education will carry them further than track, so academics needs to be taken very seriously. We follow the “NO PASS, NO PLAY” rule that has been implemented by the State of Texas; which means that you must be passing all of your classes in order to compete. We will follow the given amount of time set forth by the school for any academic suspension.
Athlete Conduct:Our athletes and coaches are expected to be an example to all at John Drugan and in Socorro ISD. They are expected represent John Drugan and SISD with class, pride, integrity, and respect:
*The track team will abide by the high standards set at John Drugan. Any behavior that is deemed unbecoming of a student-athlete will be dealt with accordingly.
*The track program reserves the right to not allow an athlete to compete or be part of the team for any violation deemed inappropriate.
*We expect our athletes to always display good sportsmanship; athletes are told not to argue any official decisions made in practice or at meets. Coaches will address any situations that take place at track meets.
1st referral – athlete will not participate in meet
2nd referral – athlete will not participate in meet
3rd referral – suspension from team (or based on severity of referral)
Team Guidelines When Travelling as a Dragon:
- Follow all school policies.
- Wear only appropriate clothing.
- Be respectful and appropriate in any school vehicle.
- Leave opposing facilities cleaner than we found them.
- Be respectful to all fans, athletes, coaches, officials, and staff from other schools.
Game Day Attire: Track meets are held on Saturdays, however, the Friday before a meet students is expected to follow the attire that has been decided upon for days before a meet. Drugan Track Athletes will look sharp, appropriate, and together in any attire that is decided upon by the team concerning meet day attire. All athletes will be required to wear the provided John Drugan Track uniform at the meet. Any shirts worn under the uniform top must be the same color as the uniform or a color set forth by the coaches.
Uniform Handling: The uniforms are to be washed in cold water and should not be dried in the dryer. The athlete will be responsible for the uniforms and will have to compensate the school for any damage sustained to the uniforms.
(Cut here; sign, date, and return to Coach)
I have read and understand the rules and expectations in the Drugan Track Program Handbook. I am in agreeance with the rules and understand the expectations of the program.
Student AthleteDate