Agency’s Project ID: GF/QGL/4030-02-4457 (subproject GF7QGL/4030-02-75)
GEFSEC Project ID: 1016
Country Eligibility: Signatory of the Convention
Project Title: Development of National Implementation Plans for the Management of Persistent Organic Pollutants
Subproject: Development of a National Plan for Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on POPs in Guinea
GEF Agency: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Other Executing Agency(ies): Ministry of Mines, Geology and Environment
Duration: 41 Months (August 2002-December 2005)
GEF Focal Area: POPs
GEF Operational Program: OP14
GEF Strategic Priority: POPs1
Estimated Starting Date: August 2002
IA Fee:
Financing Plan (US$)(Guinea Subproject)
GEF Project/Component
Original sub-project / 267,000
Supplementary request / 75,000
Sub-Total GEF
/ 342,000Co-financing
GEF Agency1National Contribution2
Others (Germany) / 19,000
Sub-Total Co-financing: / 19,000
Total Project Financing: / 361,000
*1: UNEP in-kind co-financing amounting to US$ 90,000 provided to umbrella project
*2: National in-kind co-financing includes part-time personnel and operational support to the sub-project via Ministry of Mines, Geology and Environment and its constituent entities and agencies
Record of endorsement on behalf of the Government:
Ms Kadiatou N’Diaye,Director
National Environmental Directorate / Date: 06/04/2001
Mr Sekou Mohamed Camara
Ministry of Environment
GEF National Focal Point / Date: 01/08/2005
This proposal has been prepared in accordance with GEF policies and procedures and meets the standards of the GEF Project Review Criteria for POPs Enabling Activity approval.
Ahmed Djoghlaf
Assistant Executive Director
UNEP/DGEF Coordination / Mr Lansana Conte
Project Contact Person
Date: 5 August 2005
pROPOSAL FOR gef FUNDING FOR National Implementation Plan on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
Supplementary Budget request
1. Project objectives:
Within the overall objective of the Stockholm Convention, which is to protect human health and the environment from POPs, the project will:
- Develop a comprehensive country driven NIP for reduction and elimination of POPs in compliance with the provisions of the Stockholm Convention
- Prepare the ground for implementation of the Convention in the Republic of Guinea
- Achieve a high level of awareness of the POPs issue and sustained ownership of the NIP among all stakeholders
- Assist Guinea in meeting its reporting and other obligations under the Convention; and
- Strengthen Guinean national capacity to manage POPs and chemicals generally.
2. Project activities:
The proposed project activities will follow the step-wise process set out in the GEF “Initial Guidelines for Enabling Activities for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants” and the “UNEP-World Bank Guidance Document on the development of National Implementation Plans”. In summary, these are:
- Determination of coordinating mechanisms and organization of process, public awareness-raising on POPs and other related hazardous substances;
- Assessment and strengthening of national infrastructure and capacity, adaptation of national legislation for Stockholm Convention Implementation and establishment of POPs inventory;
- Setting of national priorities and determination of objectives for POPs management;
- Development of specific programmes to increase awareness of the public and sectors potentially impacted by POPs
- Formulation of a national Implementation Plan and specific Action Plans; and
- Endorsement of the National Implementation Plan by Stakeholders
4. Project expected outcomes:
- Assessment of national capacity to implement the Stockholm Convention;
- Preliminary inventories of POPs;
- National Implementation Plan, including specific Action Plans and strategies required to meet Convention obligations;
- Strengthened POPs management infrastructure and raised public awareness on POPs; and
- Capacity to meet reporting obligations under the Stockholm Convention.
Information on institution submitting project brief
5. Information on the organization in the country submitting the proposal:
The project is integrated in the Ministry of Mines, Geology and Environment. The Ministry of the Environment is the Environmental Authority of Guinea.
6. Information on the proposed executing organization (if different from above. The grant has to be executed by an organization in the requesting country):
7. Date the proposal was submitted to a GEF Implementing/Executing Agency: 1 August 2005
8. Date the proposal was submitted to the GEF Secretariat:
9. Date the proposal was approved:
10. Date of first Disbursement
Project Progress to Date
The project has proceeded according to its work plan, as amended during execution, based on the GEF ‘Initial guidelines for enabling activities of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants’ and the later UNEP-WB ‘Interim guidance for developing a national implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention’. Several activities, not envisaged in the original project document, were added to this work plan. A detailed summary of the progress to date, and planned activities required to complete the project, are given in the table below.
An independent mid-term review of the overall Global project conducted in late 2004 gave an overall rating of 1-2 (very good-excellent) for the Guinea subproject. It noted that “reporting [in Guinea] is of good quality”, it also noted that “…the national coordinator of the subproject and the project coordinating unit are strong”[1].
The results of project inventory and assessment activities especially the inventory on PCB, indicated that Guineans are exposed to POPs in their communities and daily life. Transformers suspected to contain PCB are usually left in inappropriate storage facilities, representing a threat to human health and environment. For example, during the rainy season in the region of Tombo, fluids from PCB transformers, deposited in the Thermal Centre, are washed with rain and streamed to surrounding lakes and communities.
Awareness raising campaigns, appropriate labelling and testing of suspected PCB transformers will complement the efforts done so far under the NIP project and it will reduce the threat to human health posed by these risks.
Activities remaining to be completed are a more intensive national awareness raising campaign to all levels, finalisation and enhancement of PCB inventory, intensive awareness raising campaign, definition of national priorities and final preparation of the National Implementation Plan and its endorsement through both public consultation and high-level agreement.
Table 1: Status of project outputs
Output and Activity / Status / Date of Approval by NCC / Comments/ remarks1. Updating of National Profile / Completed / March 2004
2. Inventory on POPs Pesticides / Completed / To be done in July 2005
3. Inventory of PCBs
a. testing of suspected PCB transformers / In progress / To be done in august 2005 / Testing of PCB suspected transformers not included in original project
4. Inventory of Dioxins and Furans / Completed / To be done in July 2005
5. Inventory of stocks and contaminated sites / Completed / To be done in July 2005
7. Assessment of social and economic implications of POPs use and reduction / Completed / To be done in July 2005 / 1.Socio-economic and human health/ environmental report merged into a single document
8. Identification of POPs related to human health and environmental issues of concern / Completed / To be done in July 2005
9. List of national priorities regarding POPs management
a. organization of three national workshops to determine national priorities and analyze inventories results / To be done / To be done in September 2005 / Workshops and national analysis of reports not included in original project
10. Public Information and awareness Raising
- Dissemination of the health and environment/ socio-economic report
- development of a POPs Website and information exchange system
- Strengthen POPs information dissemination campaign on local media (TV, radio and newspapers)
11. Formulation of NIP on POPs
a. Completion of draft version
b. Identification of Potential donors
c. Review by CPU
d. NCC endorsement / To be done / To be done in October 2005 / At least four working meetings scheduled + regular email communications
12. Endorsement of National Implementation Plan
a.National Stakeholders approval
b. Government endorsement / Planned
Planned / To be done in December 2005
Supplemental Funds Request
Paragraph 51 of the Global project document noted that “The GEF Council will be deciding in the future on a ceiling for enabling activities for POPs. Once this ceiling is approved, a pilot country that has received less will have the possibility to apply for a supplement of funding up to the ceiling, if this is judged necessary”.
In Guinea, several activities not envisaged in the original project document have been added to bring outputs into closer conformity with the UNEP-WB interim guidance developed as part of the umbrella activities of the Global project. These were/are: (i) enhancement of PCB inventories; (ii) implementation of awareness raising campaigns (media campaign, dissemination of inventories); and iii) development of information exchange mechanism (development of a website and summary of inventories in fliers and pamphlet formats). All of these activities form components of more-recently approved ‘stand alone’ POPS enabling activities projects.
During the NIP development, the National Coordinating Unit and Team recorded that the POPs chemicals are widely used or likely to be unintentionally produced for different purposes, such as: (a) to fight grasshoppers invasion by burning tyres; (b) to make cosmetic products made of PCBs to lighten women’s skin; and (c) to make household products from PCB contaminated material. POPs contaminated materials form part of the daily lives of Guineans and the awareness raising campaign, started under the NIP project, should continue and needs to be expanded nationwide.
PCB is especially problematic in Guinea, bearing in mind that most of the PCB oils and material are discharged and abandoned in the national park area, causing great damage to the environment and putting surrounding populations at risk. This material is left unmanaged and is being recycled, as outlined above, contrary to the requirements of the Convention. In the preliminary inventory process, some 1352 transformers suspected to contain or be contaminated by PCBs were identified. This represents 80.5% of the total number of inventoried transformers. Additional testing is necessary to characterise this problem so that appropriate action plans can be developed.
Additional, costs are generated by the decision to add an information exchange system (not included in the original budget) and to focus and strengthen the awareness raising through media campaign. During the NIP development, the National Coordinating Team concluded that a more intense awareness raising campaign is needed in order to target a wider audience and to facilitate endorsement of the National Implementation Plan. In order to reach most of Guinea’s population and different sectors of society, the awareness raising strategy will comprise a series of workshops, elaboration of informative materials to be distributed to all sectors and a media campaign to warn the population of the dangers of using POPs. Politicians are also targeted in this campaign, through informative sessions on POPs management situation in Guinea and the problems caused by POPs in the country. To complement this effort, a POPs information exchange system will be developed to gather all information resulting from the NIP projects and to present it in a Website and publications for people with limited of without internet access. Important benefits are expected from this approach; in particular in relation to the subsequent NIP endorsement.
The costs arising from these additional activities amount to approximately US$ 59,500. Furthermore, costs related to the continued project management by the national coordination team during its extension from May 2004 to May 2005 and now to December 2005 have not been previously budgeted.
The following activities have been incorporated to complete the NIP development and endorsement process:
- the drafting, peer review and final preparation of the NIP
- the media awareness raising campaign to: (a) sensitize and inform communities and all sectors regarding POPs dangers; and (b) assist in the NIP endorsement process
- publication and dissemination of the NIP and remaining national assessments
- the Improvement of a PCB inventory by testing suspected PCB transformers
- the development of an information exchange mechanism via development of a website and production of executive summaries of main reports to be distributed to people with limited or without internet access
- the supervision and coordination of national task teams engaged in the formulation of the NIP, and the organisation of the process of stakeholder and official endorsement
Details on Additional Funds requested
The following table shows a detailed distribution of activities and cost associated for the continuation of the NIP process.
Activities / Budget (US$)1 / Coordination and leadership of endorsement process: will oversee all project activities to completion and endorsement of the NIP by December 2005. The main activities will be:
a) supervise and coordinate final stages of NIP preparation and endorsement;
b) to organize NCC meetings for preparation of NIP;
d) to communicate with other stakeholders / 10,500
2 / Enhancing PCB inventory: will improve PCB inventories by testing suspected PCB transformers. The main activities will be:
a) to test transformers and record results
b) to prepare PCB inventory report
c) to travel to different regions to perform inventory / 14,000
3 / Intensive Awareness Raising Campaign: will enhance awareness raising campaign. The main activities will be:
a) production of flyers and booklets and media campaign
b) organization of national stakeholders meetings including expert travel
c) dissemination of NIP and NIP products / 15,000
4 / Information Exchange mechanism: will develop an information exchange tool that will allow Guineans to access POPs information resulting from NIP development process. The main activities are:
a) development of a website (hiring a consultant)
b) development of printed materials containing NIP results / 10,000
Implementation plan
In order to complete the remaining project activities and achieve the project objective of a high-quality National Implementation Plan endorsed at high level, a 6 month extension to the subproject is planned. The new completion date is set as 31 December 2005. A detailed implementation plan, showing both the progress of the project to date and the activities planned during the extended execution period is attached as Annex 1.
Sub-Project Budget
Annex 2 provides a full breakdown by object of expenditure of the initial subproject budget, the cumulative expenditure to May 2005, the additional funds requested, and the total required budget. The table includes budgets and expenditure of both the GEF grant and the cash co-financing provided by Germany.
12 Country Pilot Project: Guinea Subproject
Supplemental Funds request. July 2005
Annex 1: Project Implementation Plan
WORKPLAN GUINEA / PROJECT TIMEFRAME (months from receipt of funds from UNEP)YEAR 2002 / YEAR 2003 / YEAR 2004 / YEAR 2005
(i) Activities / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 37 / 38 / 39 / 40 / 41
1.1. Determination of coordinating mechanisms and organisation of process
Initiation meeting, 60 high level managers (with UNITAR project)
awareness raising meetings
Production of documentation for government and media
Meeting to agree on national coordinating committee
Setting-up of the national coordinator’s office
1.2. Establishment of a POPs inventory and assessment of national infrastructure and capacity
1.2.1 Assessment of national POPs management infrastructure
1 meeting of national coordinating committee and task teams for task assignment
Review of National Profile and additional information gathering 6 persons
Production of report by the National Coordinator
Meeting of Task Team
Meeting with UNITAR on National Profile methodology and how to develop the Profile.
1.2.2. Development of a national POPs Inventory
Workplan development by the task teams (15 par) and approval by national coor. com
Workshop, 21 participants plus international experts
Training on procedures for completing and evaluating a POPs inventory (60 part)
Technical expert assistance for the development of inventory
Database & software devt. for data collection in collaboration with other countries
Data collection 6 persons
Development of a draft national inventory, 6 persons
Internal and external review of inventory and preparation of report
1.3. Priority Setting and Determining POPs Management Objectives
Analysis of data on human health and environmental issues related to POPs
Additional data collection
Analysis of the socio-economics of POPs or relevant activity sectors, 3 persons
Production of integrated report - consultant
Circulation of the report to the priority setting group
1.4. Formulation of a National Implementation Plan on POPs
UNEP/UNITAR skills building WS for Action Plan development
workshop on the development of NIP based on outputs from above WS
Technical meetings on elements of the NIP
Integration of the national implementation plan
Identification of funding sources and follow-up plans
Review of NIP
1.5. Endorsement of NIP by stakeholders
National Coordinating Committee endorsement
National high level endorsement
Development of an outreach/information dissemination programme (radio ,)
12 Country Pilot Project: Guinea Subproject
Supplemental Funds request. July 2005
Annex 2: Sub-project Budget by object of expenditure
Project Nº: UNEP GFL/2732 / Initial Budget (1) / Cumulative Expenditure 2002-06/2005 (A) (2) / Additional funds requested (B) / Grant total Budget (A+B)10 / PROJECT PERSONNEL COMPONENT
1100 / Project Personnel Title Grade
1101 / National Technical Coordinator (NPU) / 40,000 / 41,474 / 10,000 / 51,474
1199 / Total / 40,000 / 41,474 / 10,000 / 51,474
1200 / Consultants (Description of activity/service) *
1201 / Consultant (Information Gathering) / 20,000 / 21,340 / 0 / 21,340
1202 / Consultant (data collection) / 24,000 / 19,264 / 14,000 / 33,264
1203 / Consultant (POPs inventory) / 10,000 / 10,295 / 2,000 / 12,295
1204 / Consultant (Human health and env.) / 15,000 / 34,408 / 0 / 34,408
1205 / Consultant (Socio-economic) / 10,000 / 21,868 / 0 / 21,868
1220 / Consultant unspecified (review of NIP, additional technical assistance) / 3,000 / 0 / 10,000 / 10,000
1299 / Total / 82,000 / 107,175 / 26,000 / 133,175
1600 / Travel on Official Business
1601 / Travel for Project Personnel / 20,000 / 17,750 / 8,000 / 25,750
1699 / Total / 20,000 / 17,750 / 8,000 / 25,750
1999 / Component Total / 142,000 / 166,399 / 44,000 / 210,399.08
2100 / Sub-contracts (MOUs for cooperating agencies -FAO, UNITAR, WHO) / 15,000 / 14,928 / 0 / 14,928
2199 / Total / 15,000 / 14,928 / 0 / 14,928
2999 / Component Total / 15,000 / 14,928 / 0 / 14,928
3200 / Group training (Title)
3201 / Technical Training on Inventories and POPs Priority Setting / 9,000 / 3,077 / 0 / 3,077
3299 / Total / 9,000 / 3,077 / 0 / 3,077
3300 / Meetings/conferences
3301 / Meetings of National Coordination Committee / 16,000 / 9,850 / 2,000 / 11,850
3302 / Meetings of National Stakeholders / 16,500 / 5,972 / 11,000 / 16,972
3303 / Meetings of Task Teams / 40,000 / 56,699 / 0 / 56,698
3399 / Total / 72,500 / 72,520 / 13,000 / 85,520
3999 / Component Total / 81,500 / 75,597 / 13,000 / 88,597
4100 / Expendable equipment (items under $1,500 each)
4101 / Office supplies / 2,000 / 1,814 / 500 / 2,314
4199 / Total / 2,000 / 1,814 / 500 / 2,314
4200 / Non-expendable equipment
4201 / Computer Equipment / 16,000 / 17,415 / 0 / 17,415
4202 / Office equipment / 2,500 / 0 / 0 / 0
4299 / Total / 18,500 / 17,415 / 0 / 17,415
4999 / Component Total / 20,500 / 19,229 / 500 / 19,729
5100 / Operation and maintenance of equipment
5101 / maintenance of computer equipment / 1,000 / 607 / 0 / 607
5102 / Maintenance of Photocopying equipment / 1,000 / 0 / 0
5199 / Total / 2,000 / 607 / 0 / 607
5200 / Reporting cost
5201 / Publication and dissemination of NIP (production of awareness raising material, NIP dissemination and printing of materials containing NIP results) / 16,000 / 4,000 / 23,000 / 27,000
5299 / Total / 16,000 / 4,000 / 23,000 / 27,000
5300 / Sundry
5301 / Comunications (telex, telephone,fax,etc.) / 6,000 / 2,569 / 500 / 3,069
5304 / Other / 3,000 / 2,671 / 0 / 2,671
5399 / Total / 9,000 / 5,240 / 500 / 5,740
5999 / Component Total / 27,000 / 9,847 / 23,500 / 33,347
99 / GRAND TOTAL / 286,000 / 286,000 / 75,000 / 361,000
(1) According to the Project Document
(2) Expenditures are from the start of project to end June 2005
Note: This table includes details of budgets and expenditure of both the GEF grant and the cash co-financing provided to the sub-project by Germany