Indiana District Disaster Coordination Team

Contact: Tricia Major


Dear Volunteer:

We would like to thank you for your interest in coming toSouthern Indianato be a part of the rebuilding efforts from the March 2, 2012, tornado outbreak. We hope that in this letter we can address some of your concerns as you prepare to come to the area, either as an individual or as a team.

Please register your group online at as soon as possible so that your date can be confirmed. LCC has been a vital partner in the recovery efforts and we thank them so much for helping us manage our database and so much more. Just follow the links for disaster response; specifically, for Southern Indiana. We would prefer at this time that you schedule your work days anytime from Monday through Saturday using Sunday as either travel/fun day or for worship. This allows our dedicated volunteers to have some down time as well.

If you are planning this as a youth mission trip there are many things to keep in mind as you plan. Youth participants must be at least 14 years of age, and have a signed parental release form. You also need a good adult/youth ratio. We recommend 1 adult to 2 youth and definitely no more than 2 adults to 5 youth. It is also best to have some of the adults with some construction knowledge. The better supervised the youth, the better your trip will be. Younger children can come but they must be accompanied by at least one of their parents at all times. Please contact us with any special circumstances you may have including the desire to bring children under the age of 14 to enable us to work through any potential issues that may arise.

Your housing options are listed below. Please rank your housing choice. We can not guarantee you will get your preferred choice. The sooner you provide your housing choice, the more likely you are to get your preferred choice. When responding with housing choice we will also need to know how many people will be your group.

Personal items, such asair mattresses, sheets, towels, paper plates, etc. will need to be brought with you depending on which housing option you choose. The noon day meal can be either a packed lunch that can be eaten on the job site, or you can chose to eat at one of the local fast food establishments near the damage zone. All meals will need to be prepared by you or again you can choose to eat out. Please bring one cooler for each of your vehicles in case your team is sent to different work sites. The most important things to bring with you and your group will be flexibility and patience.

Tools to bring will be the basic hand tools for clean up and construction and a list will be enclosed in this packet. There will be some tools available through the tool lending library that is pending set up at Grace Lutheran Church. Every effort will be made to have the special tools required to do specialized tasks. If you have space you are welcome to bring additional specialized tools, but it is not necessary.

If this is your first mission trip, you are bound to be anxious, and that is normal. The homeowners that you may be working with have experienced a very emotional event in their lives and the volunteers do much to bring healing to their lives. Our prayer is that you will find yourself going home with a different meaning to life.

We are not charging a fee for this trip. However we will be happy to accept any donations you would offer to help offset our costs for building materials and other costs incurred. All donations should be directed to Grace Lutheran Church (the fiscal agent for Indiana District for this disaster).Gift cards to Home Depot and/or Lowe’s are also very useful. Please do NOT bring any donations of clothing, quilts, furniture, household items, medical supplies etc. without our knowledge and prior approval. All of these items were needed immediately after the event, but are not needed at this time. While we appreciate your generosity, we do not have the long term storage space for these items.

Our response location is Henryville Community Church. The morning of your first work day we will meet you there (9 am unless instructed otherwise) to provide you with an orientation, tools, materials, and to ensure there is no problem in getting to your jobsite(s). We ask that all groups under our direction wear the yellow vests that are available at the church. Vests should be returned to the church when you are done with them. If one of our people are not there to greet you, which happens sometimes, you can tell them you are with the Lutherans and just need to pick up vests and your assignment. No need to fill out all of their paperwork. If you have paperwork to turn in just let them know it goes in the Lutheran box.

The most frequently asked question that we field is, what will we be doing on our trip? The short answer is some type of clean up, demolition, construction or home repair task. Please fill out the Individual Volunteer Application as accurately as possible. How you rate yourself in the skill categories will help determine which jobs that your team is placed on. If you under estimate your skills you will likely be bored and your talent wasted. If you over estimate your skills you will find yourself “over your head” very quickly and possibly cause us to have to do rework, which will delay one of our families from returning to their home as soon as they possibly can. Construction skills are NOT required to participate on this mission trip.

We would like to schedule the mission trips as soon as possible so we know what our calendar is going to look like. Thank-you for your interest in a mission with Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Indiana District, and your patience with us as we start getting your mission trip scheduled. Volunteers are Jesus’ hands, feet and face in the time of need, and a true blessing and miracle to the homeowners who have suffered loss from the March 2nd tornadoes.

God’s Blessings,

Tricia Major

LCMS Indiana District Disaster Coordination


501 Wood Springs Rd

LaGrange, KY 40031

(502) 475-2370 cell or text

At this time we have several housing options available:

1.)Grace Lutheran Church in New Albany Indiana @ 1787 Klerner Lane is providing free housing for our groups. They are a 10-15 minute drive from the disaster zone. For this option you will need to bring your own airbed along with the other things on the packing list. The gymnasium is th location of the sleeping quarters, which will also give you access to a kitchen and showers. There are no laundry facilities. This option will give you the most support as many of our team members working the disaster area are from this church. Wireless internet is available at the church.This is also the best team building option. This option is free however we do recommend a free will donation to offset the church’s costs in housing volunteers.

2.)Country Lake Christian Retreat 815 Country Lake Road Underwood, IN 47177 There are several options available here. If your group is small you can get private rooms in the retreat center @$40 per person per night. If your group is large they have community housing available part of the time which is cheaper. (Sunday-Friday only) This option is nice and close to Henryville (several miles), they have three meals a day available for volunteers, it is a beautiful peaceful environment. The downside is you will not have the Lutheran support option 1 has, there is no internet source except on one guest computer in the lobby, also, you will not have kitchen access here. The retreat center only available to those 18 and over.

3.)Best Western Green Tree Inn is available sometimes (usually Sun though Thurs) @ a discounted rate of $49 plus tax per room. PLEASE NOTE – You can only get this rate by going through us. We have to make these arrangements for you. This is by far the most luxurious of the three options, but is not always available.Very limited availability So, this may or may not be an option when your group comes. It is also the farthest away approx. 20-25 minutes. Downside to this option is no Lutheran support for your team. The upside is certainly the pool.

Team Leaders:

Please mail the completed individual volunteer applications (skill sheets), liability & parental release forms to me (Attn: Tricia Major) at the above address at least 30 days before your scheduled trip start date. If it’s too late, please bring them with you.

Also please make two photo copies of the Parental Release Form and Participant Liability Release forms of each participant and bring them with you in case the postal service doesn’t work the way that it should .

No forms, no work, no exceptions!


  1. Cover letter to volunteer
  1. Parental Release Form (to be filled out by all participants under 18)
  1. Participant Liability Release Form (to be filled out by all participants over 18)
  1. Tool List
  1. Individual Volunteer Application (Separate document to be filled out by all participants)
  1. Packing list – Suggestions of past participants

Please make copies of forms to be filled out by participants and we ask that you print all information on the forms other than the signatures.


Every one should haveHelpful for team (Not Required)

N-95 Dust MaskCircular saw

Work glovesFraming square

Safety glasses or goggles T-square

Electric drill

Battery drill

Caulk line

Reciprocating saw

Ladder(s) 6’ or 8’



Heavy Duty Extension cords

Personal Items

Cell phone

Long pants

Long sleeved shirt



Work shoes or boots




Bug spray


Wash cloth and towel

Sheets, pillow, blanket(depending on housing option chosen)


Air Mattress (depending on housing option chosen)



For the sake of uniform ease in packing and functionality one of the teams suggested this tip: In place of suitcases which come in all shapes and sizes they recommended that team members purchase a 58 gallon storage bin with a lid as found at Home Depot, Wal-Mart, K-Mart or the Container Store. The storage bin will keep your clothes dry, and at the base camp can be used as a night stand next to your bed. In a large plastic bag put your sleeping bag, or blankets and pillow. Put a label with your name on the storage bin and on the plastic bag.


Your servant heart

Water bottle (1-2 pint), sunglasses, & sunscreen

Insect repellant


Hat for sun protection/bandanas

Jeans or work clothes.

Work boots or sturdy shoes to protect you feet. Sneakers are not recommended for use at work site.

Sandals or sneakers at the base camp in the evenings

Shorts or non- work clothes to change into as you relax in the evening

Flip flops for shower or aqua shoes

Travel Alarm (battery operated)

Flash Light and extra batteries

Cooperative spirit

Personal toiletries, ½ roll of toilet paper, moist towelette packs

Waterless hand sanitizer (i.e. Purell) and anti- bacterial hand wipes

Contact lenses or spare glasses.

Earplug (others around you may snore.)

Light rain coat, poncho, or Umbrella

Electrical power strip

Pens, journal, or notebook

Pictures of family, friends, church, Hometown (not home or possessions)

Snack foods, granola bars, etc.

Backpack and /or fanny pack to take to the work site each day

Camera and film

Foot powder

Laundry bag

Hair dryer

Bedding (sheets and blankets or sleeping bag)


Towels and washcloths




Sleepwear (dormitory accommodations)

Work gloves


Driver’s License

Health Insurance card

Phone Numbers and a copy of emergency information

LCMS Indiana District Disaster Response Committee

Welcomes You to Grace Lutheran Church Housing

Thank you for the generous donation of your time and your talents in assisting members of the communities who have been affected by the recent disasters. Hopefully you will have the opportunity to share your faith both in word and in deed. You are doing Christ’s work by helping them, and are setting an example that they can see. We pray that you will be enriched during your stay, both at the disaster areas, and here at Camp Lakeview.

Grace Lutheran has graciously donated the use of their facilities to volunteers who are working in the affected areas. You are welcome to use the showersand the kitchen for your needs. Other specific policies are indicated below.


1. Guests will furnish their own air mattress, sleeping bags, bedding, and pillows.

2. Use of drugs, narcotics, and alcohol is strictly forbidden.

3. Smoking in any building is prohibited.

4. Guests are expected to leave the area clean and in good order.

5.Guests will be charged replacement/repair costs for any carelessly damaged equipment or facilities.

6. Grace Lutheran Church has no facilities for pets. None will be permitted to remain on the grounds except licensed service dogs.

Because there are costs that will be incurred in housing the volunteers the Indiana district is requesting that your group leave a free-will offering to help cover those expenses. Envelopes are provided that you may leave at the end of your stay.


(Please read before signing, as this constitutes the agreement as a volunteer and the understanding of your working relationship with our Agency.)

I,______, acknowledge and state the following; I have chosen to travel to the work site to perform cleanup/construction work in disaster response.

I understand that they are not responsible nor liable for my personal effects and property and that they will not provide lock up or security for any items. I will hold them harmless in the event of theft resulting from any source or cause. I further understand that I am to abide by whatever rules and regulations may be in effect for the accommodations at the time.

By my signature, for myself, my estate and my heirs, I release, discharge, indemnify and forever hold LCMS Indiana District, Grace Lutheran Church and/or any other volunteer agency working in Southern Indiana & Northern KY together with their officers, agents, servants, and employees, harmless from any and all causes of action arising from my participation in this project, and travel or lodging associated therewith, including any damages which may be caused by their own negligence.


Parental Signature (if under 18):______Date:______


Person to contact in case of emergency:______

Telephone or means of contacting them:______

Please indicate your understanding of these policies by signing above. (One form per volunteer.)

Arrival date______

Departure date______



Name of volunteer:______

I hereby give permission for my child to serve in clean up, repair/rebuilding of homes with LCMS Indiana District, Grace Lutheran Church and/or any other volunteer agency working within Southern IN and Northern KY. In the event of an emergency during the duration of the trip, I hereby give consent to a licensed physician to hospitalize, secure proper treatment, anesthesia and or surgery for my child named above.

I understand that I am responsible for his/her own medical insurance and will not hold LCMS Indiana District, Grace Lutheran Church, and/or any other volunteer agency working in Southern IN and/or Northern KY liable for any injury or damage to my child while engaged in the disaster response project.

Parent/Guardian Signature:______

Home Telephone:______Work Telephone:______

Your relationship to participant:______

Insurance company:______

Does your child have any physical limitation that might affect his/her work?______


List any allergies/medications:______


Date of last tetanus shot:______

Special needs if any:______



Volunteer’s Signature:______


(Please read before signing, as this constitutes the agreement as a volunteer and the understanding of your working relationship with Your Agency.)

I,______, acknowledge and state the following; I have chosen to travel to the work site to perform cleanup/construction work in disaster response.