DSN 1001 Revised 11/20/06

Indiana Department of Local Government Finance



School Corp. Code: / County Name:
School Corp. Name:

I. Requesting approval of:

/ Design-Build Project: IC 5-30 /

What are the total project costs (include both hard and soft costs):

For a project involving lease rental payments, the term of the lease and the maximum annual lease rental payment amount are:

Term: Maximum annual rental payment:

For a project involving a general obligation bond, the term of the bond and maximum amount of the general obligation bonds are:

Term: Maximum amount of general obligation bonds:

Is this a controlled project?

If no, please explain:

Is common construction wage applicable to this project?

If no, please explain:

Briefly describe this construction project, all buildings involved, the needs and advantages of the project by buildings impacted:

Please provide a detailed project description to the Administrative Officer of the SPTCB

As a separate attachment, please list all facilities owned/occupied by the school corporation, the year built/renovated/added to, the condition of each facility (refer to Attachment A for condition definitions), use limitations, life expectancy and other pertinent information pertaining to the facilities.

For projects that include demolition costs, explain what is being demolished and its current use. Also explain why demolition is necessary and cost effective.

II. Procedural information

The total number of members of the elected/appointed governing body is .

Their resolution to adopt the lease agreement/determination to issue bonds passed the governing body in favor of the issue: Date of Vote:

Number of Members Voting Aye: Nay: Abstain:

If known, please explain any nay vote(s):

List and describe any other projects anticipated by the school corporation that include new construction, renovations, or additions in the next ten (10) years and the purpose of those projects:

Design-Build Authorization

A resolution authorizing the use of the design-build contracting method for the project was adopted on . The Technical Rebuild Committee members appointed are:

As a separate attachment, please list alternative plans considered but not adopted

and the costs associated with each alternative.

Feasibility Study

Was a feasibility study completed for this project?

On what date was the feasibility study completed for this project?

Who prepared the feasibility study?

What was the cost of the feasibility study?

Was the impact of year-round school included in the feasibility study?

On what date was the hearing(s) on year round school: :

State briefly the determination made concerning year-round school:

Please separately attach a single copy of the feasibility study.

1028 Hearing

On what date was the 1028 hearing held:

What is the estimated tax rate impact contained in 1028 resolution:

Please explain if the estimated tax rate impact was zero:

Preliminary Determination Hearing

What was the date of the notice for preliminary determination hearing:

What was the date of preliminary determination hearing:

What was the date of publication of the preliminary determination:

Petition/Remonstrance Process

What was the last date for a petition for the application of a petition/remonstrance process:

Was an application filed for petition/remonstrance process?

Was a sufficient application filed for a petition/remonstrance process?

If an application was deemed insufficient, please explain why:

What was the date of publication beginning the petition/remonstrance process?

What was the last filing date for petitions for the petition/remonstrance process?

What was the vote on the petition/remonstrance process?

Yea Nay Abstain:

What was the last filing date for a petition objecting to the issuance of bonds?

If a petition/remonstrance process was completed, did the school corporation modify any part of the project to address taxpayer concerns?

If yes, what was modified?

What was the date of the governing body's resolution appropriating the proceeds of the bond issue?

What was the date of the lease rental agreement hearing?
When does the school corporation anticipate selling bonds?

What is the execution date of lease rental agreement (if approved)?

On what date will the Notice to Taxpayers of Execution of Lease be published?

What is the last date to file an objecting petition concerning the proposed lease?

Please submit copies of all proofs of publication pertaining to this project.

On what date are the design-build proposals for this project expected to be received?

On what date are the bonds for this project expected to be sold?

On what date should construction begin in order to meet the educational and funding objectives of this project?

On what date should substantial completion of the building be achieved or be ready for occupancy?

What is the name of Holding Corporation for this project?

Please list all names and their relationships to the school corporation.

If this school corporation is utilizing a holding corporation, is the lease rental agreement with a non-profit holding corporation?

If not, please explain the process followed to select the holding corporation and its advantages:

What manner of bond sale did the school corporation select for this project?

As a separate attachment, please provide information concerning community involvement

and any information distributed to taxpayers regarding the project.

As a separate attachment, please provide a copy of the Request for Qualifications (RFQs).

III. Common Construction Wage Information

The following questions do not apply to projects with actual construction costs less than one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000).

Is documentation included that describes the criteria to be used for payment on common construction wage?

If no, please explain why the project does not require such documentation:

What was the date of the wage committee meeting?

If the wage committee has not yet met, please provide an explanation:

Please provide a copy of the minutes and wage information presented by various parties at the committee meeting. If not attached, please provide an explanation for the omission.

Did the wage committee base its decision on data that was representative of the wages most commonly paid in the county where the project is located and for the types of work at issue?

If the wage committee did not consider the factors and information described above, provide an explanation of the reason(s) why such factors and information were not considered:

IV. Project Description

After bids are awarded, please provide a revised page 8 of this form and revised pages 1 & 2 of the school district’s building analysis form to the DLGF within 30 days.

Will any portion of the land or improvements be used for extracurricular activities?

Will the land or improvements be available for community or other purposes?

If yes, will a fee be imposed for the use?

If yes, for what purpose will the fee be used?

As part of this project does the school plan to purchase additional acreage?

If yes, how much acreage does the school plan to purchase?

What is the price per acre?

Is there a written agreement for the purchase of the land contingent upon DLGF approval?

How much total acreage does the school currently own?

How much of that total acreage is currently being used?

Does the Master Plan identify the needs for school sites for the next 5 years?

As a separate attachment, please provide a map of the school district

with school owned properties identified.

Is any portion of the land related to non-educational facilities?

If yes, what is the cost of the non-educational facilities?

Does this project represent the best option for non-academic, athletic, or other improvements?

Square footage analysis of all school district owned facilities

Current square footage of all facilities / sq. ft.
New facility (estimated maximum) / sq. ft.
Addition to existing facilities (estimated maximum) / sq. ft.
Remodeling of existing facilities / sq. ft.
Demolition of existing facilities / sq. ft.
Other / sq. ft.
Total square footage of all facilities (after the project) / 0 / sq. ft.

V. Program Analysis

Please provide the school district’s curriculum programs and/or

course offerings associated with this project.

Identify the instructional programs the school district is currently unable to provide to meet its educational duties.

Identify additional instructional programs available as a result of this project.

Information in the following sections can be found on the web at:


Graduation Persistence (Total Corporation)

Number of freshman 2001-2002:

Number of graduates 2004-2005:

Percentage persistence to graduation: .00%

Percentage graduation rate per DOE (Max: 100%): %

ISTEP (Total Corporation – most recent year available)

Percentage pass English (Max: 100%): %

Percentage pass Math (Max: 100%): %

Percentage pass both (Max: 100%): %

Resource Allocation (Total Corporation – most recent year available)

Number of students:

Number of Teachers (FTE): / Student/Teacher Ratio: / :1
Number of Administrators or Other Cert Employees[1] (FTE): / Student/AdminOther Ratio: / :1

Does your corporation have current contracts with any unions?

If yes, please provide the names of the unions and the dates each contract

will expire:

Please provide one copy of each of the following:
1)  The Enrollment Patterns & Projections by Grade for the last five years and the ensuing three years

2)  The Student Migration Report for the most recent available year

3)  The School’s most recent Form 30A.

4)  The School’s most recent Form 30B.

5)  The most relevant demographic study.


General Construction Costs / Holding Corp / Const Fund / CPF / Total Cost
Est. Design-Build Costs: / 0
Clerk of the Works/Obsv Fees: / 0
Sub Total Gen. Const. Costs*: 0.00% / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

Professional Fees

Professional Fees**: 0.00%

/ 0

Soil Testing & Surveys:

/ 0

Environmental Assessment:

/ 0

Sub Total Professional Fees*: 0.00%

/ 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

Land, Building & Equipment

Land Cost:

/ 0

Building Cost/Demolition:

/ 0

Loose Equipment:

/ 0

Technology Equipment:

/ 0

Sub Total Land, Bldg., Equip.*: 0.00%

/ 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

Other Project Costs

Builders Risk Insurance:

/ 0

Title Insurance:

/ 0


/ 0

SubTotal Other Project Costs*: 0.00%

/ 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

Total Construction Costs*: 0.00%

/ 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

Cost of Financing

Attorney Fees:* 0.00%

/ 0

Bond Counsel:* 0.00%

/ 0

Financial Advisor:* 0.00%

/ 0

Underwriter's Fees:* 0.00%

/ 0

Trustee Fees:* 0.00%

/ 0

Off. Statement & Ratings:

/ 0

Bond Printing:

/ 0

Legal Advertising:

/ 0

Capitalized Interest:

/ 0


/ 0

Interest During Construction***

Months @ % / 0

Total Financing Costs*: 0.00%

/ 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

Total Project Costs:

/ 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

* Expressed as a percentage of total project costs.

** Technical Review Committee/Design Criteria Developer (DCD) expressed as a percentage of construction costs.

*** Net of anticipated interest from investments.

VII. Funding Analysis
Funds are being provided for this project from the following sources
Lease Rental
General Obligation Bonds
Common School Fund
Veterans Memorial Fund
Capital Projects Fund
Other (Interest earnings, interim rent, etc.)
Total / 0

Are capital project funds on hand for this project?

If no, why not?

Total Principal Indebtedness of the School Corporation

(When repayment of new debt begins in 20)

What is the most recent Assessed Value Certified by the County Auditor?

$ year

Outstanding Debt / Proposed New Debt / Total Debt
Design-Build / 0
Lease Rental / 0

General Obligation bonds

/ 0
Common School Fund Loans / 0
Public Works Projects / 0
Veteran's Memorial Fund Loans / 0
Severance/Retirement Bonds / 0
Other Debt / 0
Total Indebtedness / 0 / 0 / 0
Debt to Assessed Value Ratio

Constitutional Debt Limit

a) Maximum amount of General Obligation Bonds the school
corporation can issue subject to the 2% Constitutional limit: / 0
b) Principal outstanding indebtedness subject to the Constitutional limit: / 0

c) The School Corporation’s present ability to issue General Obligation

Bonds (c = a – b):

/ 0

VIII. Property tax rate impact

Maximum tax rate impact of this project only:
First year debt service levy required for this project:

What is the school corporation’s current debt service tax rate?

What does the school corporation estimate will be its total debt service fund tax rate in:

Rate / Year
First year of repayment for this project:
Year of this project’s highest annual payment:
Year of highest aggregate debt service for all debt:

Does the School Corporation anticipate a New Facility Appeal as a result of this project?

What is the tax rate impact for the new facility appeal? tax levy?

Did officials discuss the new facility appeal at the "1028" hearing?

Did officials include the new facility appeal in the notice of preliminary determination?

Was the new facility appeal discussed at the preliminary determination hearing?

…at the other hearings?

Was information concerning the new facility appeal tax rate impact discussed at community forums?


Annual Payment:

Lease Rental Agreement:

Outstanding Debt / Proposed
New Debt / Total
Cited in Lease: ( yrs @ % Max. Int.)
Current Estimate: ( yrs @ % Max. Int.)
Bond Issue: ( yrs @ % Max. Int.)
Common School Fund
Veteran's Memorial Fund

Total additional annual debt service:

Please complete the following summary showing all debt service annual payments

of the school corporation when this repayment begins.

Outstanding Debt / This Project / First Year Payments / Max. Year Payments
General Obligation Bonds:
Lease Rental Agreements
Common School Fund:
Veteran's Memorial Fund:
Interest on TAW's:
Total Annual Payments / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0


Estimated tax rate impact for the first year of debt service repayment for this project: $

(projected rate should reflect 100% TTV

Total Annual Payments:
Less Excise Tax (Estimate):
Less Comm. Veh. Excise Tax:
Less Other Misc. Revenue:
Required Debt Service Levy: / 0
Tax Rates Current Year
Pay / First year debt service repayment
Pay / Maximum debt service repayment
Assessed Value (100% TTV):
Tax Rates:
General Fund
Debt Service Fund
Severance/Retirement Debt
Capital Projects Fund
Transportation Fund
Bus Replacement Fund
Pre-school Special Education
Total Tax Rates: / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000

Please attach a combined debt service schedule for the full term of the proposed lease-bond issue (this schedule should also depict the estimated future tax rate for the debt service fund and the estimated net assessed value used to calculate that tax rate).