IR Project Options: March/April Brown; CMS

Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Due : April 25th

March/April Independent Reading Novel Choice Board

Step 1:

Read 500 pages (how many books you read is on you! You MUST WRITE AN ESSAY for EACH of the novels that you read.

Step 2:

Choose one project from the choice board below! You must do this on ALL of the books that you read!

Step 3:

You will also write an “argumentative essay for each novel.”

These projects require planning, critical thinking, and, in some cases, studying authentic formats. You should spend at least one hour a week (minimum) on this project until the due date.

Book Talk
Create a verbal advertisement for your book.
It must be at least 400 words in length.
You will share this on turn in day to the class in a presentation.
Include the following for your Book Talk.
Inform Mrs. Brown you are doing this to sign up for a time slot.
Include in your project:
-Summary of your novel
-Book Review (what I loved, what I hated)
-Rate the book on a scale of 1 to 5 stars
-Recommend the book for (who would want to read it)
-If they liked…..list some novels, then they would like your book too. / Excerpt Analysis
Select a section of each book that you feel is the “best part of the book”
1.  Illustrate the section in a picture.
2.  Annotate the text (highlight what is important, what makes it “good,” and at least one Literary Devices that the passage uses)
3.  Devices: metaphor, illusion, allusion, symbol, simile, personification, and ect. Use the link / Novel Test Create
Create a 20 question quiz which includes:
1)  At least 3 standards we are covering (see Mrs. Brown for the standards)
2)  10 multiple choice
3)  5 Matching
4)  4 short answer
5)  Essay
And an answer key
Get me Online! Send your final link to Mrs. Browm
se one of the following sites to create an online project.
Include in your project:
-Summary of your novel
-Book Review (what I loved, what I hated)
-Rate the book on a scale of 1 to 5 stars
-Recommend the book for (who would want to read it)
-If they liked…..list some novels, then they would like your book too. / Poem it! Song it!
Write two brief poem for each of your novels!
Write a song/lyrics for each of your novels. / Comic Strip
Create a comic strip about your book. Include all the parts of the plot diagram for each novel. Must have all 3. One on each sheet.
Use to make

Argumentative Essays Requirements

Write an one-page essay that reviews your book, persuades the reader to read your book, or not read your book, and don’t give away the ending of the novel.

You must have a thesis (HIGHLIGHT IT IN BLUE) and highlight all of your text evidence in GREEN before you turn in your project!

Some parts of the packet have been adapted from: "Book Report Form." St. Joseph School. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2012. <>.

IR Project Options: March/April Brown; CMS

Some parts of the packet have been adapted from: "Book Report Form." St. Joseph School. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2012. <>.