Practice quiz 4:
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader:
Date: / 10/29/12

1) Which Phylums are included in Duterstomata?

a) Echinodermata and Mollusca

b) Chordata and Gastropoda

c) Echiondermata and Chordata

d) Chordata and Platehelminthes

2) The presence of a cranium and neural crest are defining characteristics of what types of animals?

a) hagfish

b) invertebrates

c) cephalocordates

d) Vertebrate craniates

3) Which class of animals exibits all for hallmarks of phylum cordata?

a) Cephalocordata

b) Urochordata

c) Myxini

d) Chondricthyes

4) If an animal lays an external egg, it is considered to be:

a) Ovoviparous

b) Viviparous

c) Oviparous

d) none of the above

5) What is the name of the order that includes frogs and toads

a) Order Caudata

b) Order Anura

c) Order Gymnophiona

d) Order Reptilia

6) What is NOT a distinguishing innovation for phylum chordate?

a) Notochord

b) Backbone

c) Pharyngeal slits

d) Post anal tail

* Dorsal hollow nerve cord

7) What is NOT a class of Reptilia?

a) Class testudines

b) class lepidosaria

c) Class prototheria

d) class aves

* class crocodilla

8) What stage of interphase are the chromosomes replicated?

a) G1

b) S

c) G2

d) M phase

9) What happens during G1?

a) synthesize DNA

b) Prepares for cell division

c) cell growth and recovery

d) mitosis

10) What is a protein that is responsible for advancing a cell through the phases of the cell cycle

a) Cyclin dependent kinase

b) Cyclin

c) Phosphatase

d) Phosphate dependent kinase

11) At what phase of mitosis do the sister chromosomes begin to condense, and sister chromatids join to make chromosomes?

a) Prophase

b) Prometaphase


d) Anaphase

e) telophase

12) At what phase of mitosis do pairs of sister chromatids separate and migrate toward the poles?

a) Prophase

b) Prometaphase


d) Anaphase

e) telophase

13) What is the name of the proteins that bind to the microtubules in Mitosis?

a) microtubule proteins

b) Attachment proteins

c) Cell division proteins

d) Kinetochore proteins

14) Which of the following statements accurately describes a difference between mitosis and meiosis?

a) mitosis produce diploid cells, whereas meisosi produces haploid cells

b) homologous chromosomes synapse during meiosis but do not synapse during mitosis

c) crossing over commonly occurs during mitosis, but it does not commonly occur during


d) all of the above are correct

15) at which phase to bivalents align?

a) metaphase of mitosis

b) metaphase I of meiosis

c) metaphase II or meiosis

d) metaphase, not specific to mitosis or meiosis

16) When does crossing over occur?

a) Prophase I

b) Metaphase I

c) Prophase II

d) Metaphase II

17) Aneuploidy may be the result of

a) duplication of a region of a chromosome

b) inversion of a region of a chromosome

c) nondisjunction during meiosis(chromosomes do not assort properly during cell division)

d) interspecies breeding

18) What is trisomy?

a) having 3 nuclei

b) all sets of chromosomes have 3 copies

c) one set of chromosomes have an extra copy

d) all of the above

19) What is the expected phenotypic ratio for a monohybrid cross?

a) 3:1

b) 9:3:3:1

c) 2:2

d) 3:4

20) Consider the following trihybrid:

AaBbCc x AABbCc

What is the possibility of getting AaBbcc?

a) 1/4

b) 1/8

c) 1/2

d) 1/16

22) A plant that has yellow (dominant=Y) and round (dominant=R) seeds, and green(recessive=y) wrinkled (recessive=r) seeds. What are the expected genotypes and phenotypes for the F1 generation? Use the following cross: YYRR x yyrr

a) 3:1

b) 9:3:3:1

c) 4:1

d) 1:1

23) What is not an example of a recessive disorder?

a) Huntington’s disease

b) Cystic fibrosis

c) Tay-Sachs

d) Sickle cell

24) what is an example of incomplete dominance?

a) having a white and purple flowers in the parental generation make a pink flower offspring

b) having a white and purple flowers in the parental generation make 1 white and 3 purple offsprings

c) Blood type (codominance)

d) pleiotrophy (1 gene many effects)

25) genes locaed on a sex chromosome are said to be

a) X-linked

b) dominant

c) hemizgous

d) sex linked

26) If you have an individual with type O blood, and an individual with type AB blood, what is the probability of getting an offspring with type O blood?

a) 50%

b) 0%

c) 25%

d) 100%