SECTION 1- The name of this organization shall be RUACH
SECTION 2-Ruach is designed to promotethe religious aspects of Judaism.
SECTION 3- This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, age, handicap, or Vietnam-era status.
Membership- Membership shall be open to those wishing to uphold the purpose of the organization. Voting membership shall be limited to currently enrolled Ohio State students. All other members shall be termed as “associate” members.
Officers transition formally at a meeting. They will have a formal election, majority will decide the new officer. The President introduces all the new officers.
In the event of discordance with officers or members, the President will, first, try to resolve the issue discretely. If the problem continues, a hearing will commence with all members able to attend. The members will have exactly 5 minutes to discuss their opinions publicly. Then the officer or member will have 3 minutes to defend their position. A motion to extend discussion for 1 minute is permissible. But a vote must take place directly afterwards. The majority must vote to deactivate them as a member.
Leadership- The leadership of Ruach shall consist of no less than a president (Co-presidents are acceptable with the understanding that there will be constant communication between the two officers) and a board.
The president of Ruach shall be responsible for maintaining and motivating the group’s activities. The president shall call the meetings to order and preside over them.
The board of Ruach shall be responsible for planning events and attending meetings.
Advisor- The advisor shall serve as a resource to Ruach by offering comments when he/she feels necessary. The advisor shall always act in the best interest of the group.
Meetings- Meetings will take place at least twice a month. The time and place of meetings will be determined by Ruach.
Amendments: Proposed amendments to this Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the president or advisor. The proposed amendment shall be discussed at the next meeting and cannot be voted upon until this discussion occurs. A 2/3 majority must be reached for the amendment to pass.
In the event that Ruach no longer is able to function fiscally or can no longer train and assist students in leadership opportunities, the organization will cease to function.