Apologies: Father Wojciech
1 / Father Maciej opened the meeting with a prayer.
2 / The minutes of the meeting held on 25th April were proposed by Rosemary and seconded by Claire.
a / Matters arising
Yellow lines at exit from Car Park
Tommy wrote to the Council. They have received a letter about this before. There are strict guidelines as to where yellow lines can/should be painted. The situation will be monitored.
b / Facebook
The Facebook page is now up and running. It contains short items of Parish news. Contributions would be welcome. It is important that this should be kept up to date. Photos would enhance any contribution but permission should be sought from people before posting their photos on Facebook.
c / Drop in Centre
There were about half a dozen people there today. This might increase as time goes on.
d / Garden
Jimmy Grierson who has been cutting the grass has retired. It had been thought that Ross Falla might be willing to undertake grass cutting in the parish garden in Peebles. However he has asked that we find someone else.
Robbie Reid is to be asked to cut the grass once for now until we find someone willing to do it on a regular basis.
There are four beehives in the garden. The bees are very active and somewhat inhibiting to anyone in the garden. The situation will be monitored over the winter when there is little expected activity.
e / Newsletter
Tommy has met with Kirsty to discuss this and agreement has been reached that the present situation is fine.
4 / Parish Cluster Meetings
Tommy has been in touch with Patricia Carroll who will try to speak with Father Murray, Parish Priest in Galashiels, in an effort to find out what is happening. The material in the ‘Cluster Parishes Handbook’ seems to apply more to urban parishes rather than our situation. Those who previously indicated interest in this will be contacted to see if this is still the case.
5 / Safeguarding
Rosemary has been trying to get more information from Gillis but has not had an answer so far. She will try to call again tomorrow.
6 / Myanmar
Rosemary has received an email from Linda Lewin who spoke earlier on this year to the parish about Myanmar. She has also been sent a link to a charity giving page on the internet which will be live for about a month. It was decide to ask Kirsty to put this into the parish newsletter.
The whole issue was discussed. It was thought that this might be something that would interest the school and could become a joint school/parish project. Rosemary will forward the relevant information to the school. / Rosemary
7 / Parish / School liaison
The Parish Council is keen to support the school in any way possible. We could undertake a joint project e.g. see item 6 above on Myanmar.
We can try to keep news items from the school in the newsletter. If the school finds that they need support from the parish in any other way this also should be done.
Support is also vital around sacramental periods. We need to be sure to include here families with children children who do not attend Halyrude. Sacramental programmes are best prepared well in advance and people informed in good time, allowing families to support their child in this and to be supported by the parish.
8 / Christmas
Father Wojciech will be approached to find out what his preferences are for this year. As Midnight Mass was in St Joseph’s last year it could be that it is St James’ ‘turn’ this year. This will be discussed this with him when he returns.
9 / Churches Together Events
Christian Aid – May
Big Sunday – August
Chattterbox – towards end of Summer holidays.
We always hope for greater support and participation from the parish in these events.
The parish rep on this group is Charlotte Hamilton.
10 / Finance – see separate sheet
11 / Date of next meeting – Monday 17th October at 7:30pm in the Parish House.
The meeting closed with a prayer. Tommy thanked everyone and we all went home.
Finance Update – August 2016
Income /Expenditure to end of August
Bank Balance at start of January = £37,288.42
Bank Balance at end of August = £52,562.88
Offertory Collection to date (incl.Gift Aid) = £ 17,013.43
St James’ Contribution to upkeep = £ 3,680.00
(Reduced from £500.00 per month to £340.00 from July)
Donations (includes contributions from Castle Craig) = £ 4,170.18
Repository = £ 1,099.50
To Date = £ 25,838.59
- Father’s bedroom + shower rooms redecorated = £ 900+
- Roof repairs & chimney repairs= £ 3,300.00
(£ 1500.00 paid & £ 1800.00 to be paid)
- Car Insurance due= £ 500.00
Minor problems
Mice in house cupboard; Grass-cutter required; Bees; Missing pane of glass in back kitchen area..