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Title / Explain the human respiratory system for beauty services
Level / 5 / Credits / 2
Purpose / People credited with this unit standard are able to, in relation to beauty services applications, explain the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system and the factors influencing respiratory physiology.
Classification / Beauty Services > Beauty Therapy
Available grade / Achieved
Guidance information
1As the content of this unit standard is largely informational, performance criteria assume that knowledge will be acquired from reference texts, models, and other information-bearing media. No one textbook or other source of information is envisaged, as new approaches to the study of anatomy and physiology are published regularly.
2All demonstrations of knowledge for assessment in this unit standard must be evidenced with relation to the application to and use in the beauty services industry.
3For the purposes of this unit standard, explain and explanation are to be interpreted to include any form of visual and/or other aid, such as diagram, gesture, or model, that is used in addition to or in place of a verbal explanation.
4In this unit standard, all ranges identify the minimum that is critical for assessment. A wider scope may nevertheless be taught.
5The focus of this unit standard is the anatomy and physiology of human systems that are healthy and functioning properly. Diseases and disorders are included only where appropriate to the professional competence of a beauty practitioner.
Outcomes and performance criteria
Outcome 1
Explain the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.
Performance criteria
1.1Explanation identifies the anatomy of organs of respiration according to their physiology.
Rangenose, pharynx, larynx, lungs, trachea, bronchi, alveoli.
1.2Explanation identifies the function of the respiratory system.
Rangeexternal and internal respiration.
1.3Explanation describes the mechanism of breathing in relation to respiratory physiology.
Rangecycle of respiration – inspiration, expiration, pause; movements of respiration – intercostal muscles, diaphragm, lung expansion, accessory muscles.
Outcome 2
Explain the factors influencing respiratory physiology.
Performance criteria
2.1Explanation describes the effects of ageing, exercise, emotion, and altitude on the respiratory system in relation to respiratory physiology.
This unit standard is expiring. Assessment against the standard must take place by the last date for assessment set out below.
Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions
Process / Version / Date / Last Date for AssessmentRegistration / 1 / 21 February 1995 / 31 December 2020
Review / 2 / 30 September 1998 / 31 December 2020
Review / 3 / 27 June 2003 / 31 December 2020
Rollover and Revision / 4 / 16 October 2009 / 31 December 2020
Review / 5 / 31 May 2018 / 31 December 2020
Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference / 0035
This CMR can be accessed at
NZ Hair and Beauty Industry Training Organisation IncSSB Code 101681 / New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018