Kids Teaching Kids Week
Media Release - Hosts
(Name of Org)to hostevent for
National Kids’ Environment Extravaganza
(Name of school) is one of hundreds of schools and more than13,000 students across Australia whowill focus their knowledge and passion for the environment through comedy, songs, quizzes, rap, plays and experiments around the environment issues of concern to them during 2016Kids Teaching Kids Week, 5th-9thSeptember across Australia.
Students will be teaching each other about issues such as climate change, water, waste, conservation, energy, drought, habitat destruction, population and pollution to bring about positive environmental change.To help, there are about 100 organisations, local government agencies, community groups and others involved to support this great week of environment activities and learning.
(Name of school)has taken on the responsibility of hosting one of the events during Kids Teaching Kids Week with a great, fun, educative event to be held in (provide details of location, dates and description of your planned event).
[INSERT NAME] from [INSERT POSITION AT SCHOOL] said [ADD QUOTES … see samples below].
Event creator Arron Wood, who was Australian Environmentalist of the Year for his environmental education efforts, said that all the events being held around Australia are packed with great activities and learning opportunities.
“Adults take a back seat at this event - kids teach each other in much more interesting creative ways than the usual classroom format, with songs, dance, poems, drama, games, interactive quizzes and crafts,” he said.
“Most importantly, the kids learn they can make a real difference on environment issues, despite the magnitude of problems facing their environment,” Arron said.
For more information or to organise an interview or photo/footage opportunity, contact (add appropriate teacher’s name and school contacts)
Sample quotes (please feel free to use these to create your own quote, but don’t forget to remove this page from the document before you send it to your local media outlets):
“It’s been so exciting for our school and students to be part of this national effort to have more kids teaching kids about the environment – and see just what kids can do when they put their hearts and minds into making a difference” said(name of teacher).
You may care to add a quote regarding how the school/students funded the event – thanking parents or relevant community groups.
“Being part of this special kids’ conference will raise awareness of the importance of trying to make an effort at our school and at home,”said (name of teacher).
PO Box 692
North Melbourne, VIC 3051
Telephone03 9329 3736
Facsimile03 9329 3651