Arthur’s Promise
Marc Brown
Book Description:
· Arthur made a promise to D.W. that he tries to get out of.
Academic Objective:
· ELA1R6: The student uses a variety of strategies to understand and gain meaning from grade-level text. The student makes predication using prior knowledge.
· ELA1R6: The student uses a variety of strategies to understand and gain meaning from grade-level text. The student makes connection between texts and/or personal experiences.
Brilliant Star Objective:
· Moral Character: Students will be able to describe difficulties that arise in keeping one’s promises and the results of doing so or not doing so.
Readability Level: Kindergarten through 2nd grade
Vocabulary: promise, pleaded, firmly, embarrassed, stammered
Introduction: Review the vocabulary word, PROMISE. Talk to the students about promise and what it means. Ask the students what promise means to them. Have the students write two or three sentences on what they predict is going to happen in the book.
During Reading: During reading, the students will be provided with sticky notes to do text coding. With text coding, the students will put a “?” (for a question about the text), *(important information), and C(for a connection to themselves in the text).
Follow-up Activities:
1. Go over with the students, the text coding. Ask the students to pick one text coding note to share with a partner. Have the students to think/pair/share with each other.
2. Have the students to put themselves in DW’s position or Arthur’s position. On a sheet of paper, tell the students to write about an experience where they were in DW’s shoes or Arthur’s shoes.
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Need to have activities that directly relate to moral character objective in addition to the academic objectives.