Inaugural Fire Board Meeting
The initial Fire Board meeting was held April 13, 2016 at the Presque Isle Township Hall.
Call to order 4:55 PM.
In attendance:
Mark Devers PI Township Supervisor
Lynn Morrison PI Township Trustee
Bernie Andrzejewski Fire District #2 representative
Dick Nowak Fire District #2 representative
Dan Rivard Guest Fire District #1
Paul Borg Guest Fire District #2
Bill Forbush Fire Chief AFD
Bob Adrian Assistant Fire Chief AFD
Ron Fournier Fire Chief EGLFD
Joe Slaght Assistant Fire Chief EGLFD
This meeting was basically an organizational meeting to begin to define the purpose and the responsibilities of the Presque Isle Township Fire Board (PITFB). The first order of business was to position Dan Rivard and Paul Borg as members of the PITFB joining Lynn Morrison, Dick Nowak, and Bernie Andrzejewski with Mark Devers as an alternate.
Lynn Morisson was selected as chairperson, Paul Borg vice chairperson, and Dick Nowak secretary. Lynn Morrison will be liaison to the Board of Trustees.
Lynn Morrison motioned that the PITFB meeting be held monthly for at least the next quarter.
The motion was seconded by Bernie Andrzejewski and approved by all.
Next 3 PITFB meetings:
Wed May 4 5:00 PM PI Township Hall
Wed June 1 5:00 PM PI Township Hall
Wed July 6 5:00 PM PI Township Hall
Mark Devers stated the need of By Laws for the PITFB and the need of defining the roles of the PITFB members. Because of our total lack of experience establishing a Fire Board a discussion was held to explore resources for a possible template for Fire Board By Laws. The MTA handbook was mentioned as a possible source. Speaking to members of the Posen Fire Board or the Rogers City Fire Board to possibly look at or obtain a copy of their By Laws was discussed. This task was not formally assigned to any member of the PITFB. It will almost certainly be on the next PITFB meeting agenda.
A discussion on reporting procedures was held concerning reports from the Fire Departments to the PITFB, and reports from the PITFB to the Township Board of Trustees. Reports from the Fire Board to the Board of Trustees are to be submitted by the Thursday preceding the regular Board of Trustees monthly meeting. No mention was made of how and when the Fire Departments will report to the Fire Board. It would be ideal if the Fire Board had their report prior to our monthly meeting or at month’s end.
Chief Forbush presented an activity report for the PITFD Mar 14----April 11, 2016. 4 emergency runs in March, none thus far in April. All emergency runs had both a PIFD first response and an ALS ambulance response.
The PITFD is a small but operational Department with 3 trainees to date with a loaner First Responder Unit (from AFD) housed in the Fire Hall. Equipment continues to be acquired.
Persons interested in volunteering for the PITFD should be referred to Chief Forbush at AFD. Applications are available at the PI Township Office.
Meeting adjourned 6:15 PM
Next PITFB meeting Wed May 4 5:00PM
Respectfully submitted
Dick Nowak
Phone 989-595-2505