Activities completed within the 'Joining In' unit
Activity 1: What groups children could join
This was a brainstorming activity. All the students participated by providing an example of a group which could be joined in Alice Springs (mainly sporting groups, as these are of interest to most students).
Activity 2: Classifying groups
Discovering Democracy Middle Primary unit 'Joining In' (JI) page 102
The students chose the categories in a whole-group session then paired off to work together on the completion of the activity (these pairings were used throughout the whole project). The main objective of the lesson was to observe the Collaborative Learner 4 work as a team member and Collaborative Learner 2 listen to their team member.
- Handout 1Red Cross Australia (JI page 112)
- Handout 2 State Emergency Services (JI page 113)
- Handout 3 Apex (JI page 114)
- Handout 4 Landcare (JI page 115)
- Handout 5Local history group (JI page 116)
- Handout 6Tennis clubs (JI page 117)
- Handout 7The Fanfare Drama Group (JI page 118)
- Handout 8 Australians for Reconciliation (JI page 119)
The more able students analysed these handouts to compile a comprehensive list of information. They then had to find five key points of interest about each of the different groups that they could join, using the 'Who, what, where, why, how?' idea.
The ESL and SN students were required to write a list answering:
- What was the group's name?
- What did the group do within the community?
- Who did the work within the group?
Activity 3: Produce a poster to explain 'Why should I join a group?' (JI page 103)
The main outcome from the lesson was to analyse the conversation between the team members, to ensure that within the activity Collaborative Learnings 2 and 4 were being achieved. A joint written text was produced to show that they all understood the reasons for joining a group. This was typed on the computer.
This was a joint assessment of:
- Whether or not the students had understood the reasons for joining groups and what groups they could join
- Whether or not the students could collaborate when allocated a task:
Could they decide what to produce?
Could they work together?
Could they contribute to the end product? (Framework Essential Learnings)
Activity 4: Organising a group to solve a problem around the school (JI page 104)
Working together to solve the problem
These were the key questions:
- What needs to be done?
- How will the task be done?
- Who will do the task?
- When does it need to be done by?
They had the question matrix to complete after working out what they were going to do.
Activity 5: Negotiated activity
Students had to complete the activities they had highlighted on their question matrix:
- Activity - to keep the courtyard clean and tidy after recess and lunch
These are the activities decided on to complete this task:
Design a poster to display in the courtyard to highlight the problem
Compose a speech to address the issue at school assembly.
Assessment for Framework document EsseNTial Learnings:
- Collaborative Learner 4 - works as a team member
- Collaborative Learner 2 - shares own ideas and opinions, considering the interests and viewpoints of others
Activity 6: Discussion on the pluses or minuses of how decisions could be made within a group
- completed in pairs, with each individual being expected to make a contribution
Activity 7: Ace Tennis Constitution (JI pages 104, 121)
Using the handout, the students were expected to decide:
- the categories of a constitution
- the purpose of a constitution
- when and where meetings are held
- the purpose of a budget
This was an extremely difficult activity for the students to complete. It required a high standard of reading skills and it also required an understanding of how to analyse information to get the answers.
Activity 8: Devise their own club
- name
- purpose
- paid members' role
- organising committee
- when to have meetings
- budget report
Students worked in groups of 4-5. They were again expected to fulfil the Collaborative Learner 4 and 2 outcomes to be successful. This proved to be the hardest activity, mainly because of the larger grouping.