In this week the letter g with the vowels e and i has the same sound of ¨j¨ is Spanish.
Nombre:______Tarea 2-5 marzo
lunesDibuja círculos para mostrar la oracion matemáticas. Escribe el total. Draw circles to show the number sentence. Write the total.
2 + 2 = ___
3 + 3 = ___
4 + 4 = ___
5 + 5 = ___ / Colorea las vocales. Practice finding letters only. Color the vowels: a, e, i, o, u.
a / i / e
g / t / i
c / o / e
e / n / u
i / h / a
j / f / e
a / o / u
/ Circle the words you can read.
el tiene es
para una de
fauna esa un
fila ese aca
abajo las como
unos por con
desde camina jugo agua música arte
Escribe los numeros hasta el 30.Write your numbers to 30.
Sara riene 2 marionetas. Le regalaron 3 más en su cumpleaños. ¿Cuantas marionetas tiene ahora? Sara had 2 puppets. She got 3 more for her birthday. How many were there now?
2 + 3 = ___ / Cuantos más necesitas para hacer veinte? How many more do you need to make twenty?
/ / / /
/ / / /
/ / /
Draw circles and cross them out to show the number sentence. Write the total.
3 - 2 = ___
5 - 3 = ___
6 - 4 = ___
5 - 5 = ___ / Say the words. Write them.
Once 11
Doce 12
Trece 13
Catorce 14
Quince 15
Dieciseis 16
Dieciocho 18
/ Our class is always in need in the following items:
1. Student prizes
2. Band aids
3. Dry erase marker
4. Pencils
5. Desinfectant wipes
6. Copy paper
7. Glue stick
8. Crayons
Jueves Read the stories. Lee las historias
Hay tres cocos en el arbol. Cero se calleron. ¿Cuantos hay?
Three coconuts were on the tree. Zero fell down. How many are there now?
3 - 0 = ___
Tres niños estan jugando en el parque. Un niño se fue a su casa. ¿Cuantos niños se quedaron? Three children were at the playground. One left to go home. How many children were left? Cross out pictures to take away.
3 – 1 = ___
Hay siete adultos en una reunion. Uno mas vino. ¿Cuantos adultos hay en total? Seven adults were at the meeting. One more came. How many adults were there in all?
7 + 1 = ___
/ Say the words. Write them.
Diecinueve 19
Veinte 20
Word Work marzo 2-6
palma / abanico / pastel/ bolsa/jaulaDía 1- Colorea vocales y consonantes de diferente color 3 veces. Color code Words
Write 3 times each. Choose two colors for all of them. Color the vowels (A E I O U) one color and the consonants another color.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
Día 2- Orden Alfabético
2. ______
3. ______
5. ______
Día 3- Oraciones. Banco de palabras
palma 1. La______tiene cocos.
abanico 2. La ______esta en la mesa.
pastel 3. El ______es de chocolate.
bolsa 4. Pon el regalo en la ______.
jaula 5. Cierra la ______.
Día 4- Practice writing the words as much as you can during the week.