Zoom UK 07.03.17
Great turnout, thanks all for coming, up to 25 folk :
John Wells, Richard Ubique, Demetri Couppis, Jack Leonis, Jay McDougall, Jonathan Frewing, Libby van Dreunen, Stefania d’Adetta, Samuel Gordon, Justin Smith, Sunny, Bernardo, Mark Erb, Yvonne Hanna, Sandor Kakasi, Keth Schaffer, Pawel Brawska, Chris Barnes, Theodor Mantea, Thornbjorn, James Rathay, Christian Biottgenbach, Dani Mo, Emese Egyed, Judy Jandora, Oliver Perceval, Fiona Russell, Julio Sinoncini
There will be a UK workshop, Sat 13th May:
Started 18.57
Thornbjorn to c.2.20mins
Audio 43mins: Gans have monotomic properties, so do subatomic particles – proton in common … Proton always has an electron, 2 trumpets N+S on proton, grav/mag …
Audio 56mins … Walter Russell periodic table
Audio 1.06 Q on alkali water …
Audio 1.24 etheric templates, ghost dna, photons/free plasma body … stimulating regrowth etc.
Audio 1.30 pineal, fluoride/chlorine …
Audio 1.37 products to oxygenate blood improperly …
Audio 1:56 if CuO nanocoating goes wrong ….
Audio 2.07 Battery Capacitor Hybrid generator – issue Blueprint? (Jacky?)
Put iron and aluminium batt caps on top of 1 magrav … 3 layers of capacitors before the batt caps which just have Fe and Al ganses. Normal caps underneath can have zinc or iron or copper mixes. Draws tiny load from the grid.
… when steam coating the cap keep away from caustic, very delicate.
Audio 2.14 Sandor input …
Audio 2.21 smoothest nano layers by nature …
Audio 2.26 Sandor sharing about bottle reactor and chemistry
Audio 2.36 making original CH3 gans with Zinc/Copper/central plate Iron. not just iron plate, and not just making ‘rust’ …
Audio 2.38 Condition bet n/c Cu and Zn pulls fields of Carbon from environment.
What is CH3? first we use chicken wire or Zn plate with n.c Cu plate, to produce CO2.
Ch3 is C and H3. iron and n.c Cu is 59-56 which is 3. So we get the 6 carbon from Cu and Zinc and the 3H from the Iron – the pulling force for Hydrogen fields. QED. We must remember that CH3 related to Iron is about field strength differences and not equating CH3 with Iron or any matter state molecule.
Co2 gans attracts C, and finds free oxygen from the water. Over time making gans the free oxygen depletes and production stops (not the C field) small bubbles around container are probably Hydrogen. Need proper CH3 this way for magrav to work because it is the Gans that supplies the energy….
Audio 2.40 can test CH3 gans with a magnet – gans would not be magnetic. … make native Hydrogen with Caustic, Zinc, Aluminium, caustic in plastic bottle
Audio 2.43 Yvonne brings us back to 161KSW workshop. Major theme was steering Gans with the emotion …
Audio 2.55 Thornbjorn, sacred geometry, periodic table of isotopes and elements, and grid patterns, human energy …
Drunvalo Melchizedek – The ancient secret of the flower of life vol2. p.235 onwards….
Audio 3.02 geometry in nature, beyond chemistry/matter, to sound and movement, golden ratios … 90º angles from the near centre for a spiral .. in fibonnacci numbers… infinite amount of squares (or spheres/plasmas) in a room or grid.
Need to regard the essence of things.
•Geometry of CuO related to pent. ZnO possibly related to Heptagon (geometry of order…)
•put DMSO in caustic when nanocoating Aluminium, it lowers the temp. adds sulphur but that’s ok for power applications. (audio 2.14)
•nanocoating Aluminium in caustic: use 2% caustic and c.60ºC, for about a minute (much less than for Copper)
Chat Text:
19:28:34 From Justin Smith : 59Cobalt, is electron capture and the primary mode of decay for those of greater than 59 atomic mass units is beta decay. The primary decay products before 59Co are element 26 (iron) isotopes and the primary products after are element 28 (nickel) isotopes[20]
19:33:39 From Justin Smith : I am wishing to upload a picture of Dr Walter Russells periodic table as it goes along with what Thorbjorn is saying about Muons and isotopes
19:38:03 From Yvonne Hanna : Australian Star Scientific Claims to be close to Sustainable Muon ...
Jul 25, 2011 - Star Scientific Limited is perfecting a world-first technique to economically produce pions, and hence muon catalysed fusion, in a ...
19:38:10 From Libby van Dreunen : http://www.hep.vanderbilt.edu/~webstems/qnweb/qnpptr/What_is_a_Muon.pdf
Please see the end of doc for pasted Walter Russell Periodic table
19:42:38 From Justin Smith : this is that Periodic table. it shows male and female elements for potential difference and silicon and cobalt are at a neutral state
19:47:05 From Justin Smith : being that cobalt is capable of electron capture it is quite possible that the amount of energy that can be compiled in this material is beyond useful
19:51:41 From Knowledge Seekers : RECOMMEND: The Secret of Light, by Walter Russell
19:55:45 From Justin Smith : Rays of the Dawn by Thurman Fleet. It explains the soul in the third section
20:26:15 From Yvonne Hanna : 12
ASEA: Another Expensive Way to Buy Water – Science-Based Medicine
20:26:56 From Yvonne Hanna : The ingredients are listed on the label: water and salt. But they explain: ASEA is a mixture of 16 chemically recombined products of salt and water with completely new chemical properties. It is no longer salt or water just like table salt is no longer chlorine gas or sodium metal.Aug 7, 2012
20:31:03 From Chris : another product that oxygenate the blood and Alkalizes the body http://jimhumble.is/
20:50:06 From Knowledge Seekers : “all protons appear to have identical characteristics; which suggests they could originate from one indivisible consciousness; so we could be the one being in many bodies….” David Ash – the new science of the spirit.
The proton is associated to the Activating Principle or god the father. Hydrogen is the only element to have NO neutron - ponder that one ?!?
20:59:11 From Justin Smith : But when I do get Chen Lins reactors in, may send in a random!!! ;-}
21:00:27 From Jay MacDougall : Justin, Chen has began to send out his globes. are you on the list for the first batch? he has complete units now with motor and globes i believe
21:01:02 From Justin Smith : Im waiting for the brass double cores. Still in testing. the balance is an issue. We have the results coming soon. I wish not to confuse anyone. Lets just say that our research has gone very extensive
21:03:29 From Jay MacDougall to Knowledge Seekers (Privately) : Oliver.. research DC Bias.... all the wire has its own amps and volts in already... Even with a tiny piece of wire you can work a way to power your house with the tiniest inch of wire buddy.... Forget the generator
21:30:34 From Jay MacDougall : did you know you can get nice carbon sticks from those large lantern batteries?... the square ones.. if you open them up and your stuck for rods there are a lot of them inside... Also, if you attach two together with crocodile clips and touch them together you can melt almost any metal as the carbon rods dont burn.. just get very hot...
21:33:17 From Justin Smith : Yes indeed. Helps to bring gold gans back to matter state after the particle production without using flames. use the the hemoglobin in the gold particle production kits with the two double cores
21:49:40 From Yvonne Hanna : You have to Teach yourself, how to see, without the eye, how to feel, without touching, without eating, without smelling, and without putting your finger in there, if I touch, how it feels. Man will come to understand, in parts, it will become like the Clown Fish, where it imitates between the male and the female as it needs. We have to learn, these are the processes which are embedded in the soul of the man, but in the physical dimension we have tried to ignore.
The freedom of physicality, has suppressed the power of the soul, and emotion, and with this technology, we are opening the reverse because that's the way the Universe works. Make yourself ganses, which are at the level of the emotion of the man, make yourself ganses at the emotion of the vegetation, make emotions, and the ganses, and emotion of the level of the solid, as they are still the same, of a stone.
21:50:18 From Yvonne Hanna : And try, to see, without the eye, try to see, how your interactions, will bring reactions from them? Do they move further away from you? Would the gans take a dip, and move away, because it wants nothing to give, but in a way, I need further distance to be able to be in balance? And see, if when you give, with a joy, the whole gans moves to one side, towards you, I want to be closer because you give what I need?
These are the schools of the training, of the man for Deeper Space. And, in next few weeks and months, the more and more of you practice, then we open the schools of the Space Institute in Ghana for man to be able to enter the kingdom of God. When you decide, you see through the eye of the soul, not the two holes, which are not worth even opening, with the body of the man.
The real Teaching, of the Spaceship Institutes, has started, as I said, "From Christmas." Slowly, slowly, we're building up, the openness of the knowledge. Those who get enlightened, will join in, those who still need to have attach to physicality, will still be there, and those who teach, will be enlightened to teach more.
But, try to practice, how, try to see in which way you can communicate without the physicality. Try to taste the CO2 gans, and then try to put the CO2 gans and without touching it, feel it's energy, that it gives the taste, and pleasure of what you (made???) . Try to do, what was done before, when you put an orange, you put the amino acid, you put the CO2, you put the err, CH3, and you put CUO around it, with a zinc oxide, and you drank the water, and it tasted like orange.
21:52:08 From Knowledge Seekers : geometry is number in space. arithmetic is number as such, music is number in space and time. astrology is number in space-time.
21:55:46 From Justin Smith : I appreciate what Im seeing in the back Oliver
Showing diagrams of right angle Phylotaxis from Drunvalo Melchizedek – The ancient secret of the flower of life vol2. p.235 onwards. exactly what thornbjorn was saying … !!
21:59:59 From Chris : what about thinking in the qube'S as well as in squares? or Holographicly
22:00:21 From Justin Smith : I agree Yvonne. we will continue to teach the physical tool as is going on in this chat for the new comers. However the direction the new class is going is where the general population will eventually wish to sway!
22:01:28 From Justin Smith : Great question Jay. Will have to check that out.
22:01:57 From Keith Schaffer : don't know if anyone has tested for that effect.
22:04:17 From Knowledge Seekers : see my amateur spinning gans ball positioning video here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd6H6SPNQLIJUUv3XibsM3g
22:14:40 From Knowledge Seekers : ref back to the proton discussion “…. within every atom are enshrined the signs that bear eloquent testimony to the revelation of that Most Great Light.” Baha’u’allah, prophet founder of the Bahai faith . Mr Keshe is a Bahai by background.
22:16:23 From Knowledge Seekers : does this work: http://68.media.tumblr.com/569d680e7d50c3a9c197ab233f8e34a8/tumblr_n9yvf4JjYA1tb7tqio1_400.gif
22:24:13 From Sandor Kakasi to Knowledge Seekers (Privately) : http://www.heartcoherence.com/history/
22:30:53 From Sandor Kakasi to Knowledge Seekers (Privately) : In order to make a bigger pictue of non-mainstream theories, it may be worth to consider the works of Steven Rado as well
Neither one gives a final solution, but both may be some interesting milestones of thinking with intention to understand how the Universe works.
22:32:33 From Sandor Kakasi to Knowledge Seekers (Privately) : Rado sustained the Aether theory Same as Mitchelsson. While Mitchellson and Morley's experiment was said to conclude there is no Aether, yet the LIGO project (with a very high $$$ budget) uses modified Mitchelsson interferometers in trying to detect the hypotethical "gravitational waves"
Stefania D’Addetta, my email:
John Wells:
Jay MacDougall :
Knowledge Seekers : our FB: https://www.facebook.com/KFssiUK/
Justin Smith :
From Chris : 07758112727
23:11:12 From Knowledge Seekers : any recommendation s for M.S ?
23:16:18 From Stefania DAddetta : feldenkrais method
23:18:10 From fiona : Rebecca L Girouard
23:43:51 From Knowledge Seekers : to cure burns put it in a bag of flour
23:54:34 From Chris : https://duckduckgo.com/?q=alba+weinman&t=ha&ia=videos