Plan Commission Meeting
April 8, 2013
Present: Fred Loomis, Chairman, Commissioners Shirley Mandernack, Gordon Lake, John Lichter, Michael Boozer, Dave Lewis. Excused: Commissioners John Donaubauer and James Armes. Also, present: Town Administrator William Morris, Supervisors Ben Harbach and Gregg Sinnen, Administrative Assistant, Ann Brumback.
1. Call to order: Chairman Loomis called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
2. Pledge of Allegiance: Chairman Loomis led the Pledge of Allegiance:
3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting: Commissioner Mandernack made the motion to approve, and seconded by Commissioner Lewis. Motion carried 6-0.
4. Comments on Kenosha County Land Use Minutes: None
5. Correspondence: None
6. Approval of monument sign permit for Yutka Fence Inc., 6606 34th Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53142 at 11880 12th Street, located on the on the NE corner of the intersection of CTH “E” (12th Street) & 120th Ave.
Chairman Loomis introduced the permit for the monument sign and called for a motion. Commissioner Lichter made the motion to approve and was seconded by Commissioner Mandernack.
7. Public Hearing & action on request by David J. White, 1505 Harvard Court NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 (Owner), Fred Kevek, 4310 Conifer Court, Union Grove, WI 53182 (Agent), for a rezoning from B-2 “Community Business District” to M-1 “Limited Manufacturing District” on Tax Parcel #80-4-222-292-0201, 9930 Burlington Road, Kenosha, WI in the NW 1/4 of Section 29, T2N, R22E, Town of Somers.
Chairman Loomis opened the Public Hearing on the above rezone petition. The following citizens spoke regarding what type of business, traffic and asking why M1 zoning: Gregg Sinnen, 3900 100th Avenue, Harold Thurber, 9730 Burlington Rd., Geraldine Thurber, 9730 100th Avenue, and Bernard Cheney, 9800 Burlington Rd.
Chairman Loomis, closed the Public Hearing and called for a Motion from the Plan Commissioners. Commissioner Lake made the motion to approve and was seconded by Commissioner Lewis.
Discussion followed with Mr. Kevek explaining his business and equipment explained that he works with small parts, and a type of polish such as you would use on your car. He has purchased special equipment so he and his staff does not even wear ear plugs.
Chairman Loomis asked for staff recommendation. Mr. Morris responded by explaining the M1 rezone requested by the County was in planning for long term property owner occupying the building. Staff will work with Mr. Kevek to make sure he is a complement and not a determinant to the neighborhood.
Chairman Loomis then called for a vote. Motion carried 6-0.
Plan Commission Meeting
April 8, 2013
Page 2
8. Public Hearing on Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment, WAB-AC LLC, 11514 N. Port Washington Road, Mequon, WI 53092 (Owner), William Bodner, 11514 N. Port Washington Road, Mequon, WI 53092 (Agent), requests an amendment to the Adopted Land Use Plan map for Kenosha County: 2035 (Map 65 of the comprehensive plan) from "Commercial" and "Other Conservancy Land To Be Preserved" to "High-Density Residential" on Tax Parcel #80-4-222-274-0410 located in the SE 1/4 of Section 27, T2N, R22E, Town of Somers.
Chairman Loomis introduced the Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment above and opened the Public Hearing. The following citizens spoke against the above change based on density, safety, traffic and property values. They would like to see it remain commercial as the current zoning and planning state seeing a business on that parcel: Teri Franklin, 6310 43rd S., Sandy Vittone 4612 63rd Ave, Sue Scherer, 4700 64th Ave, Duwayne Scherer 4700 64th Ave.
Chairman Loomis closed the Public Hearing, and asked the Commissioners for a motion. Commissioner Lake made the motion to approve, and was seconded by Commissioner Boozer. Discussion followed between the Commissioners and Mr. Bodner through the Town Chairman.
Chairman Loomis called for a vote. Motion failed 0 for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and 5 against it and
Fred Loomis did not vote.
9. Action on proposed Plan Commission Resolution No. 13-001 Approving an Amendment to the Adopted Comprehensive Plan for Kenosha County: 2035 (Map 65 of the comprehensive plan) from "Commercial" and "Other Conservancy Land To Be Preserved" to "High-Density Residential" on Tax Parcel #80-4-222-274-0410 located in the SE 1/4 of Section 27, T2N, R22E, Town of Somers.
Chairman Loomis dismissed the item because of the vote on item #8.
10. Public Hearing & action on request by WAB-AC, LLC (Owner), 11514 N. Port Washington Road, Suite 1, Mequon, WI 53092, William Bodner (Agent) for rezoning from B-2 “Commercial” to R-9 “Multiple-Family Residential District” on Tax Parcel #80-4-222-274-0410 located in the SE 1/4 of Section 27, T2N, R 22E, Town of Somers. For informational purposes only, this property is located on the on the west side of Green Bay Road between 45th & 43rd Streets.
Chairman Loomis dismissed the item because of the vote on item #8.
11. Adjourn:
Chairman Loomis then called for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Lichter made the motion to adjourn and was seconded by Commissioner Lewis. Motion Carried 6-0.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:45 pm.
These minutes are not official until approved by the Plan Commission.
Submitted by Ann Brumback, Administrative Assistant