In-Sync Exotics Board of Directors Meeting

June 15,2003

I Call to Order

Vicky called the meeting to order at 11:20a.m

Attending were Vicky Keahey, Eddie Keahey, Tandy Robinson, Barbara Jetton, and Jeni Crump

II Reading of the Minutes

There was a motion to rescind the minutes of the last meeting held on May18, 2003

III. Regular Reports

  1. Vicky Keahey (President and Chairman)-New cages are done except the lock downs, and sliders. Lucca has been sick because of the weeds in the playground. As a result, the weeds will need to start being sprayed. We will no longer be feeding tailbones because the cats are not chewing them properly and end up throwing up big chucks of bone. Tandy asked what would be next. Her company annually gets together to do a volunteer project and she would like to request that this year they come out here. Eddie suggested that for that we could do a general cleaning day. That could include mowing, weed eating, clearing the grounds, cleaning by the cages, ect. Boomer ball will be coming soon thanks to Barbara who paid for half ($400). Volunteer Center of North Texas will put us in the newspaper asking for volunteers and will do story write ups about our up coming projects at no cost to us.
  2. Tandy Robinson (Accounting)-We owe a little more then $74,000 to Vicky and Eddie for past salaries and wages beginning from April1, 2002 to May 31,2003.It was suggested by Tandy that we start paying this debt off. Vicky refused to start the salary until October 1,2003 in hopes that by then we will have been working toward and receive grants intended for salary purposes. Within the last two months there has been a net loss of $11,000 a big chunk of that, $11,000 is with salaries figured in. At the beginning of June, we were still cash flow positive. The financial statements in an accrual form are almost ready to be sent out. We now have fixed assets such as cages and equipment. Some of our net loss is in depreciation of our fixed assets. Our loss is either non-cash items or the accrual. Tandy and Rebecca are continuing to work on matching grant programs. These programs are designed to match the money we have already raised and spent on each individual enclosure. Vicky is to come up with a list of still needed construction on each enclosure along with the estimated cost.

IV. Special Reports-

Tandy suggested that we get rid of special reports.

V. Committee Reports

  1. By-Laws- has not been able to meet yet, however Tandy has gotten some by-Laws from her clients to give her ideas. Vicky suggested that that we get a chairperson for each committee. That person would be in charge of making sure things are being worked on and that the committee members are communicating with each other. Tandy will be the person for the By-Laws
  2. Scout Groups- Jeni will be the Chairperson. Jeni has gotten some names of people to contact within the organization. Before the next meeting, Vicky would like to hear that the committees are talking. Barbara has a list of Boy Scout leaders and the head person.
  3. Golf Tournament- Mavis has gotten two bids. October 18,2003 is when Terry Hill holds his tournament for us. Jodi Payson wants to talk to her neighbor Troy Aikman about coming to the golf tournaments and coming to see the cats for his day with a kid program. Before we talk to Troy we need to make sure that Terry would not mind having Troy come out. Eddie thought that Terry might not want to deal with all the crowds it might bring. Tandy thought that it might help if we add a paragraph in our donor thank you letters about our upcoming events. She also suggested that if we so that about the golf tournament from Terry Hill that we get his permission in writing.

VI. Old Business

a. Master Plan-It needs to put it to scale. Barbara will be in charge doing that along with drawing each individual cage to size. The drawing will need to add where the lights are and where the switches will need to be put, along with where we are planning to run electricity when the cages are completely finished. It was discussed what we would work on building next. It was decided to work on the small cat compound at the time as the perimeter fence. When weather is not permitting work to be done on the compound then it will be done on the fence. In about a year and a half when those projects are finished work will begin on the lion compound and then Tacoma’s playground. Further planning will be held off until those projects are finished. There was also a discussion about the new four cages. Vicky would like to build a playground that connects to it so she would not have to divide so much time with the one we have. Eddie said that he would prefer just to build a medium cat cage there. There was a motion to table until we have more of the board present to vote. Motion made by Tandy. Vicky seconded. Voted on and passed.

  1. Tour prices and Type- unable to make a decision until Jeni is finished with the pamphlets.
  2. Internships- we are unable to offer this program right now. The Septic system would have to be fixed right now and there is no money to get that done. Vicky and Eddie feel that at this time there house is just not able to accommodate.

VII. New Business

  1. Fund Raising- the Wylie fair will be held in September. It was decided to bring Duchess if we can get her comfortable with the squeeze shot. If not then this year the will not be a cat coming. Vicky will still need to find out about how much it will cost to rent a drink stand before further decisions is made.
  2. Media Attention- was not discussed.
  3. Next Meeting Date- will be held at 11:00a.m. on July 13,2003
  4. Floor Discussion- Vicky brought up the possibility of getting two more cats. They are black Leopards from a center that is being shut down. They would cost about $72 a month to feed each. We could move Midas back where he was next to Samu and put he six babies together again, or leave Midas and only give him one cage instead of two and put the others next two him. Discussion will be tabled until more of the member can be able to vote. Motion made by Vicky and seconded by Tandy. Voted on and passed.
  5. Web Site- Vicky asked Tandy if she though that Chris Robinson could start a new web site for us that he could manage.

VIII. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m.