In English, the “th” sound can be voiceless (no vibration in the vocal chords) and voiced (vibration in the vocal chords).

The “th” sound is made by placing the TIP of the TONGUE BETWEEN the UPPER and LOWER TEETH and BLOWING AIR OUT.

  1. “TH” (Voiceless) Think, Bathtub, Mouth
  1. Examples
  1. Thing
  2. Think
  3. Thanks
  4. Theater
  5. Three
  6. Thousand
  7. Something
  8. Healthy
  9. Author
  10. Nothing
  11. Tooth
  12. Mouth
  13. Fifth
  14. Bath
  15. Death
  1. Minimal Pairs (“th” and “t”)
  1. It’s thin.It’s tin.
  2. They want thanks.They want tanks.
  3. He thought about the war.He taught about the war.
  4. Those are good themes.Those are good themes.
  5. Her death was terrible.Her debt was terrible.
  6. She gave him a bath.She gave him a bat.
  7. I saw both.I saw a boat.
  8. What’s his faith?What’s his fate?
  9. They were through.They were true.
  10. I’ve got three.I’ve got a tree.
  1. Minimal Pairs (“th” and “s”)
  1. Where’s your thumb?Where’s your son?
  2. It’s a lovely thimble.It’s a lovely symbol.
  3. I never thought it.I never sought it.
  4. It’s unthinkable.It’s unsinkable.
  5. It’s very mothy.It’s very mossy.
  6. Her mouth is pretty.Her mouse is pretty.
  7. They went over the path.They went over the pass.
  8. He has a strange faith.He has a strange face.
  9. The fourth car is near.The force is near.
  10. He’s the tenth child.He’s the tense child.
  1. “TH” (Voiced) The, Father, Smooth
  1. Examples
  1. This
  2. That
  3. Those
  4. Their
  5. These
  6. Then
  7. Together
  8. Other
  9. Mother
  10. Weather
  11. Rather
  12. Bother
  13. Smooth
  14. Bathe
  15. Breathe
  1. Minimal Pairs (“th” voiced and “d” or “t”)
  1. They began early.Day began early.
  2. They want those.They won’t doze.
  3. They’ve talked about it.Dave talked about it.
  4. Did you see her then?Did you see her den?
  5. He was there to do it.He was dared to do it.
  6. She found it with the light.She found it with delight.
  7. He threw the leather away.He threw the letter away.
  8. You’ll see her mother.You’ll see her mutter.
  9. Is the lather very good?Is the ladder very good?
  10. Don’t stop breathing.Don’t stop reading.
  11. He’s a very worthy person.He’s a very wordy person.
  12. How do rabbits breathe?How do rabbits breed?
  13. We loathe corn.We load corn.
  14. They soothe everyone.They sued everyone.
  1. Sentences with “th”
  1. The fourth Thursday of November is Thanksgiving.
  2. A “thingamajig” is something whose real name you can’t think of.
  3. Three hundred thirty-three thousand therapists thought about the new theory of thinking.
  4. The thieves threatened three dozen Southern mothers.
  5. The theme seems thoughtless to them.
  1. Questions:
  1. What’s an unlucky number?
  2. What’s 10 x 3?
  3. What’s the opposite of healthy?
  4. How do you pronounce T-H-O-R-O-U-G-H?
  5. If you’re in California and you want to go to Washington State, do you go north or south?
  6. What is the opposite of fat?
  7. What is 10 + 3?
  8. On your hand, you have four fingers and one ______?
  9. What would you say if someone did something nice for you?
  10. Your parents include your ______and ______.