AP Language – Hamilton
In Cold Blood Unit
Reading is DUE ON this date / Page Numbers & Homework is DUE on this date / Reading Focus and Note Taking InstructionsW 4/26
Block Day / Book One
“The Last To See Them Alive”
“…was satisfied that a thorough job had been done.” / Begin In Cold Blood.
- The “nonfiction novel” – excerpts from George Plimpton (1/16/1966)
- Horizontal and vertical story telling
- In-class guide for the reading: What stylistic devices does Capote choose to open the story? How does he employ his narrative style to transition between sections and create pathos? What are the dominant impressions of the town, Mr. Clutter, Perry, and Nancy? And how does Capote create those impressions?
F 4/28
Block Day / 24-74
end of Book One / Instead of a fictional protagonist and minor characters, this novel has an entire cast of characters who are stylistically fictional in presentation rather than journalistic.
p. 24-57 Use post-its or otherwise mark four significant details that characterize Perry and mark four significant that characterize Bonnie. Be prepared to compare the two characters and the effects of Capote’s style choices in developing them.
p. 55-74 Capote manipulates pathos through his narrative distance and narrative pacing. As you read this section, take some brief notes (post-it, notebook) to denote meaningful changes. Why does he change as he does?
In-class addition: Context matters; people show themselves as different people in different contexts. Close reading 41-46: How does a change in context affect how Perry portrays himself?
M 5/1
Psych / Reading Day
T 5/2
Computer A
Spanish Lang
Art History
Physics 1 / Book Two
“Persons Unknown”
“Sure, honey. I’m with you. All the way.” / Theme & Organization.
Mark four specific passages in this section that develop the topic of fear. Be ready for a discussion of how Capote uses organization and juxtaposition to development this topic.
In-class addition:
- The relationship between author and subject.
- Close reading – the dream.
W 5/3
English Lit
Physics 2 / 100-123
“And a hunting knife.” / Syntax.
Use post-its or otherwise mark three significant sections you find stylistically rich because of Capote’s manipulation of syntax. These sections can be sentences, small passages or paragraphs.
In-class addition: Write a short explanation about the patterns you notice and why you think this syntax is significant.
Th 5/4
US Gov
Chinese / Reading Day
F 5/5
US History
Comp SciPrin / 123-152
end of Book Two / Theme: In-class we will be “discussing” Capote’s development of the following topics: nature, nurture, free will, fate, and human nature. You can pull from any of the reading we have done thus far, but as you read tonight, mark some passages that can help begin a discussion on any or all of these topics. We will be moving from what Capote writes about a topic to Capote’s possible theme (point) about these topics.
M 5/8
Music Theory
Physics C / Book Three
“Nope, never seen him since, him or his boy.”
T 5/9
Calc AB
Calc BC
French Lang
Spanish Lit / 180-207
“Coming this way.”
W 5/10
Macroecon / Let’s play Frisbee in the park!
Does anyone have a Frisbee?
Th 5/11
Comp. Gov
World History
Stats / 208-248
end of Book Three / Final Word Protocol. In-class we will be using the Final Word Protocol. In preparation, you need to mark three passages that you could use to start the discussion you want to have. I would suggest that at least one passage be in regards to “no man is an island”. One of your passages needs to be from this particular section. The other two can be pulled from previous sections.
F 5/12
Human Geo
Euro History
Latin / 251-279
Book Four
“The Corner”
“And I
need help, as you know”
M 5/15
T 5/16 / Figurative Language. Authors use figurative language (go back and look at your Blue Book if you need to) because of their power and their layers of meaning. From two different “chapters” in this section, choose a section (1-5 lines) that uses figurative language (diction and imagery are some of Capote’s favorites). Copy the example, identify the figures of speech being used, and then explain the layers of meaning Capote was creating through the use of this particular figurative language.
W 5/17 / 280-302
“. . .and the amateur analyst reached conclusions not dissimilar” / Death Penalty
Wills Article
Th 5/18 / 302-320
“Welcome home, honey” / Death Penalty
F 5/19 / 321 –end / TBD
M 5/22
Senior Finals / LAB 40
Receive speech assignment (the dreaded blind draw)
Period to prepare speech.
T 5/23
Senior Finals / 8 Speeches & Celebrate
W 5/24
Senior Finals / 8 Speeches & Celebrate