608 Broadway Ave. Winnipeg MB R3C 0W8

Phone (204) 774-7201 Fax (204) 779-2203


West Broadway Community Organization, in partnership with Neighbourhoods Alive (Manitoba Government), has established this Small Grants Fund to be available to local groups and organizations in the West Broadway Neighbourhood.

What is the Small Grants Fund?

The purpose of the Small Grants Fund is to support local community-based groups and organizations to undertake small community building and community connecting projects and activities that enhance the strength and cohesion of the community. Some examples of eligible projects include community clean-up events, community gardening initiatives, local newsletters, cultural programs, communication and networking activities, block parties, community celebrations, and programs for children and youth.

Who can Apply?

The grants are available to local groups and organizations within West Broadway and organizations outside of West Broadway providing services within our community. The West Broadway community includes the area between Maryland in the west, Osborne in the east, Portage in the north, and Cornish in the south. These boundaries also extend to include the area around Gordon Bell High School, Westminster Church and Mulvey School.

Size of Grants:

Local organizations can apply for up to $5,000 per year.

Successful small grants will:

§  Enhance the strength and cohesion of the community

§  Emphasize community building and connecting activities

§  Have identified support of local residents (Through e-mails or letters of support)

§  Be sponsored by local groups or organizations (not individuals)

§  Not be used for capital improvements to private property unless the property has been made available, free of charge, for community use and the improvements relate to the proposed community use (Quotes required)

§  Projects involving use of private or public property should have the written permission of the owners or the municipality

§  Take place within the West Broadway neighbourhood

§  Have provided complete and satisfactory reporting on past projects

Please note: honourariums for facilitators may be eligible while payments of stipends to participants are not eligible.

Who will decide?

The WBCO’s Small Grants Committee, which is made up of members of WBCO’s Board of Directors, will work with WBCO staff to review small grants proposals and make recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval. The committee meets regularly and allocates funds based on the needs of the community, the quality of the application, and the track-record of the sponsoring organization or group.


There are three intake dates for 2017 applications:

§  Tuesday, January 24

§  Tuesday, May 23

§  Tuesday, September 19

*Successful applicants will be notified within six to eight weeks of the intake date


Each grant recipient is required to complete a short evaluation form after the project is completed and provide a copy of all receipts.

Each recipient will be asked to provide photographs of events and a narrative report of the project’s success (if applicable) for use on WBCO’s website or in community publications.

Application forms:

Available at the West Broadway Community Organization, 608 Broadway, 774-7201 or at www.westbroadway.mb.ca under “small grants”.