Shelter cluster meeting
Venue: CDMP Conference Room, 6th Floor; 92, Mohakhali
General Update on Shelter Cluster Activities
- Transition of shelter cluster lead from IFRC to UNDP took place as the emergency situation has passed for cyclone Mahasen
- The shelter cluster work plan shared with all members is redesigned to cover the activities of the 2nd half of the year. At this stage, the work plan is considered tentative; it will be finalized after this meeting. The meeting approved proposed activities and timelines.
- Following TWG work on proposed design options / standardization of shelter designs, the Shelter cluster plans to document the shelter designs and standardization options, and to capture these in a catalogue by the end of this year. The relevant priority activities timeline are rescheduled as attached.
- Shelter cluster has proposed strategy for cyclone Mahasen recovery part and it’s shared with all members. It is requested to all to follow the cluster strategy for Cyclone Mahasen recovery response.
- We might have to prepare ourselves for flood season. At this moment, individual organizations need to be prepared for flood response and shelter cluster will take collective measure if situation demands.
- House Building Research Institute (HBRI) took part in the meeting for the first time and shows their keen interest to work with shelter cluster. The representative from HBRI highlights information that Shelter Cluster should have within a bigger umbrella like,
- Apart from TWG it should have steering committee with specific TOR
- The design, policy or any strategy comes out from Shelter Cluster should be authorized by the government. HBRI, as the relevant department, may facilitate this process.
- Shelter Cluster should be co-chaired by Government. Note from cluster: AS per ToRs, the shelter cluster is co-chaired by government, through Disaster Management & Relief Division (DMRD), Ministry of Food and Disaster Management.
- The design and standardization of the shelter should be of three categories like emergency shelter response, temporary shelter, permanent shelter
- The comments from HBRI were well noted. They are also in line with previous discussions within the cluster.It was decided that the existing shelter cluster ToRs, the TWG TOR, and any other existing documents concerning the cluster and HCTT architecture will be shared with everybody so that everyone remains in same understanding.
Standardization of durable Shelter Design and catalogue for shelter options
- The standardization process for transitional shelters was facilitatedby the TWG and it is decided that the process will continue with the same TWG as before. The existing TWG members list will be circulated to all and if any organization wants to join in the TWG, they will send their nomination. HBRI has showed their keen interest to work in the TWG.
- Discussions of shelter design options and shelter standardization process will result in a catalogue. This catalogue will have three sections – emergency shelter response, transitional shelter options, permanent shelter options -and once the catalogue is ready a validation workshop will be organized towardsthe end of the year.
- After EID holidays, TWG will restart to meet regularly in order to continue work on shelter design options/standardization, especially for emergency shelter response and durable shelters, and to compile the aforementioned catalogue.It was discussed that TWG should consider the lessons from Cyclone SIDR and AILA while finalizing design options.. It is to be mentioned that the SIDR shelter designs were compiled and reviewed by the then TWG. The present TWG is considering the lessons from AILA as well as flood and water logging scenario to finalize the design options and to elaborate recommendations for standard designs.
- It is proposed that, TWG should visit different shelter projects of shelter cluster members before finalizing design options, standard recommendations, etc. so that they can get on-site views on the feasibility of different designs as well as community perceptions on shelter design in different contexts.
Cyclone Mahasen
- Emergency phase is over for cyclone Mahasen and now the organizations are starting for recovery response.
- Governments’ initiative for shelter response is very much appreciated as it is targeting good number of household with cash assistance (BDT 20,000 each family) to repair house.
- Organizations have briefed about their plans for shelter recovery response in the meeting. The 3W matrix will be circulated again to capture the latest recovery response planning.
- Shelter cluster members present at the meeting expressed their wish to nominate specific person(s) from each organization who will participate in meetings, working groups, etc., and maintain liaison with shelter cluster. It is important to have fixed assigned persons from each organization to ensure continuity of working groups, keep track of previous meetings, as well as for organizational dynamism.
- The meeting closed at 4.00 pm, with thanks of the chair for active participation and strong commitment of participants.