In Class Writing Assignment
CCJ 3014
Develop a 4-5 page paper based on the following questions. The paper should use APA or MLA format with 12 point font and 1 inch margins. I expect proper paragraph, grammar and spelling. You need to use at least 5 sources to develop this paper. Include a reference page (not included in the length of the paper) and cite within the body of the paper to support the arguments that you make. Do not use 1st person in this paper (i.e. I think, I feel).
There stands a long term debate in criminology over the rationality of criminal and deviant behavior. Some claim that individuals are rational and knowing right from wrong at the time of the act is all that matters when establishing fair and equal punishments. Others claim that adults’ abilities to determine right from wrong are impacted by biological,psychological, and sociological factors. Below are a series of cases where the rationality of the accused is questioned based upon his/her biological and/or psychological/sociological makeup. Select one of the following cases and discuss how the numerous correlates associated with these three perspectives contributed to the accused actions. Compare the research against what we have discussed in class and in lecture and based upon the evidence come to a scientifically defensible position on whether this person should be held entirely responsible for his/her actions.
(1)The Andrea Yates Case (How do you kill all of your babies?)
(2)Drew Peterson (Did he kill all of his wives?)
(3)Theodore Robert Bundy (Born Monster or child abuse, what is the cause?)
(4)Aileen Wournos (And they said only men could be Serial Killers?)
(5)Daryl Renard Atkins (Does IQ matter, what about levels of cognitive development?)
(6)Case of your choice (clear it with the instructor first)
You can use the internet to do research for the above mentioned cases. However, I don’t expect Wikipedia to be a primary source. You need to explore peer reviewed journal articles, research based books and other professional publication should fill the meat of your analysis. The paper will be worth 50 points. Style is worth 15 points and substance is worth 35 points (15 points for your discussion of biological factors related to the case, 15 points for your discussion of psychological factors related to the case, and 15 points for your scientific assessment of the suspect’s culpability).