Claybrooke Parva Parish Council

Minutes of the Claybrooke Parish Council meeting held on the 8th February 2017 in the School Hall, Claybrooke Parva commencing at 7.00pm.

In attendance Councillor G. Scrine (in the Chair)

Councillors: N. Jenkins; C. Staton, S. Milnes.M. C. Howell (Clerk).

Mr B. Harrop and one member of the public attended

16/45 / No apologies had been made and all Members were present.
16/46 / No Declaration of Interests were made.
16/47 / Co-Options Following the resignation of Mrs G. McArthur the vacancy to the PC was advertised. Mr R. Harrop has put his name forward to fill the vacant post. Mr Harrop attended the meeting and addressed the Members.
16/48 / Appointment It was proposed by Cllr Scrine and seconded by Cllr Staton that Mr R. Harrop be elected to the Claybrooke Parva Parish Council. On being put to the vote this was carried unanimously.
Cllr Harrop then signed his Declaration of Acceptance and joined the meeting.
16/49 / The Minutes of the meeting of the 7th December 2016 having been circulated were approved and signed by the Chairman
16/50 / Matters ArisingThe Clerk had contacted Mr Jackson regarding the signal beacon. He advised that the one he has is used and is not available to the PC. Should the PC want it light at any time he would oblige if approached.
The Green The dangerous tree was due to be felled shortly and the remaining five as soon as consent is granted by HDC. The logs from these trees would be left along the edge of The Green for the public to collect.
Cllr Jenkins reiterated his objection to the removal of these trees.
Concern was expressed regarding the condition of The Green but it was considered that it would be detrimental to carry out any work under the present weather conditions.
War Memorial. Ullesthorpe PC had queried the sum paid to Mr Smith for the work on the War Memorial. This has now been resolved and the residue of £30.20 from the memorial refurbishment fund had been set aside for planting around the memorial.
HGV Parking The Clerk would contact the Claybrooke Magna Parish Clerk and request that his Council write to the wood yard in Claybrooke Magna and request that HGVs delivering to their site do not access through Claybrooke Parva and do not park overnight on the roadside. / MCH
16/51 / County & DistrictAs Cllr Page was unable to attend there was no report on this item.
16/52 / Finance: The payment of four (4) cheques as listed on the Agenda had been paid.
Bank Reconciliation: This was circulated, approved and signed by the Chairman. Showing a balance of £3369.21 as at 31st December 2016.
Internal/External Audit As these will be prepared before the next PC meeting it was recommended that Mrs Gillian McArthur be asked if she would peruse the calculations prior to them being submitted to the auditors / MCH
16/53 / Magna Park Development Cllr Staton gave an update on the Magna Park meeting that he had attended on the 7th February.
Magna Park Management in conjunction with the Police are attempting to control the movement of HGVs through the villages by introducing an HGV routing plan. It is unlikely that the police will take any action and it is recommended that any ‘inappropriate’ HGV vehicle movements through the village should be taken up direct with the contractors. They will require specific details of date, time, location, direction of travel, vehicle identification ((registration number, sign written name etc.).
Known individual contraventions of regulations can be placed with the police at . Or reported using the 101 telephone line.
Where appropriate 7.5 tonne weight restriction notices should be made more prominent. It should be borne in mind that some HGV vehicles are using restricted roads for legitimate purposes to deliver to premises within the restricted area.
The Park management is gradually installing LED lighting to replace the conventional lighting. This has help to reduce the light pollution that was effecting the adjacent areas.
The DHL Planning Consent has now been taken to a Judicial Review with the hearing due in May/June. The outcome of this review could possibly have some bearing on the second Magna Park Hybrid application.
16/54 / Public Participation. Mr Middlemas questioned why when he collects fly tipped items to assist in keeping the village tidy and undertakes work that should be undertaken by HDC why is it necessary for him to have to personally pay to dispose of the items at the tip.
The Clerk was instructed to take this matter up with HDC and seek a permit for rubbish disposal on such occasions.
HDC should also be contacted to request that the CCTV camera promised should be installed in Woodway Lane as soon as possible.
School Parking. The Police have released yet another flyer to parents of school children at Claybrooke Primary School regarding the dangerous parking outside the school. Members considered that the school governors should look at possibilities of acquiring some land to use as a car park. / MCH
16/55 / Members Items Cllr Milnes expressed concern that the footpath widening through the village had not been completed satisfactorily. The Clerk was instructed to raise this with the LCC.
Cllr Staton requested that there should be greater collaboration with Claybrooke Magna PC. Members were concerned that any indication that Magna and Parva were one of the same then HDC and LCC would take the opportunity to bulk this as one community and make the necessary boundary changes. Following lengthy debate it was concluded that while Claybrooke Parva would not object to circulation of minutes of meetings to any other PC that requested them it would not be appropriate to enter into any other formal dialogue with Claybrooke Magna PC.
Cllr Jenkins reported that the ‘rubbish heaps’ on Spinney View Farm had increased in size although HDC had advised that all rubbish had been removed and they had closed their enforcement order. It would appear that HDC had lumped both The Stables and Spinney View Farm as one enforcement order and while The Stables has complied the Spinney View rubbish remains. The Clerk was instructed to raise another enforcement order with HDC and attempt to get the rubbish removed. / MCH
16/56 / Parish Council Web Site Cllr Staton advised that the updates were now complete and this would be live on 9th February 2017. All future minutes, agendas and notices agreed by the PC would be included on the site on a monthly basis.
Cllr Scrine raised the question of the Parish Council Facebook page and reported this was causing concern with members of the public. Upon discussion it was concluded that the problems he highlighted were with the Claybrooke WatchFacebook page which was unrelated to the Parish Council. Cllr. Staton agreed to make the Claybrooke Parva Parish Council Facebook page a ‘closed’ page. To avoid any further confusion and it would only be used as a media for advertising events andactivities agreed by the PC.
16/57 / Gypsy/Travellers Site in Claybrooke Parva The Clerk had raised this issue with HDC but could not get a positive answer which site they propose to recommend in the Local Plan which will not be public until October 2017.
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkins and seconded by the Chairman that The Clerk writes to HDC and requests that under the Freedom of Information act that they advise this PC which is the specific location they are recommending is to be available in the local plan as a G/T site. On being put to the vote this was carried unanimously / MCH
16/58 / Other Matters: The Clerk advised that Mr Paul Smith will be resigning as the PC representative to the Cemetery Board in April. It will be necessary for the PC to seek a replacement for Mr Smith.
Members were reminded that the Litter Pick will be on 12th March at 10.00 and all equipment will be delivered to Cllr Staton on the Friday prior.
The Clerk was instructed to approach HDC and request that the ‘Dog Waste’ pavement stencilling is undertaken in the village.
The question of a ‘Tree Warden’ was raised and it was requested that this should be included on the April agenda.
Mrs Gillian McArthur had asked if it was in order for her to continue to tender the flower tub at the approach to the village by the bridge. The PC welcomed this gesture and agreed that any expense she incurred for bedding plants would be reimbursed from the PC Petty Cash. / MCH
16/59 / Meetings: The next meeting would be on the 12th April followed by the AGM and Village Meeting on the 10th May.
16/60 / Attendance: All Parish Councillors were present for the whole of this meeting.

Chairman ……………………………………………. Date …………………………………