~Ray Lawson is a CASHLESS School~
Please complete one per childon CASHONLINE.Due: Friday, August 10, 2018
1. DONATION OF $10 PER FAMILY(one per family requested)-CASHONLINE
Please find on CASHONLINE a place fora $10donation for afamily.We will not be doing another school-wide fundraiser so these donations will help with extra costs.
Dear Parents and Families,
We are respectfullyrequesting a donation of $10 for each familyto put toward the costs of the:
Ray Lawson Student Agenda and ruler
the school’s special Performing Arts and Sports’ Program (2-3 school performances by professional presenters also supplemented by the Pizza Day Fundraising)
new gym bag
2. Personal Choices-RAY T-SHIRT for GYM and Spirit Days-CASHONLINE
$10 for a Ray Lawson Lion T-Shirt, size
Available Youth - small medium large extra large
Note: The Ray Lawson LION Gym T-shirt is an additional $10. Any profit raised will go to student activities.
3. CASHONLINE PIZZA DAYS-Aug. 24, 30 Sept.7, 14, 21,28 (toOct. Break)
A signed Peel District School Board Consent/Release Form for each student.Please return this to teacher by Aug. 10th .
It’s going to be anotherawesomeyear full of learning, leadership, new experiences and lots of activities. Let us know if you need anything.
Many thanks,
Mrs. Standring, Mrs. Okazawa and the Ray Lawson Team
Ray’s Reading Program - Let’s Support Excellence in Reading!
Parent or Grandparent Volunteers Wanted
Are you interested in making a difference in student learning? Are you available 30 minutes or more every week? Would you like to gain some wonderful and rewarding experiences by helping students improve their reading skills? We definitely have an opportunity for you here at Ray Lawson P.S.
We invite you to please join us on Tuesday September 18th, 2018 in Ray’s Reading Room, r. 212 at 8:45 a.m. to learn all about how you can help us foster a love of reading in all our students.
We are currently looking for volunteers to read with students on a weekly basis in the classrooms. Prior experience is not necessary. During this session, we will share what the reading program will look like for this year. In addition, we will share some tips and tricks to support young readers and questions to encourage them to think about and connect to the book they are reading. Light snacks will be provided.
Did you know that if a child reads for 20 minutes a day, over the course of 1 year that works out to 121 hours of reading? Every moment that we spend reading or working on reading is a huge investment into our students' future. We look forward to meeting you there!
AND/ORJoin the Ray Lawson Volunteer Team☺
Our Volunteer Information and Training Session is on Thursday August 16, 2018 at 8:45 a.m. in the library. Here you can find out about other volunteer opportunities around our school.
We need your help in maintaining our excellence results. We love having parents helping in the school. It’s a WIN-WIN!
Opening Day/Donation and School Volunteer Program