TEPPC Meeting Minutes February 21, 20171
1.Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions
Byron Woertz, Transmission Expansion Planning Policy Committee (TEPPC) Liaison, called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. on February 21, 2017. A quorum was not present, those present determined that they could proceed as planned without approval of any items. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A.
2.Antitrust Policy
Mr. Woertz read aloud the WECC Antitrust Policy statement. A link to the posted Policy was provided in the meeting agenda.
3.Approve Agenda
Mr. Woertzintroduced the proposed meeting agenda.
By consensus, the TEPPC approved the agenda.
4.Review January 31, 2017 and February 1, 2017 Minutes
Approval of these minutes will be deferred until a future meeting.
5.Review of Previous Action Items
Mr. Woertz reviewed action items carried over from the February 1, 2017meeting of the TEPPC.Action items that are not closed and will be carried forward are:
- Discuss the future of the long-term planning tool with WECC staff and SPSG.
- Assigned To: Byron Woertz
- Due Date: End of February
- WECC staff will discuss its recommendation with the SPSG soon.
- Reschedule the spring meetings possibly to occur in Portland immediately following the Western Reliability Summit.
- Assigned To: Byron Woertz
- Due Date: ASAP
6.RAC Governing Body Activities
Mr. Woertz provided an update on the RAC Governing Body’s activities. The RAC started meeting weekly on February 15, 2017. They haveagreed that the vice chair will be selected from a designated member of the committee, not a WECC Member Class member. Nominations for subcommittee governing body members closed on Friday, February 17, 2017.The RAC Nominating Committee will begin meeting weekly until they have filled the positions.
7.WECC Staff Updates
Tom Miller, Technical Advisory Subcommittee (TAS) Chair, presented an update on recent TAS activities.TAS and itswork group chairs have been discussingthe changes needed to the 2026 Common Case. TAS is developing a draft work plan to address those changes.
Mr. Woertzprovided a brief update on recent Studies Work Group (SWG) activities. The SWG is meeting on Thursday mornings to build the 2017 Study Program.
Bhavana Katyal, Data Work Group (DWG) Liaison, presented an update on recent DWG activities. The DWG is currently discussing generator cost parameters and cycling of photovoltaics (PV) outside of California.
Stan Holland, Modeling Work Group (MWG) Liaison, presented an update on recent MWG activities. MWG has been meeting with DWG to discuss the 2026 Common Case changes. The MWG has also been drafting a work plan for updates to the 2026 Common Case to be completed by June 30, 2017.
Colby Johnson, Scenario Planning Steering Group (SPSG) Liaison, presented an update on recent SPSG activities. SPSG has been investigating solutions for the long-term planning tool to continue work on the Year-20 studies from the 2016 Study Program.
Jon Jensen, Environmental Data Work Group (EDWG) Liaison, presented an update on recent EDWG activities. EDWG is incorporating crucial habitat data into their environmental data sets. They have completed their survey on state conservation plans for risks to transmission on public and state lands.
8.Regional Planning Coordination Group Updates
John Leland, Northern Tier Transmission Group (NTTG) presented an update on recent NTTG activities. NTTG is receiving responses from data requests. There is a study on shutting down Coalstrip 1 & 2. There will be an interregional coordination meeting on February 23, 2017.
Charlie Reinhold, WestConnect, reported that there are no production needs in their planning. They are now moving into analysis of scenarios, with preliminary results guiding additional studies.
9.Public Comment
No comments were made.
10.Review of New Action Items
There are no new action items.
11.Upcoming Meetings
March 21, 2017 (Coordination Call)...... Webinar Only
May 3-5, 2017 (tentative)...... Portland, OR
June 13, 2017 (Coordination Call)...... Webinar Only
Mr. Woertz adjourned the meeting without objection at 9:37 a.m.
Exhibit A: Attendance List
Name...... Affiliation
Members in Attendance
Scott Coe...... Emerald People's Utility District
Michael Jones...... Pacific Gas and Electric Company
John Leland...... Northern Tier Transmission Group
Jan Strack...... San Diego Gas & Electric
Susan Tang...... British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority
Members not in Attendance
Paul Didsayabutra...... ColumbiaGrid
Gary DeShazo...... California Independent System Operator
Mike Evans...... Shell Energy North America
Mike Florio...... California Public Utilities Commission
Bryce Freeman...... Wyoming Office of Consumer Advocate
Kurt Haeger...... Public Service Company of Colorado
Ian McKay...... WECC Board
Steven Metague...... Energy Industry Consultant
Armando Perez...... WECC Board
Bill Strongman...... Alberta Electric System Operator
Blane Taylor...... Tri-State Generation & Transmission
Carl Zichella...... Natural Resources Defense Council
Others in Attendance
Jamie Austin...... PacifiCorp
Michael Bailey...... WECC
Dan Beckstead...... WECC
Bob Burner...... Duke Energy
Stan Holland...... WECC
Bill Hosie...... TransCanada Energy Ltd.
Jon Jensen...... WECC
Colby Johnson...... WECC
Bhavana Katyal...... WECC
Tom Miller...... Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Charlie Reinhold...... WestConnect
Nathan Wagoner...... ICF International
Byron Woertz...... WECC
Western Electricity Coordinating Council