A meeting of the Playing Fields and Recreation Committee was held on 16th January 2017.

Present: Cllrs A Lowen (Chairman), A Greenway, Mrs K England, G Briggs and G Watkin, Mr T Peachman (Welton FC) and Mrs M Spalding (WS&SC)

Also Present: Mrs S Hilditch (Bowls Club)

Clerk: Mrs J Murray

17/01/23 Chairman’s remarks

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologised for having to change the date.

17/01/24 Apologies

On a proposal from Cllr Lowen, seconded by Cllr Briggs, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote to accept apologies from Cllr Pikett, having considered and accepted his reason for absence.

17/01/25 Disclosure of pecuniary interests


17/01/26 Minutes

On a proposal from Cllr Greenway, seconded by Cllr Mrs England, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that the notes of the meeting held on 15th November 2016 be approved and signed as the minutes.

17/01/27 Clerk’s Report

16/09/42 – work on southern boundary hedge – waiting for date tbc – chased 6.1.17

Storage Room extension – complete

17/01/28 Correspondence

North Hykeham Town Council – Quote for play equipment repairs

17/01/29 Financial matters

Members were provided with a financial report to 31.12.16.

17/01/30 Welton Football Club

·  Child Protection in football is of a major concern to the FA and Mr Peachman confirmed that all their managers have been DBS checked. The Football Club has also extended this to all volunteers as a precautionary measure. Every team has a minimum of a Level 1 Coach who has undertaken training in Safeguarding and First Aid.

·  Request for verti-draining to be carried out on the pitches as last year – add to next agenda.

17/01/31 Bowls Club

Mrs Hilditch had nothing to report.

17/01/32 Welton Sports & Social Club

·  An assault had taken place on Saturday 7th January involving youths. The PCSO was notified and the matter dealt with by the Police.

·  Joint Agreement – make the suggested amendments – their next meeting is on 1st Tuesday in February. Grass cutting needs to be reviewed at the next meeting.


17/01/33 Manor Park Facility matters

·  Security measures – The Facilities staff have dug the trench and the CCTV can go ahead and the automatic barrier is to be ordered.

·  Steps to the pitches – Quotes/reports have been received. Bricks etc have been replaced. Is it flooding because the tank is full and are the springs draining away? Is the drainage tank still working? On a proposal from Cllr Greenway, seconded by Cllr Mrs England, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to make further investigations into the history during the extension work in 2012 and defer to the next meeting to ascertain the reasons for flooding.

·  Football Foundation – Letter regarding grant funding. On a proposal from Cllr Lowen, seconded by Cllr Greenway, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote that members were disinclined to sign the original letter. Change wording to ‘consider’. Write to confirm that the matter has been discussed at committee and members feel that the Terms & Conditions are being complied with and no further correspondence will be entered into on the matter. Not signing this letter the way it is worded.

·  Bi-monthly sweeps – On a proposal from Cllr Watkin, seconded by Cllr Briggs, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept the quote for bi-monthly sweeps, infill top-up and servicing of the brush to the 3G pitch.

·  Picnic tables – Decision regarding where to site them will be deferred to the next meeting.

17/01/34 Play Areas

·  Ryland Road Play Area - Quotes have been obtained for four pieces of play equipment and on a proposal from Cllr Briggs, seconded by Cllr Watkin, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to ask the children of St Mary’s Primary Academy for their preference.

·  On a proposal from Cllr Greenway, seconded by Cllr Mrs England, it was RESOLVED following a majority vote (3 for, 2 abstentions) to accept the lowest quote for re-painting and repairing the play equipment on the Ryland Road play area. It was suggested to consider using labour from the Probation Service for future projects.

17/01/35 Councillors’ Reports

Cllr Mrs England reported that the Deputy Mayor from Moncé en Belin had visited Welton between Christmas and New Year.