Illustration ART 322B - Illustration 2

Instructor: Erik Mark Sandberg

Office hours: M/W 2-3pm Office: ADC 507

Classroom: ADC 505 M/W 11-1:45

Email: /

Course Description

Image making is used in many markets including: publishing, advertising, entertainment industry, corporations, merchandising and electronic media. Images are used for many products including: books, magazines, greeting cards, calendars, clothing, house wares, posters, annual reports, CDs, packaging, limited edition prints, etc. Professional illustrators have technical expertise, personal style, problem-solving ability and conceptual creativity. This course is an introduction to illustration as an art form and profession. This is a lab class that meets for six hours a week.

The Goals of the Art Departmentare establishing and developing for students an inclusive and balanced program in visual art, which encompass four areas of study: Art Education, Art History, Studio Art, and Visual Communications.

Art Department Program Goals Addressed In This Course

Basic Skills: Developing a foundation of art knowledge, theories, skills, craftsmanship and technologies, where ideas and concepts are communicated in writing, speaking and art making.

Art Knowledge: Broadening art and design knowledge through contemporary examples and to develop an understanding of art within theoretical, cultural, and historical contexts.

Critical Thinking: Analyzing, interpreting, and questioning traditional methodologies and pre-conceived notions of art and art making through the process of generating and solving problems.

Interdisciplinary Connections: Exploring and engaging in interdisciplinary forms of art making.

Global Perspectives: Promoting an appreciation and tolerance of diverse perspectives dealing with art, culture, teaching and learning.

Collaboration: Encouraging both individual and collaborative art experiences among students, faculty, and community.

Professional Preparation: Developing career paths for various art professions and an understanding of the demands and expectations of those areas.

Student Learning Outcomes

-To discover and apply various two-dimensional art media and techniques.

-To enable you to utilize and control the Elements and Principles of two-dimensional design.

-Students will acquire conceptual knowledge of art, accurately define and utilize the formal vocabulary of the visual arts (Elements and Principles of design) to analyze works of art.

-Explore and utilize methods for visual problem-solving, acquire and demonstrate conceptual knowledge of a diversity of 2-D forms, purposes, media, and functions of art as they respond to, analyze, interpret and critique their own and others’ artworks.

-Students will acquire and demonstrate conceptual knowledge of 2-Dart in cultural context, including the visual nature of contemporary culture, fine art and design, world arts, the history and diversity of art in societies past and present.

-Students will be introduced to connections and relationships between visual and other arts, and those between visual art and other discipline areas.

Course Objectives

Encourage conceptual thinking and ability to communicate to specific audiences. Develop students personal voice, creativity, and artistic vision. Promote strong skills in design, research, and new media techniques for execution. Study image making in terms of professional issues, markets, exhibitions, and various commercial practices. Familiarize student with contemporary illustration, Fine Art, and Printmaking.

Course Methods

Instruction will be achieved through slide presentations, media demonstrations, lectures, individual and group critiques. All students are required to participate in group critiques.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is required. The following will be applied in determining the final grade in the course. Two absences are allowed without penalty. If a family or work emergency occurs, that will count as an absence. If you are sick, that counts as an absence. If your car breaks down and you miss class, that counts as one absence. If you decide the beach is more important than class, that counts as one absence. There is no such thing as an excused absence. If you have used up your two absences, and you get sick and miss a third day, your final letter grade for the course gets dropped by one-third, and so on for each additional absence. If illness requires more than four absences, a medical withdrawal from the course is recommended. Late arrivals and early departures of 20 minutes or more are considered absences Roll will be taken at the beginning of every class. Three tardies count as 1 absence.

Texting or talking on the phone in class will be considered an absence.

Missed Critiques will result in an automatic grade reduction for that project.

Missed Class Policy

Lectures and demonstrations will not be repeated. Get the names and email of other students in the class to contact them for missed information.



Grading Project Rubric: will be given on a standard 100 point scale.

You will be graded on the following:

Image Making: Use of images & understanding of image implementation in work.

Ideation & Iteration: Evaluation of process and artists work from start to finish.

Visual Literacy & Critical Analysis: How you relate to your work, how you understand your development formally & critically & place this in a larger theoretical / social / educational context.

Media Exploration: Not like craft, artist’s use of & experimental materials & making methodologies.

Craft: How does the work look physically & in documentation.

A grading rubric sheet with will be given out after each project is completed. Your final grade will be based on the numerical average of the 4 project grading sheets.

Grading is in accordance with university policy: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, and F

A= outstanding, B= good, C= average, D= unsatisfactory, F= failure


Assignment I - Drawing Series______25%

Assignment II - Silk Screen Poster ______25%

Assignment III- Editorial Series______25%

Mini Book - Printed Matter______25%


The supplies you need will depend upon the techniques you decide to use for your assignments. This can be completely open from everything from found material ex.(old books, road signs, oil paint, oil bars, watercolor, gouache, resin, inks, mylar, canvas, synskin, plaster, silk-screen, etching, block printing, Polaroid’s, digital prints, markers, graphite, acrylic paint, cloth, hair, food coloring, plastic, wood, foam, wax, auto paint, bark, fur, fabric, felt, clay, wire, over sized Xerox, cardboard, rope, twine, house paint, spray paint, glitter, video, video projection etc. or any combination of these. Medium is open for all projects.

Please consult with me about the appropriate materials for execution of final art.

How to Present Your Work

All work presented for a grade should be clean and camera ready. This means it should be free of fingerprints, dirt, tape, and anything else you would not want reproduced. Treat your final work like you are a paper conservator for a museum with respect and utmost care. Cover your work with glycine, tissue, ph neutral paper, or tracing paper if needed. Carry fragile works in a hard folder, or 2 sheets of foam core two prevent damage.

Please use a large envelope or ring binder to house all preparatory drawings, process sketches, reference, and inspirational material.

Preliminary Work

All students are required to use professional preparatory working methods in the development of their illustrations, unless otherwise directed under project outline. Written work, concept lists, and all other reference material.

Thumbnails – small drawings to work out some basic conceptual ideas and compositional elements, these loose drawings are for you to get started forming the design of the visual image. These drawings are for you to get started and not for sketch critique.

Comps – 1 drawing per 8 ½” X 11” inch paper with border reference drawn to give format indication. Comp drawings should be clear enough for an art director… all elements, conceptual and visual must resolved and communicate clearly in the sketch. - 4 required for each assignment you will be hanging these on the wall for sketch critiques. You may write notes on the outside of the sketch to clarify some color or material ideas.

Tight line drawing – final size and materials worked out with all resolved details and execution plans, based on your continued research and original comp refinement.

Color study - (if needed)– can be done digitally, or with acrylic, oil, mixed media, colored pencil, etc over light copy of your sketch. This step is a good idea when working out a multiple colored image.

Final Art – Completed final piece camera ready and for final critique. Final art can be a digital print or file.



Alternative Sketchbook - This will be an semester long project and will be formally presented near the end of the semester and reviewed by your peers.


Portraiture Series with a Focus on Contemporary Drawing

Medium: “Drawing”

Format: Open Must have minimum of 3 drawings in the series

Subject: Depends on chance


You will choose 3 words out of the ‘Wishing Well’

Discard one of the words or subject.

You will make a series of 3 illustrations based on your remaining 2 words or subjects. Your objective is to creatively illustrate the words and or subject’s relationship, or non existent relationship. You will explore the meaning of the words and or subjects and how you personally relate to them and their cultural significance and or meaning. Make a series of drawings based imagery clarifying your conceptual and visual explorations. The amount of significance you put on each word or subject depends on you.

Please avoid all cliché’s and obvious visual solutions for your images. Work on visually commenting on how the subjects can be related to the “now”, your personal experiences, ideas, and contemporary image making. The images can be fun, serious, satirical with a social message, narrative based, representational, or abstract etc. Art is a language nothing more, most importantly say something interesting and new. It sometimes helps to stick to metaphors and references you understand.

Objective: To explore the ideas of contemporary drawing and how it can utilized in finished image making. To familiarize yourself with new approaches to drawing of cut photographs, etching, cyanotype, oil bars, graphite, digital output, ink, etc and how different materials effect the communication of the drawing.

Books to look at:

Vitamin D, Drawing Now 8 Propositions, Drawing Now Between the lines of Contemporary Art, American Illustration.

What’s due?:

Six different comps clear enough for an art director: Revised comps with resolved details, three final pieces of art superbly executed for final group critique, evidence of research. Please think about and understand the visual references you are making with your elements.


Silk-Screen Poster

Medium: Silk Screen, with hand embellishing optional

Format: 1 poster illustration, horizontal or vertical proportional to 11” X 17” inches image size on a 15” X 22” inch piece of 250 gsm paper. Can be larger if desired.

Subject: Choose a subject for the poster, can be real or fictional ex) space travel, rock band, zoo, cultural event, art event, shop sign, etc. Can be typed based or image based or both.


For What You Are About To Receive (Magazine/ Periodical Cover)

Medium: ANY

Format: 1 cover illustration (Vertical proportional to 9.5” X 12” inches) 1 spot illustration (any size)

Subject: Will hand out 5 choices of copy (articles) prior to assignment.

Procedure for Magazine Cover

Create a piece based for an existing magazine cover format. For class purposes, we are going to focus on two periodicals: Flaunt, and LA Weekly. Both publications are artistically progressive in nature, intend to use young, emerging, and contemporary artists for their images. Both periodicals tend to have a contemporary illustration slant.

Prior to the assignment you will be given 7 currently featured articles to choose from. Your image will have a purpose: to invoke readership for the periodical. The best covers tend to be metaphorical, visually interesting, clever and sophisticated. Please avoid all cliché images and metaphors for this assignment, UNLESS it is intentional.

What’s Due?Three cover comps, 3 spot comps

One piece of finished cover art, one finished spot illustration.

Mon, Aug 29Class Introduction. Slide Show Lecture, Mini book project given

Wed, Aug 31Slide Show Lecture/ Project 1 given

Mon, Sept 5Cyanotype Demo


Mon, Sept 121 on 1 meeting to look over revised project 1 comps.

Wed, Sept 141 on 1 meeting to look over revised project 1 comps.

Mon, Sept 19In class work on first assignment

Wed, Sept 21In class work on first assignment


Wed, Sept 28project 2 given SLIDE LECTURE




Wed, Oct 12In class work on second assignment / revised sketch due

Mon, Oct 17Student Printing in Class

Wed, Oct 19Student Printing in Class

Mon, Oct 24Student Printing in Class

Wed, Oct 26*midway prepress Mini Book graded review / Screen Printing

Mon, Oct 31Student Printing in Class

Wed, Nov 2Illustration Markets Lecture



Mon, Nov 14Slide Lecture - project 3 given

Wed, Nov 16*midway prepress Mini Book graded review


Wed, Nov 23In class work on third assignment

Mon, Nov 28In class work on third assignment

Wed, Nov 30In class work on third assignment

Mon, Dec 5Mini Book Due - Peer Grading Session



All revisions for change of grade are due in the drop box by 12/21/16 5pm.

Handing in work:

We will be using a drop box account for handing in all projects and comps. During final in class critiques you will be hanging original works. Please photograph or scan them to be handed in on drop box (72 dpi jpeg files.) I will be reviewing these files when filling out the grading rubrics.

322B > find the folder labeled with your name.


Password: accd1488!