·  Abstracts may be saved and re-edited before the final deadline. You must complete pages 1 to 3 of the submission process. On page 4 you will be given a username and password. Please login using this username and password to edit your abstract. Each abstract will have a unique username and password.

·  By clicking ‘Finish’ on Page 4 your abstract will be submitted for marking and cannot be altered.

·  You must click Finish before the abstract deadline

·  Abstracts cannot be submitted after 23:59 on 1 December 2010.

·  The site for submission will close after 23:59 and therefore late entries cannot be processed.

·  Authors do NOT need to be members of the BCS.

·  If accepted, one of the authors must be available to present the abstract at the BCS Annual Conference & Exhibition. Failure to do so may result in a 3 year submission ban for all authors

·  All submitted abstracts must not have been accepted for publication at the time of submission.

·  Authors should be aware that the press have open access to the sessions.

·  Multiple abstracts around the same subject or using the same dataset (salami publication) is discouraged and may be penalised by the markers where it is felt that the data could have been better presented as a single abstract.

·  Please complete all fields marked (*) as these are required for administration.

·  Line breaks and end of paragraph marks are considered formatting.

·  A line DOES NOT end by simply pressing the enter key.

·  A line breakor paragraph markmust be inserted at the end of the line, otherwise text will simplywrap around with the next piece oftext it finds. Please use thedrop down box forformatting.

·  Abstract Title - Upper case letters only (max250 characters).

·  Abstract Text - mixed case letters (max 3000 characters). Please structure your abstract with a brief introduction, explanation of basic methods, results and conclusions/implications.

·  To insert special characters, tables or images,you must use the relevant drop down box.
Tables should be presented in a legible format. In previous years tables with 5 columns have been legible. Your table should not exceed 10 rows. (The BCS reserves the right to withdraw an abstract if the tables are illegible.) Graphs should be inserted as image files. A maximum of 2 tables are allowed per abstract
Images should be submitted as jpegs. They will be reproduced at a maximum size of8cm X 8 cm and should be legible at this size. A maximum of 2 graphs, each with single x-y axis, are allowed in an image, and a maximum of 2 images per abstract. Images should be saved and supplied as GIF, TIFF, EPS or JPEG files, at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi

·  Use the preview button at the bottom of the page to see how your abstract will look.

Abstract can be submitted in the following categories:

1. Basic Science

2. Acute coronary syndromes

3. Interventional Cardiology

4. Cardiac Rhythm Management

5. Heart Failure

6. Valve disease/pericardial disease/cardiomyopathy

7. Stable IHD/Prevention/Hypertension/Lipids

8. Imaging

9. Congenital Heart Disease

10. Cardiovascular Nursing
Young Research Worker's Prize

·Each entry should take the form of a brief communication limited to 1000 words saved as a word document, and attached to an abstract in the submission process.

·A statement describing the extent to which the work was carried out by the applicant and the contribution of any collaborators, bearing the names of the collaborators, must be appended at the end of the paper.

·The prize is open to any research worker, not necessarily medically qualified. Membership of the British Cardiovascular Society is not a requirement.

· The applicant must not have attained consultant status (or equivalent) at the time the research was performed, but shall not be barred from submitting an application by subsequent appointment as a consultant.
For clinicians, work presented must be completed prior to the award of a CCT.
For basic scientists , work must be performed within the first 10 years following their PhD qualification.

· The research submitted must be concerned with the cardiovascular system.

·Entries may include previously published work, but should not consist wholly of work already published in full paper form by the closing date for submissions.

·Up to five finalists will be chosen to present a 12 minute paper at the Society's Annual Conference and the judges will consider both the presentation and subsequent response to questions in determining the winners.

·Judging will be by a committee appointed by the Council of the British Cardiovascular Society and their conclusions will be final.

·A first prize of £1000 each will be awarded. Each of the remaining finalists will be runners up and will receive £250. Prizes will be presented at the Society's Annual Dinner, where finalists will be the guests of the Society.