LexEVS Meeting Minutes

Meeting Name: / LexEVS Technical meeting / Location: / 11-69
Date: / 07/09/08 / Time: / 1:00PM CST
Facilitator: / Craig/Traci / Attendees: / Johnita, Jason, Konrad, Frank, Gilberto, Kim, Tracy, Scott, Craig, Kevin, Pradip, Shalini, Rob, Harsha, John
Conf. Line / 866-365-4406, #2845541, Centra ID Mayo_LexGrid2
Topic / Discussion Points / Action Items
EVS 4.1 release
·  Move to production / Current status (Johnita et al.) / ·  All looks good – grid service, API, BioPortal are all in production. They’re probably going to send out the formal announcement this week.
·  They had to do a 4.1.1 to address a bug that caDSR had found. That is being deployed to QA right now and hopefully pushed to Stage this week. / · 
EVS 4.2 release
·  GForge focus items
o  #8671/2 (LexBIG) – External config of complex props (Scott)
o  #14252 (LexEVS) – CL CUI to CUI mapping (Satya - Demo)
o  [#15045] (LexEVS) isRole(String, String) does not work for vocabs other than NCI Thesaurus (Kevin)
o  [#15044] (LexEVS) getVersions(String) and getVersions(CodingScheme) return null (Kevin)
o  [#15043] (LexEVS) getVersionDate(String codingSchemeName, String vers) returns null (Kevin)
o  #15071/10884 (LexEVS) - Make copyright statements accessible through LexBIGService, or ConvenienceMethods interface (Harsha/Scott/Kim) – including email discussion. / ·  #8671 - Right now dbxref would load as a generic property qualifier. To deal with the problem could we handle this via configuration – loader preferences? Gilberto/Scott/Kevin agreed this was possible. So we will look into this. We’ll write out some examples of what we think this should look like and send to Gilberto.
·  #14252 – Satya gave a demo of the for this item. Loader will mix the data. Is this ok? Or should CUI data be separate from LUI? Potentially want it separate – this could mean some database changes though. Gilberto requested to see an example of the mix and if you could query for them. After the example was shown it was determined that we could make it possible to query then it wouldn’t make a difference if they were mixed or separate.
·  15044 & 15043 – are related to the same thing. We have an API call and it seems that method call is supposed to return previous versions of the coding scheme. Frank mentioned that potentially we’d figure a mechanism to actually store the versions. Per Kim, it would be nice to return both current and previously loaded versions. However Tracy didn’t want to keep inactive versions. Frank outlined a potential use case – back issue of SNOMED and inquire against terminology node to determine which node has SNOMED and which versions. He’d like it to show what it has available – this could be current and even potentially 1 version back. The node would respond and say which versions are available – but only active ones. We’ll have to follow up with Tom on the correct functionality and whether or not this can be accomplished in the 4.2 timeframe.
·  10884 – What would he like to do with the restriction? Craig & Tom provided a list of LexBig service methods to restrict but we haven’t talked about convenience methods. LexBig service methods only or also convenience methods as well. Scott will take a look at the code and get back to Harsha. / ·  We’ll email Gilberto either today or tomorrow with the example configuration.
·  We’ll discuss 8671, 15043 & 15044 with Tom and get his input.
·  Misc
o  EVS – resolve CodedNodeSet issue. (Kevin)
o  Python API Presentation (Konrad)
o  Hardware from NCI for development environment (Johnita/Frank) / ·  Konrad will do his presentation next week since we ran out of time.
·  Frank is working on the hardware piece for the Dev environment here to mirror NCI’s Dev. This could take several months but should not impact our current schedule since we’ve got our environment set up similarly already.
·  Gilberto showed a summary of the environments in the different tiers and had a few questions about the index files and the jars. / · 
Adjourn / Thanks for your participation!

LexEVS_20080709_MeetingNotes Page 3 of 3 7/9/2008