Newsletter January27th 2017

Important Assessment Dates

Our children continue to make good progress, across all year groups. In addition to our school assessments, there are a range of national assessments that all children take part in.

Reception children (Hope Class) are working towards the completion of theEYFS Profileand achieving a‘Good Level of Development’ (GLD).Information is collected all through the year to inform this, with a final judgement being made at the beginning of July.

This year our Yr1 children will participate in the Yr1 Phonics Screening Check and our Yr2 children will sit their KS1 SATs.

Yr1 Phonics Screening Check– w/bJune 12th This is an assessment of pupils phonic knowledge and consists of them ‘reading’ 40 words using this knowledge. In previous years the pass mark has been set at 32/40. Pupils who do not achieve this resit the assessment in Yr2. We will formally write to you informing you of the outcome of this.

KS1 SATs–administered during the month ofMAY

The KS1 tests consist of:

 English reading Paper 1: combined reading prompt and answer booklet

 English reading Paper 2: reading booklet and reading answer booklet

 Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic

 Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning

  • English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Over the coming months we will be appropriately preparing the children for these assessments. We may send additional homework where we feel this is needed. If you wish to talk to your child’s class teacher about these assessments, please contact the school to have a telephone conversation, or to make an appointment to see the teacher. We will also discuss this with you at Parents Evening. (March 14th/15th).

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Class Attendance

The class with highest attendance is ......

Service Class(Yr2) with99.3%. Well done Service class, this is brilliant.

Hope class have achieved 98.5% which is excellent too. Well done for your improvement.

Truth class remain well below the national target at92.25% (Truth/Yr1)

Poor Attendance

Our overall attendance is96%. This is still below the allowed limit.

The Education Welfare Officer has visited a number of families in the past few weeks, to discuss attendance.

Your child needs to attend school every day, arrive on time and holidays must be taken during designated holiday time.

Bus arrangements

In the event that your child is not able to attend school and therefore not be on the school bus, please telephone Mrs Chauhan between 7:30 and 7:45 am.

Her telephone number is 07985 399528

If she unable to take the call, please leave a message.

Please then telephone school on 01332 499011 and again leave a message.


Can you help? ......

Our fabulous children are ready to move from pedal-less balance bikes to pedal bikes. BUT we don't have any! We are appealing for any 14 or 16 inch bikes that people no longer want, in order to help our children with their development. Please share this far and wide. Happy to collect any cycle donations.