Lesson Plan



Goals- Students will recognize how social reform occurred at the turn of the century (Progressivism), and understand how war affected the early 20th century (Imperialism and the Spanish-American War).

Resources- PowerPoint, Review game, Talk Chalk paper and markers, Q&As.

Bell Ringer#37- What is imperialism? Give an example of how America practiced this policy.

Objectives- Students will investigate how the US became involved in imperialism and the Spanish-American War. (Standard 4, Objective 1) Students will also review for their test and obtain necessary info.

Instructional Input-

·  Talk about Bell Ringer

·  Lecture-Finish Spanish American war

·  Three Presidents three polices

·  Review Game- Line of Death

·  Talk Chalk- questions

·  Q&A

·  Look at grades

Checking for Understanding-


Guided Practice-


Exit Slip-

Spanish-American War

Finish notes from last time. Left off at what happens with Cuba, Philippians, Puerto Rico, Guam, ect.

Review Game-Line of Death

1.  The time period we have been studying started after what major event ended? (the Civil War)

2.  Find one groups that we talked about that helped settle the west. (miners, ranchers, and farmers)

3.  What attracted miners to head west? (gold)

4.  Where cowboys really like how we depict them today? (no)

5.  What made ranching in the west possible? (the Texas Longhorn)

6.  The main cash group in the west or prairies was? (wheat)

7.  This Act was passed by congress to encourage settlers to move west. (the Homestead Act)

8.  After the Civil War America became the leader in the world for what? (industry)

9.  The telephone was created by? (Alexander G. Bell)

10.  Thomas Edison is most famous for creating what? (the light bulb)

11.  True or False, America successfully created a telephone connection with European during the late 1880s. (true)

12.  The hands off approach the government took during this time period towards big businesses is called? (the Free Enterprise system)

13.  What linked the nation together? (railroads, or the transcontinental railroad)

14.  Which two rr companies competed with each other to finished the transrr? (the central pacific and the union pacific)

15.  Where did they meet or come together? (Utah)

16.  Big business leaders were called? (industrialists)

17.  The king of steel was? (Andrew Carnegie)

18.  The industrialist and owner of the Standard Oil Company was? (J.D. Rockefeller)

19.  What is it called when a company owns all of the different business on which it depends for its operation? (vertical integration)

20.  Who practiced this in his business? (Carnegie)

21.  What is it called when a company starts to buy out all of the smaller similar types of companies? (horizontal integration)

22.  A legal arrangement that allows one person to manage another person’s property is called? (trusts)

23.  What union was the largest and focused on the big issues like wages and working condition? (American Federation of Labor)

24.  This strike had to do with rr workers and they were very successful and the rr owners forced the strike to end when they attached rr cars to mail cars. (Pullman strike)

25.  During this strike the Pinkerton guards were called out and it ended in violence? (Homestead strike)

26.  Immigrants who came from the north western parts of Europe before 1865 were called? (old immigrants)

27.  Find a reasons for why so many immigrants wanted to come to America? (escape poverty, claim up with social ladder, money, land, it was easy to do)

28.  How many days did it take to sail across the Atlantic Ocean? (14)

29.  Where did immigrants coming from Asia pass through? (Angel Island)

30.  Hostility towards immigrants is called? (nativism)

31.  If you went into a big city during this time what is something you might see? (skyscrapers)

32.  People who provided basic necessities in exchange for votes were called? (political machines)

33.  The belief that the strongest business would survive was called? (social Darwinism)

34.  Artists during this era started paint picture more???? (realistically)

35.  This organization was created during this era to help the poor? (the YMCA)

36.  The movement to help farmers was called? (populism)

37.  Farmers wanted what to be created again? (silver coins)

38.  What caused the People’s party to fade away? (The election of 1896)

39.  A group of reformers who wanted to fix problems caused by big businesses were called? (progressives)

40.  One progressive group who focused on writing exaggerated stories about society’s problems were called? (muckrakers)

41.  What amendment gave women the right to vote? (19th)

42.  Which president believed you should carry a big stick but speak softly? (TR)

43.  Which president is known for creating the Children’s Bureau? (Taft)

44.  Which president believed in Moral diplomacy? (Wilson)

45.  The belief that larger countries should help/ rule smaller countries is called? (imperialism)

46.  Why did Americans believe they should be imperialists? (new markets)

47.  16 white battleships that went around the world to show our power were called? (the great white fleet)

48.  Which imperialistic war did America participate in? (the Spanish-American War)

49.  Find a territory we acquired after we signed the treaty of Paris. (Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippians)

50.  Exaggerated stories that were published in newspapers to alert Americans about world affairs were written by? (Yellow journalists)

51.  What caused Americans to declare Cuba independent and resulted in Spain declaring war on us? ( USS Maine exploded)

52.  The Spanish-Am lasted for how long? (months)

53.  The war’s nickname was? (the splendid little war)

54.  Is the Philippines still part of America? (no)

55.  Where did America get their fingers in the cookie jar at, by linking economies through the farmers? (Hawaii)