Immokalee Local Redevelopment Agency

July 21, 2010

  1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Penny Phillippi at 8:45A.M.
  2. Roll Call and Announcement of a Quorum.

Advisory Board/EZDA Members Present:

Floyd Crews, Kitchell Snow, Chief Tom Davis, Robert Halman, Edward “Ski” Olesky, Mike Facundo, Julio Estremera, and James Wall.

Advisory Board/EZDA Members Absent/Excused:

Ana Salazar, Dick Rice, Eva Deyo and Jeffery Randall.

Action:A quorum was announced as being present.

Others Present: Michael Taylor, Melissa Martinez, Carrie Williams, Jay Roth, Daniel Rosario, Steve Hart, Scott Birge, and Pam Brown.

Staff: Penny Phillippi, Bradley Muckel, Rosemary Dillon, and Christie Betancourt.

  1. Announcements.

Ms. Phillippi announced that Fred Thomas, Jr. has resigned from the EZDA and therefore the CRA.

  1. Adoption of Agenda.

Ms. Phillippi requested an addition to the agenda: H. New Business Item h. Immokalee Housing Study.

Action:Mr. Olesky made a motion to adopt the Agenda,with the additions, Mr. Crewsseconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

  1. Communications.

Public Notices and FRA Notes were passed around in the Communications Folder.

F.Consent Agenda.

  1. Approval of the Minutes.
  2. CRA Meeting June 16, 2010
  3. RWA, Inc.
  4. July Report and Invoice

c.CDM, Inc.

i.July Report and Invoice

d.Commercial Façade Improvement Program Report.

Action:Mr. Olesky made a motion to adopt the Consent Agenda, Chief Davis seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

G.Old Business.

a.Master Plan Update. Ms. Phillippi informed the Committee that the Master Plan had been conveyed to the Florida Department of Community Affairs as a Comprehensive Plan Amendment. A response is expected from DCA in mid-September and the Master Plan should be final sometime in January 2011.

b.Stormwater Master Plan

  1. Stormwater Detention Pond Land Purchase.

Mr. Muckel provided a status of the stormwater project. Ms. Phillippi provided a broad overview and plans to partner with SWFWMD.

Action:Mr. Olesky made a motion to recommend the purchase of the parcels at 9th and Eustis to the CRA for the purpose of a stormwater retention pond. Mr. Crews seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote.

  1. Ninth Street Plaza Update

Ms. Phillippi and Mr. Muckel provided an update on the cleaning up of the parcel, removal of the tower and plans for a chain link fence.

d.Airport Park Expansion Update

Ms. Phillippi informed the Committee that the entry road and much of the fencing at the park has been removed. The CCAA will reuse the fencing on another part of the airport. She also informed them that a Mr. Marvin Courtright has sent a letter of intent to build an aviation museum on the site where the park is located. Ms. Phillippi sent him a letter stating that the BCC and the CCAA intend to honor the lease agreement with the Park and Recreation Department. The park will be completed within 90 days.

e.County Code Enforcement Highlights

Mr. Kitchell Snow stated that the week end clean up on El Paso Drive in Immokalee resulted in 30.6 tons of refuge being removed from the community. He thanked Mr. Muckel and others who came to provide assistance.

H.New Business.

a.New CRA Advisory Board Vacancy.

Ms. Phillippi stated that the vacant position for the Advisory Committee is being advertized until July 29th and that anyone wishing to serve on the Committee can go on line to complete the application. Ms. Melissa Martinez has already completed an application.

b.Jackson Labs Endorser Meeting, July 27, 2010.

Attention was called to the meeting announcement in the packet for the meeting on July 27th. Five Advisory Committee members stated that they do not support the Jackson Labs deal. Ms. Phillippi reminded the Committee that they had voted to send a letter of support at their last meeting but that the discussion was very confusing. Mr. Wall stated that according to Roberts Rules of Order, only the person who made the motion can change it. Dick Rice made the motion and is on vacation. The issue was not resolved.

c.SW Florida Green Futures Expo and Energy Options Conference.

Mr. Muckel discussed the conference and stated that he and Dick Rice Attended last year. Mr. Muckel will attend again this year. Mr. Wall will attend for his employer.

d.2010 Brownfield Communities Network Conference.

Ms. Phillippi called the Committee’s attention to Enclosure 9 asking for approval to send Brad Muckel to the Conference.

Action:Mr. Crews made a motion to allow Mr. Muckel to attend the Brownfield Conference, Mr. Olesky seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote.

  1. Collier County MPO LRTP Meeting, July 28, 2010.

The up-coming meeting to discuss the Long Range Transportation Plan was discussed briefly. All members of the committee and the public were encouraged to attend.

  1. 2010 FRA Conference.

Mr. Phillippi announced the October FRA meeting, asked all members who wish to attend to leave their name with Ms. Betancourt as soon a possible. She asked for a recommendation to the CRA to ask approval for staff and Committee members to attend the FRA Conference.

Action:Mr. Crews made a motion to recommend to the CRA that staff and Committee members be approved for travel to the FRA Conference. Captain Davis seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote.

  1. Immokalee MSTU/CRA Memorandum of Understanding.

Mr. Muckel asked if it would be possible to draft a Memorandum of Understanding with the MSTU to clearly outline the responsibilities of each entity in the partnership for use with activities such as the banners, Christmas decorations and the Eddgrin James signs.

Action:Mr. Crews made a motion to instruct staff to draft a MOU with the MSTU for clarification purposes. Mr. Olesky seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote.

  1. Housing Condition Study

Ms. Phillippi and Mr. Snow discussed the possibility of partnering with the Immokalee Housing Collaborative to execute a comprehensive housing study and to bring back a proposal for the study.

Action:Mr. Crews made a motion to approve the concept of a Housing Study and to bring a proposal to the next meeting. Captain Davis seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote.

I.Citizen Comments.

J. Next Meeting August 18, 2010 at 8:30 A.M.

K.Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 A.M.