ILLuminati Entertainment Street Team Terms of Service and Contract

  1. All prospective members of the ILLuminati Street Team program must be at least thirteen (13) years of age.
  2. Members of the ILLuminati Street Team must be willing to perform several different tasks as they are directed by the ILLuminati Street Team Board.
  3. Participation in the ILLuminati Street Team Program is strictly voluntary, and therefore NO salary or minimum wage of any kind accompanies membership in the program.
  4. Although membership is voluntary, ILLuminati Entertainment does hold the right to deny any individual membership to the ILLuminati Street Team, providing that there is a clear or just reason, including the following:
  5. Unauthorized duplication on ILLuminati Entertainment material
  6. Over or undercharging for ILLuminati Entertainment material
  7. Actions that are deemed detrimental to ILLuminati Entertainment or other Street Team members
  8. The deliberate spread of false information to customers, other Street Team members, or the ILLuminati Street Team Board
  9. Any act deemed justifiable of termination by the ILLuminati Street Team Board
  10. All members of the ILLuminati Street Team can voluntarily terminate their service by contacting the ILLuminati Street Team Board, and they will suffer no penalization whatsoever.
  11. The ILLuminati Street Team Board can place suspend or terminate members for breach of contract, lack of activity (without justifiable reason), or any other reason deemed suitable by the ILLuminati Street Team Board.
  12. If a member is terminated for any of the infractions listed in provision four (4), he/she will not be eligible for reinstatement into the ILLuminati Street Team, however if a member is terminated due to lack of activity or leaves due to a temporary conflict of interests, he/she can be reinstated at a later time.
  13. Unless explicitly marked as promotional giveaways or incentives for Street Team membership, all items shipped to individual members are for sale and all profits should be returned to the ILLuminati Street Team Board.
  14. No member of the ILLuminati Street Team will sell items or merchandise above or below the price that has been initially set, unless they are specifically directed to do so by the ILLuminati Street Team Board; overcharging for merchandise will result in termination of membership; undercharging will result in the immediate payment of the difference to ILLuminati Entertainment.
  15. Each Street Team member will receive a basic package containing items that will be marked for either personal or promotional use; all items that are marked for promotional use can and will be asked to be returned upon termination of membership.
  16. Members of the ILLuminati Street Team may also be required to perform promotional work for other entities such as Morpheus Productions, SK Productions, etc.
  17. Each member will be assigned individual tasks to complete by the ILLuminati Street Team Board. These tasks will be determined by the member’s location, the members’ preference of task(s), the number of Street Team members in the vicinity, and the promotional necessities of ILLuminati Entertainment at the given time. All members do have basic duties, which include posting flyers and posters, distributing informational brochures/booklets, and the direct or indirect sale of ILLuminati Entertainment merchandise.